Board Meeting Minutes

MCTV Board Annual Meeting 2025 Agenda
Wednesday, Mar. 25, 2025
4:30 PM Town Offices Meeting Room

Business Meeting
Call to Order
Approve 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes
Adopt Budget
Elect 2 at-large board members
Other Business

MCTV Board Annual Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2024
Ilsley Library Community Room and Zoom

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), John McCright, John Murray, Len Rowell (trustee emeritus). Kurt Broderson, executive director. Dana Hart, Ilsley Library executive director. Zoom: Megan James, Farhad Khan (chair), Barb Wilson. Absent: Claire Tebbs.

Call to Order
The annual meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m.

Approval of Minutes of 2023 Annual Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Approval of 2024 Budget
The budget with estimated income of $163,620—with $134,466 coming from Comcast and $28,754 from the town of Middlebury—was approved. Expenses, mainly payroll at $135,951, total $176,951. The shortfall, $13,331, will be taken from the fund balance. Budget income does not include a $35,000 grant expected this year from the state legislature, part of a three-year program to help stations transition to a budget less reliant on cable company support.

Election of New Board Members
John McCright and John Murray were both elected as at-large members for three-year terms, 2024-27. John McCright replaces Megan James. John Murray was voted to a full-term after he replaced long-term board member Len Rowell, who retired in October.

Other Business
Finding a space for MCTV should the town approve a bond vote in May to renovate and expand Ilsley Library was deferred to the post-meeting discussion. New member John McCright, editor of The Addison Independent, said he was interested in how the newspaper and MCTV could collaborate on projects.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:23.

• • •

Post-Business Meeting Discussion

As in past years, Kurt presented a video highlighting the people, places, and programs of 2023. Following the video, the board discussed where and what kind of space MCTV would need should the town approve a May bond vote to renovate and expand Ilsley Library. Should the town approve the $17 million bond, Dana Hart, Ilsley Library director, expects construction would begin in the spring of 2025 and would take an estimated 56 weeks. During that time the library and MCTV would have to leave the building.

The National Bank of Middlebury has provided 4,000-square-feet of space in the first floor of the Lazarus Building that would be sufficient for the library’s key operations—nearly all books would be stored elsewhere.

Kurt has been investigating possible rental spaces, from a vacant office with multiple small rooms to a much larger space with a cavernous main room that is far greater than MCTV’s space needs. With a favorable bond vote, Kurt will begin the search in earnest, advertising in Front Porch Forum and consulting with the United Way.

Kurt has estimated the rental cost for 1,500-2,000 square feet of space for a year plus could be $50,000. That space, larger than the current studio and office in the third floor of Ilsley, would be sufficient for a studio and office and storage space. In an effort to reduce future storage space needs, Kurt, working with Middlebury College and the University of Vermont, has been digitizing boxes of old digital tapes. Ideally, the new space would be centrally located, highly visible, and within walking distance of the schools. Lacking that, another option would be to decentralize functions. Staff can do the administrative operations remotely in their homes.  Studio programs, such as interview programs which are essential to MCTV’s community mission, could be conducted elsewhere. While Middlebury schools have no free space, the town hall meeting room is permanently wired for recording and could be used as a studio, Kurt noted. The challenge, the board agreed, is that MCTV must be visible and not lose the program momentum that has been building since the end of Covid pandemic closures.

The discussion adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2025

Zoom: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), John McCright, John Murray, Claire Tebbs, Barb Wilson. Absent: Farhad Kahn, (chair).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.

Approve Minutes of February 11, 2025
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV continued to have a healthy fund balance, $162,636, which is approximately a year’s operating expenses.

2025 Budget
Kurt presented a spreadsheet breakdown of the proposed 2025 budget, $183,691, a $9,000 increase from the final 2024 expenses, $174,652. Comcast’s support, MCTV’s major revenue source, has recently been declining three to four percent a quarter. The cable company’s anticipated 2025 support, $115,885, is about $15,000 less than Comcast’s 2024 support.

The decrease will be covered by a withdrawal of $31,821 from MCTV’s fund balance. At least half of this shortfall should be offset by state support to help community television stations transition to new sources of revenue. In 2024, MCTV received $17,000 from the $1 million legislative appropriation. Kurt thought the station should receive a similar amount from this year’s $1.35 million appropriation. Payroll, $145,691, is the major budget expense. MCTV employees receive the 3.5 percent cost of living adjustment that library employees receive.

There are areas of potential savings during the year, such as dropping the rental of a one-room office. Both Kurt and Drew have found that they can work efficiently at home and don’t need an office. If MCTV does not renew the office lease in September, the station can save $650 a month. The station’s program guide, which runs on Comcast’s program menu, is another candidate for elimination. MCTV pays $3,000 for this service. Should Comcast’s support continue to decline, MCTV has two major options: charge for comprehensive coverage of school and select board meetings and underwriting. The town has increased its payment for coverage of town meetings from $5,000 to $6,000 in its 2025 budget. Kurt will be asking the school board to help offset the station’s costs in its extensive coverage of board meetings and school activities in its 2026 budget. The budget will be voted on at the annual meeting.

Annual Meeting 2025
4:30-6, Tuesday, March 25. Town Hall meeting room. There will be a short business meeting, but unlike previous years there will be no discussion of how MCTV can best cover the community. Instead, Kurt suggested that the annual meeting be moved to September—see bylaws—and that there be an Open House and program to celebrate the station’s scheduled fall 2026 move into new quarters in the expanded Ilsley Library.

By Law Update Proposal
MCTV’s 1997 bylaws, with the exception of two minor amendments in 2017 and 2023, have not been changed and are in need of revision. Bylaws stipulate a March annual meeting. Traditionally, board and members vote at the annual meeting to approve the budget that began January 1, three months earlier. Kurt recommended that the annual meeting and budget approval be moved to September, well before the budget takes effect January 1. Such timing coordinates better with town and school budget preparation.

Other Business
Barbara Doyle-Wilch will replace Claire Tebbs as the representative from the Ilsley Board. Claire will be working at the Center for Community Engagement at Middlebury College and urged MCTV to consider the center when seeking help. Barb, chair of the Addison Central School District board, said the board would like to move some meetings to local schools. Kurt and Barb agreed that there were technical challenges, such as sound quality, in broadcasting from schools. MCTV, without a studio during library construction, is now using the Bristol studio of Northeast Addison Television for interview programs. As community television stations face increasingly tight budgets, such cooperation could be a model for possible future consolidation and sharing of resources, Kurt said.

Next Meeting Date: April 8, 2025, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:10 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 11, 2025

Approve minutes of 2/11/24 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Budget 2025
Annual Meeting 2025
Bylaw Update Proposal
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Apr. 8, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2025

Zoom: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan (chair) John McCright, Barb Wilson. Absent: John Murray, Claire Tebbs.


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Approve Minutes of December 10, 2024
The minutes were approved.

Kurt provided an overview and comparison of the 2023 and 2024 calendar year budgets, noting that the long-anticipated decline in Comcast support finally happened in 2024. This $15,000 decline, about 10 percent of our $165,000 budget, is a dramatic change from the nearly consistent Comcast support during the previous three years. Comcast support makes up about 80 percent of the station’s budget. This decline was largely offset by MCTV’s $17,715 share of a $1 million legislative appropriation to help Vermont’s 24 community television stations replace declining cable revenue. The Vermont Access Network is asking for a $1.35 million appropriation in the 2025 legislative session. Continuing declines, given our already tight budgets, could necessitate reducing free program coverage. In the immediate future, MCTV remains in financial good health with a fund balance of $174,652 at the end of 2024.

Beyond tight budgeting, MCTV has two ways to increase revenue—diversify revenue and underwriting—Kurt said. The town currently pays MCTV $5,000 annually for our coverage of town government, such as gavel-to-gavel coverage of select board meetings and the annual meeting. Kurt has asked for an increase to $6,000 in MCTV’s 2025 fiscal year. Kurt has been discussing with school officials a similar payment for our extensive free coverage of school programs and board meetings. Barb, board chair of the Addison Central School District, noted that deliberations on budget requests begin early and that Kurt should present a 2027 request no later than the summer. Some VAN stations do have program underwriters mainly from the business community. MCTV has discussed underwriting in the past but has been deterred by the labor demands for negligible return. Kurt also provided an overview of our 2025 budget, which runs from January 1 to December 31. He will present a detailed 2025 budget at the March 11 board meeting. The board will vote on the budget at the annual meeting on March 26.

Annual Meeting
This year’s annual meeting will 4:30-6, March 25 in the town offices.

Updates: Press Release
MCTV will have no studio during the 18-month library reconstruction, but programming will continue and be more accessible than in the past, Kurt noted in a January news release to The Addison Independent. Cable channels 1071 and 1091 are now being streamed to MCTV YouTube Channel ( and are available to viewers without a cable subscription. Agenda items are now time-referenced and can be quickly accessed. “We are approaching our time out of the library as an opportunity rather than a problem. We hope to improve viewers’ experience with our content, and introduce more people to the great content produced here and around the state. We will continue to film events like Festival on the Green, and hope to maintain an active role in the community,” Kurt wrote.

Virtual Tour of Our YouTube Channel
The vast majority of MCTV’s viewers access programs through YouTube. Drew Darrow, our new production manager, has created a program overview that is easily searchable and navigable.

Other Business
Kurt will continue to monitor our space needs. Both Kurt and Drew are able to work remotely at home, and the station may not need our temporary, one-room Route 7 office. Not extending the lease, which runs out in September, would save $650 a month.

Next Meeting Date
March 11, 2025, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:07 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Feb. 11, 2025
Zoom Only

Approve minutes of 12/10/24 meeting
Budget 2025
Annual Meeting 2025
Updates: Press Release
Virtual Tour of our YouTube Channel
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Mar. 11, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Jan. 14, 2025
8:00 AM
Meeting postponed till February due to failure to reach a quorum

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 14, 2025
Studio & Zoom

Approve minutes of 12/10/24 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Updates: Press Release
Virtual Tour of our YouTube Channel
Budget Priorities 2025
Other Business
Next Meeting Date:  Feb. 11, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2014
Studio and Zoom

Studio: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), John McCright, John Murray. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan (chair), Barb Wilson. Absent: Claire Tebbs.


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.

Approve Minutes of November 12, 2024
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV had received its fourth-quarter cable revenue support, $28,786, from Comcast. The payment, about $1000 less than the third quarter, continues the declining support resulting from cable subscribers’ “cord cutting.” Comcast’s payments, about 70 percent of MCTV’s revenue, declined about $14,000 from FY 2023 to FY 2024. The operating fund balance, $145,696, and capital fund balance, $29,773, remain “very healthy,” roughly a year’s operating expenses. Taking advantage of end-of-the-year sales, Kurt purchased an additional camera to widen visual coverage and microphones to improve sound quality at select board meetings and school board meetings. Coverage of ACSD will now be a two-camera system. Taking advantage of Drew’s technical background, MCTV also bought a network drive system that will make the station’s extensive archive accessible from the station’s several locations during the library’s 18-month closure for reconstruction and expansion. These upgrades and a new audio mixer, cables, and hard drives for the studio cost about $2000.

Financial Outlook
MCTV received a $17,000 state appropriation this year to help community television stations replace declining cable revenue. The Vermont Access Network (VAN), the umbrella organization for the state’s 24 community television stations, sought this support in the last legislative session. VAN will request the state increase its support from $1 million to $1.35 million in the 2026 fiscal year, Kurt, president of the VAN board, said. Increasing the allocation will be difficult given the budget requests facing the 2025 legislature, Kurt said. MCTV currently receives a $5,000 allocation from the town to support our coverage of town meetings. MCTV does not charge the Addison Central School District (ACSD) for our extensive coverage of school activities and board meetings. Barb, chair of the ACSD board, will arrange a meeting of the board’s finance chair with Kurt to discuss financial support for MCTV in next year’s school budget.

Kurt and Drew have been “weeding out” studio equipment and files in preparation for moving next month to our temporary Route 7 office/conference room and to storage space in Vergennes. Some old equipment will be recycled. Still useful equipment will be sold. Some material will be thrown out. Some equipment and files have already been moved to the two locations. Kurt will provide a schedule to the board—members have offered to help—when moving dates have been set.

Other Business
During the 18-month-long library construction, MCTV will have to be creative in finding venues for studio programs, such as Dave Sharpe’s Sharpe Takes and Len Rowell’s Story Matters. Among the possible venues are meeting rooms at the town office, our Route 7 office conference room, Town Hall Theater, and on-site, such as the interviewer’s or interviewee’s home or office. Kurt will write a news release for The Addison Independent with details of our move and information on accessing all our programs on YouTube for non-cable subscribers.

Next Meeting Date
January 14, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:01 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 10, 2024
Studio & Zoom

Approve minutes of 11/12/24 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Outlook
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Jan. 14, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2024
Studio and Zoom 

Studio: Kurt Broderson (Executive Director), Drew Darrow (Production Coordinator). George Bellerose (secretary), John Murray. Zoom:  Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), John McCright, Barb Wilson. Absent:  Farhad Khan (chair), Claire Tebbs.


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 8:20.

Meet Drew
Drew Darrrow, formerly IT Systems Coordinator/Broadcast Engineer at CCTV in Burlington, began work as Production Coordinator on November 5. He replaces Jim Corbett, who resigned and moved to Massachusetts. Drew, a 2009 graduate of Middlebury High School, “hit the ground running” and will bring valuable systems development experience. This background will be helpful when MCTV, the library, and town hall integrate their communication infrastructure as part of the library’s renovation and expansion. In reviewing MCTV’s operating system, Drew did not see the need for massive upgrades, except for a new server, when the station anticipates transitioning to HD transmission in the summer of 2026.

 Approve Minutes of September 10, 2024
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that as of October 31, MCTV had a healthy fund balance of $161,207 consisting of an operating fund balance of $131,407 and a capital fund balance of $29,800. This balance roughly represents a year’s operating expenses. Kurt reported that MCTV had recently received the town’s annual allocation, $5,000, to help support the station’s coverage of town meetings.

Prior to the meeting, Kurt reported that he is developing a presentation for the Addison Central School District board illustrating the many free programs, beyond board meeting coverage, that MCTV provides. Barb, ACSD board chair, noted that next year’s budget preparations had begun and he should meet with the board as soon as possible. Kurt is also preparing a similar presentation for the select board in seeking a greater town contribution for MCTV’s programming.     

Financial Outlook
The good news of a healthy fund balance will be partially offset by the $14,000 decline in Comcast’s support in the past year, Kurt reported. This is a 10 percent decline in cable revenue from 2023 to 2024, bringing MCTV back to our 2014 revenue, when expenses were much lower. Cable revenue currently accounts for about 70 percent of MCTV’s total revenue. This bad, but not unexpected, news will be offset by MCTV receiving a $17,000 state appropriation this year to help community television stations replace the declining cable revenue. The Vermont Access Network (VAN), the umbrella organization for the state’s 24 community television stations, sought this support in the last legislative session. VAN will request the state increase its support from $1 million to $1.35 million in the 2026 fiscal year, Kurt, the president of the VAN board, said. To justify this support and future increases, Kurt reported that VAN stations are exploring how to expand service to underserved areas. Comcast cable is only available in Middlebury and parts of Weybridge and not in surrounding communities like Cornwall and Bridport. However, nearly all viewers access MCTV programs through YouTube and non-cable communities should be alerted to this option, the board agreed.

Brainstorming Session: Time out of the library
This topic was mainly covered under other agenda items. Part of this potentially quieter time will be devoted to be looking for time-saving system efficiencies which will create time for new programs.       

Other Business
Dave Sharpe, past chairman of the House Education Committee, will begin an interview program, tentatively named Sharpe Takes, this month. He will interview a cross-section of education leaders, on the many challenges facing education today. Drew, who moderated forums at CCTV, said he would be interested in similar programs at MCTV. Kurt reported that he is exploring with library staff and the construction company documentation of the 18-month-long library construction.

Next Meeting: December 10, 2024. 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:19 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 12, 2024
Studio & Zoom

Meet Drew
Approve minutes of 9/10/24 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Outlook
Brainstorming Session: Time out of the library
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Dec. 10, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Oct. 8, 2024
New Office (2337 S. Rt. 7) and Zoom

No quorum.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct.  8, 2024
New Office (2337 S. Rt. 7) and Zoom

Approve minutes of 9/10/24 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Brainstorming Session: Time out of the library
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Nov. 12, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting
September 10, 2024
Studio and Zoom 

Studio: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Farhad Khan (chair), John McCright, John Murray. Zoom: George Bellerose (secretary), Barb Wilson. Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Claire Tebbs.  Guests: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director), studio; Len Rowell, emeritus board member, zoom.


Call to Order
Farhad called the meeting to order at 8:06.

Approve Minutes of July 10, 2024
The secretary was absent. There were no notes.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported that the fund balance was a healthy $163,586, roughly a year’s operating expenses, with a $17,000 appropriation coming from the state to help offset the declining contributions from cable companies. The 2024 legislature approved a $1 million addition to the budget of the Secretary of State’s office recognizing community television’s role as part of “essential services” in Vermont.  MCTV’s share is based on its revenue decline from 2022 to 2023,  total population served, as well as a minimum amount received by each of the 24 community media centers. Kurt noted that Comcast’s support has declined in three of the last four quarters after years of small, but steady growth. Should the trend continue, Comcast’s support, which makes up about 80 percent of MCTV’s budget, could decline by as much as 20 percent in a single year.

Relocation Plans
Kurt reported that efforts to lease space in the vacant Aubuchon store had fallen through. Kurt is now investigating several small, non-commercial office spaces as temporary space during the year-long Ilsley renovation. The good news is that the library, with the expected approval of the Ilsley board and the select board, has found 4,000 square feet of free storage space in Vergennes. Some of that space will be available to meet MCTV’s need for storage of non-essential equipment and archived material, Kurt said. Ideally, the equipment can be moved in one shot with the help of groups, such as the high school football team and the Middlebury College Engagement Program, Kurt said. MCTV can use its third-floor Ilsley studio through January but will begin moving equipment to Vergennes in October-November, Kurt said. Kurt is now investigating possible spaces for the children and young adult programs now offered at the library. Possibilities include Mary Hogan School, the middle school and high school, and the rec center.

Financial Outlook
Comcast’s long-term support is the $64,000 question. The November third-quarter payment should provide more information on the recent decline in support, Kurt noted. The hopeful news. Comcast is the only cable option in the Middlebury area with its older user base not as likely to cut the cord, Kurt said. Should the cuts increase dramatically, MCTV, which budgets frugally, has few options to make up the loss of Comcast’s support. Fund raising and program sponsorship are labor intensive and not big money makers.  Charging for coverage has long been a better option; the Town of Middlebury budgets $5,000 for MCTV’s coverage of town meetings. Barb Wilson will meet with the Addison Central Supervisory Union business manager to discuss a similar arrangement. Kurt is planning to meet with the ACSD board to discuss MCTV’s extensive coverage of meetings and school activities. MCTV will end the 2024 budget year in a “solid position.” However, if Comcast’s support should continue to decline, MCTV would have to consider eliminating programs and reducing staff and staff hours, Kurt said. He has discussed this worst-case possibility with Jim and Kathy. Ultimately, only the state has the regulatory authority and budget resources to fully replace diminished cable company support, Kurt said.

Other Business
Dana reported that library reconstruction will begin in the spring and should be completed, if all goes well, by July 2026. Kurt said he had begun to play with layouts. He is deferring major equipment purchases, such as replacement of aging servers, until the move is complete. Len is continuing his “Story Matters” with forthcoming programs on music and the art of storytelling.

Executive Session
The board met to discuss personnel.

9:12 a.m.

Next Meeting
October 8, 2024: 8 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept. 10, 2024
Studio and Zoom 

Treasurer’s Report
Relocation Plans
Financial Outlook
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Oct.8, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

No meeting was held in August, 2024

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2024
Studio & Zoom

In the absence of the board secretary, no minutes were taken. Minutes of Jun 12, 2024 were approved.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 10, 2024
Studio & Zoom

Approve Minutes of June 12, 2024 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Relocation Plans
Summer Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Sept.11, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2024
Studio and Zoom 

 Studio: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Farhad Khan (chair), John McCright, John Murray, Claire Tebbs. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer). Absent: Barb Wilson


Call to Order
Farhad called the meeting to order at 8:08.

Approve Minutes of April 10, 2024
The minutes were approved. The May meeting was cancelled.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that Comcast’s May quarterly payment, $31,037, was a slight increase after 6% and 3% declines the past two quarters. Kurt said he did not anticipate a dramatic falloff in Comcast support because of cord cutting but did foresee a  decline. MCTV’s budget balance is a healthy $185,832 with an operating balance of $155,933 and a capital balance of $29,899.  Kurt said there were no major expenditures in the pipeline. There will be a purchase of a new camera, roughly $1,600-$1,800, which is part of rotational replacement of the station’s six cameras. Cameras generally have a working life of 5-10 years. MCTV’s programming does not require the latest and fanciest cameras and existing cameras can often be tweaked to keep up with changes.

Memorial Day Parade Review/School Graduations
MCTV did not have our “You’re on TV” truck bed float this year as Kurt was away. John McCright and George carried MCTV’s new 10′ by 3′ banner with elan that included 360-degree spins and John’s one-handed i-Phone parade documentation. One problem. Jim filmed the parade from the first floor of the town hall and did not always have a clear view of the parade over the moving audience.  Kurt will look for a higher vantage point for next year’s parade. MCTV filmed Middlebury Union High School’s (MUHS) graduation and filmed the awards ceremony for the first time. MCTV will also be filming Mary Hogan’s 5th grade graduation and Middlebury Union Middle School’s 8th grade graduation.

Dick Thodal/MCTV Memorial Scholarship
Milo Rees, a senior honor student at MUHS and a past participant in MCTV summer camps, received the first Dick Thodal Memorial Scholarship. The criteria for the $1,000 scholarship, named after Dick Thodal, the station’s longtime executive director, includes post-high school interest in video and film production. Rees intends to major in film and English at Williams College. He was chosen by the awards committee at MUHS. MCTV will have plaques honoring scholarship recipients and Dick at its studio in the new library.

Legislative Session Review
“Big success!” was Kurt’s summary of this year’s legislative session. Many of Vermont’s 24 community television stations have faced significant drops in Comcast support because of cord cutting. For the past three years, support from federal Covid relief money, as well as one-time funding from the Vermont legislature, from $25,000 to $45,000 per station, has helped offset this decline, most severe in the larger stations. This one-time support has ended and the legislature has allocated $1 million in on-going funding to the Vermont Access Network, the umbrella organization for the community stations. How this ongoing support from the general fund will be divided is still to be decided, Kurt, the new president of VAN’s board of directors, said. MCTV should receive its share, most likely less than the previous years, in the fall, Kurt thought. One long-term, funding solution—charging streaming and content providers for use of public infrastructure, such as telephone poles—proposed by a legislative study committee was not supported by the legislature, Kurt said.

Summer Plans
Coverage of the annual Festival on the Green, July 7-13, will highlight the summer’s programming. This coverage is MCTV’s marquee event. As in the past, MCTV will offer three, possibly four, weeklong summer camps in film making and lego robotics for students in grades 4+. Enrollment in this summer’s camps, co-sponsored with the library, has been much lower than the normal 10-12 students. Kurt did not know the reason for the decline.

Relocation Plans
Dana Hart, director of Ilsley Library, and Kurt are continuing to explore using the vacant Aubuchon store on Court Street as a second site to house the library’s book collection and programs. Ideally, MCTV could continue to share space with the library during the year-long construction of the new library. Both the library and MCTV hope to find and move into temporary quarters, well before construction of the new library scheduled to begin next February, Kurt said.

Other Business
Kurt reported that he met with Wendy Baker, the new superintendent of the Addison Central School District, and explained MCTV’s school coverage and our interest in expanding coverage of school programs and student life. Claire, a member of the Ilsley board, reported that the library is planning a 100th anniversary celebration of its founding for the end of September. Among the many ideas for the celebration: photographs/films of Middlebury in the 1920s; stations representing all the organizations and people that use the library; interviews with library users on what the library means to them; and, of course, cake. Send ideas to Claire. George reported that Sen. Chris Bray is interested in a Betty Nuovo-type program where he would interview candidates for office and discuss issues before the legislature with legislators and other public officials. The program would begin in the fall. The board will discuss moving the Wednesday meeting time to another day at the request of John McCright, editor of The Addison Independent. John noted that Wednesday is a very busy deadline day at the paper. The board will discuss a possible change at its July 10 meeting.

Next Meeting Date
July 10, 2024, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:05 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 12, 2024
Studio and Zoom

Approve Minutes of Apr. 10, 2024 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Memorial Day Parade Review
Dick Thodal/MCTV Memorial Scholarship
Legislative Session Review
Summer Plans
Relocation Plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: July 10, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

May 8 Meeting Canceled due to Scheduling Conflict

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2024

Present: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), John McCright, John Murray, Claire Tebbs, Barb Wilson. Absent: Farhad Khan (chair). Guests: Len Rowell (emeritus trustee)


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:04.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that the fund balance of $183,139, after few expenditures in March, remained relatively unchanged. The operating fund balance is $156,882. The capital fund balance is $26,257. Comcast payments in the last two quarters have declined by six and three percent. The first quarter 2024 payment in May will help determine if these declines are a blip or indicative of subscriber cord cutting, Kurt noted.

Vermont Alliance Network Annual Meeting
MCTV will be the host of the annual meeting of 24 VAN stations at the college’s Kirk Alumni Center on May 3. The morning session is devoted to VAN’s business meeting and an update on legislative and national developments. The afternoon session will have a technology-focused breakout group and a second group that will discuss an issue, to be decided, that affects all stations.

Memorial Day Parade
MCTV will not have our “You’re on TV” truck bed float this year as Kurt will be away. Jim will film the parade, which will be live streamed. Kurt will investigate creating a new MCTV banner that board members—John McCright and George have volunteered— could carry as part of Ilsley’s parade group. Kurt will investigate having program producers, such as Tiger TV, be part of the parade.

Other Business
Kurt will be analyzing the past year’s MCTV programming data and will present findings at a future board meeting. Kurt and Dana will be looking at the vacant Aubuchon store space as a possible location for some library programs and MCTV during the year-long construction of a new library. The move is contingent on Middlebury residents approving a $17 million bond at a May 7 vote. Kurt will speak with the guidance counselor at Middlebury Union High School about awarding a Dick Thodal scholarship for a student interested in video/media creation. Barb and George will help as needed.

Executive Session
Not needed.

8.25 a.m.

Next Meeting
May 8, 8 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Apr. 10, 2024
Zoom Only

Approve Minutes of Mar. 13, 2024 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
VAN Annual Meeting 5/3/24
Memorial Day
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: May 8, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2024
MCTV Studio and Zoom 

Present: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Claire Tebbs. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Barb Wilson. Absent: Farhad Khan (chair) John Murray. Guests: Len Rowell (emeritus trustee), John McCright.


Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 8:04.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported that Comcast’s quarterly contributions, which have been stable or have slightly increased in recent years, have declined in the last two quarters, by six percent and three percent. MCTV has not had the decreases in Comcast support from subscribers’ “cord cutting” that have faced other community television stations. Comcast’s May quarterly payment will provide more information on the size of future support.                        

Library Capital Campaign Donation
Kurt has signed a letter of intent pledging $25,000 toward Ilsley Library’s renovation and expansion project. The pledge would be paid over four years. In acknowledging the pledge Dana Hart, library director wrote:MCTV is one of our closest partners and strongest advocates. I am grateful that sharing space allows us to support each other’s missions. I am also aware of the many challenges your organization faces in the third-floor space. I am optimistic that in a few years’ time we will be operating out of a much-improved building! The groundwork required to get to this point was significant, and I appreciate the board’s willingness to work with me throughout this process.”

2024 Budget
The board approved a 2024 budget with estimated income of $163,620 with $134,466 coming from Comcast and $28,754 from the town of Middlebury. Expenses, mainly payroll at $135,951, total $176,951. The shortfall, $13,331, will be taken from the fund balance.  Budget income does not include a $35,000 grant expected this year from the state legislature, part of a three-year program to help stations transition to a budget less reliant on cable company support. Final budget approval will be at the March 21 annual meeting.

Annual Meeting
March 21 from 5 to 6:30 in the town offices. Makeup day is March 28. The business meeting will be followed a discussion of where MCTV could relocate should the town vote to approve a $17-million bond to renovate and expand the library. If the bond is approved, construction would start in the spring of 2025 and last an estimated 56 weeks. Kurt, based on investigation of potential rental spaces, has estimated that cost for 1,500-2,000 square feet of space could be $50,000.

Other Business
MCTV will be the host of the annual meeting of the 24-member Vermont Alliance Network. The daylong meeting, May 3, will be at Middlebury College’s Kirk Center.

Next Meeting Date:
May 8, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:52.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 13, 2024

Approve Minutes of Feb. 14, 2024 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Library Capital Campaign donation
Budget 2024
Annual Meeting: 3/21/24
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Apr. 10, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2024
MCTV Studio and Zoom 

Present: Kurt Broderson (executive director), George Bellerose (secretary), Farhad Khan (chair), Megan James. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Barb Wilson. Absent: John Murray, Claire Tebbs. Guests: Zoom, Dana Hart (IPL Director), John McCright.

Call to Order
Farhad called the meeting to order at 8:11.

Guest Introduction
John McCright, editor of The Addison Independent, a possible replacement for outgoing board member Megan James, attended.

Library Update
Dana reported that the architectural firm had updated the design boards based on community and staff comments. The boards with more detailed renderings are now displayed in the library and are available on the library’s website. A full rendering of MCTV’s second floor studio will be completed should townspeople approve the May 7 bond vote. The select board has approved a bond of up to $17 million, with about $1 million set aside to cover inflation and contingencies. About half of bond will be covered by a $6 million capital campaign and $2.5 million in state and federal grants. In good and unexpected news, the select board has agreed to apply up to $250,000 per year from the Cross Street Bridge option tax surplus toward the new library should bond vote be approved, Dana reported. Over the 20-year life of the bond, the select board would allocate $4 million toward bond repayment. This would reduce taxpayers’ share of the bond to roughly $4 million. That contribution is a “wonderful show of (select board) support,” Dana noted. Construction will not begin until the $8 million private contribution has been raised, Dana said. The silent phase of the capital campaign has begun and Dana has shifted her energies to that task. Should funding be secured construction would begin in the spring of 2025. During the estimated 56-week construction period, the library would move key services to the first floor of the National Bank of Middlebury’s Duclos Building, Dana said. Regrettably, the 4,000-square-foot area would not have space for MCTV.

Approve Minutes of December 13, 2023 meeting
The minutes were approved. The January board meeting was cancelled because of severe storm damage, i.e., power outages.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and the board have long been concerned that Comcast’s support, about 80 percent of the budget, will decline as cable subscribers “cut the cord” and find cheaper non-cable options to access programs. MCTV, unlike other community television stations where cable subscribers have many other choices, has generally received small annual increases. That trend appears to be ending with the last two quarter payments a combined $3,000 less than the quarterly payments of the previous year. While this reduction is not life threatening, MCTV must seek savings throughout the budget in anticipation of further reductions, Kurt said. See 2024 budget for further discussion.

Library Capital Campaign Donation
The board wholeheartedly approved a $25,000 donation to the Ilsley 100 Project Fund Drive. Board members agree that MCTV’s close program partnerships with Ilsley are of great mutual benefit. The pledge will be taken from MCTV’s sizable, rainy-day fund balance of $191,000. Kurt and Dana also urged individual board members to support the drive, at whatever level. Such support would be helpful in seeking the support of other community members.

2024 Budget
MCTV has always budgeted frugally and next year’s budget continues that trend, Kurt noted in a line-item comparison of the 2023 and 2024 budgets. The 2024 budget estimates income at $163,620 with $134,466 coming from Comcast and $28,754 from the town of Middlebury. Expenses, mainly payroll at $135,951, total $176,951. The shortfall, $13,331, will be taken from the fund balance.  Budget income does not include a $35,000 grant expected this year from the state legislature, part of a three-year program to help stations transition to a budget less reliant on cable company support. The legislature is now considering fees and taxes on technology companies who do not pay to use public infrastructure. Kurt pointed out that small cuts, such as in conference travel and supplies, are possible but cutting payroll is the only way to make major budget cuts. This year’s budget calls for 3 percent salary increases, the same as the library. Should MCTV face drastic cuts in Comcast support— not immediately likely as local Comcast subscribers are older and not cord cutters— the station would have to consider reducing staff hours and programs.  On the revenue side, some community stations have sought underwriting for programs. Such fund raising is labor intensive and would reduce the time he can spend on programs, Kurt said. A better option would be to charge other town departments for coverage. Middlebury currently pays MCTV $5,000 annually for gavel-to-gavel coverage of town government, such as the select board and annual town meetings. MCTV provides comprehensive coverage of school activities—school board meetings, graduation, plays, sports, Tiger TV— at no charge. Barb, chair of the Addison Central School District board, noting the very tight school budgets, asked what MCTV might charge. Kurt thought in the $5,000-$10,000 range. Looking to 2025 and beyond, MCTV faces some major expenses. Beyond the $25,000 pledge to the library fund campaign, Kurt estimated that temporary location costs could run to $50,000. The four-year, $15,000 server maintenance contract runs out in 2027 and a new server may be needed after 2030. The board will vote on the 2024 budget at its March 13 meeting with a final approval at the March 21 annual meeting.

Temporary Location
Kurt is continuing his search for space for MCTV during the year-long construction of the new library. Finding a temporary home that combines sufficient space with a visible, high-traffic location at an affordable rent is a challenge.

Annual Meeting
March 21 from 5 to 6:30 in the town offices. Makeup day is March 28.

Other Business

Next Meeting Date: March 13, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:03 a.m


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Feb. 14, 2024

Guest introduction
Library Update
Approve Minutes of Dec. 13, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Library Capital Campaign donation
Budget 2024
Temporary Location
Annual Meeting
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Mar. 13, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 10, 2024

Approve Minutes of Dec. 13, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Meeting
Library Update: Bond vote May
Temporary Location
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Feb. 14, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Dec. 13, 2023
Town Offices & Zoom

Present: Kurt Broderson (executive director), John Murray;. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Claire Tebbs, Barb Wilson, Farhad Khan (chair), Megan James. Guest: Dana Hart (IPL Director), Len Rowell

Call to Order
Farhad called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. Technical difficulties required in-person attendees to move from the Town Offices to the MCTV Studio.

Approve Minutes of September 13, 2023 
Barb moved, and Glenn seconded, to approve the minutes. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
We had excellent revenue this month, as we received the Q3 check from Comcast (Op: $25,788.65 and Cap: $6447.26 for a total of $32,235.91) as well as our FY24 payment from the State of Vermont for $35,0000. The board previously approved renewing the maintenance contract with Telvue for $15,113.26. Our balance is: Operating: $168,737.47; Capital:  $22,562.64;for a Total: $191,300.11

Presentation to ACSD Board
Barb will discuss with ACSD Executive Committee to put on an agenda for a future meeting.

Annual Meeting Date
Annual Meeting will be Thursday, 3/21 from 5:00 to 6:30, with a makeup day of 3/28. Kurt will reserve the meeting room in the Town Offices.

Voting for Board Members at Annual Meeting
John is finishing out Len’s term, so will be up for election at the annual meeting. Megan will be stepping off the board at the annual meeting, so that position will be open. George and Glenn were reelected last year, so their terms expire in 2026.

Library Update
Dana presented the plans so far.

Temporary Location
Kurt has started to think about locations. Kurt asked board members to help identify spaces and people to contact. He will continue to contact owners and agents. Kurt brought up an out-of-the-box solution of renting his old house to MCTV. Discussed need to identify priorities. Glenn brought up Hannaford Career Center and Clint Bierman’s recording studio. Megan noted using that “out-of-the-box” phrasing and approaching our move as an opportunity for increased activity and visibility. Aubuchon location would be great for visibility, lots of traffic. Claire noted that the library will also be looking for spaces, and how we might share spaces. Claire seconded Megan’s thought about looking at this as an opportunity. Claire talked about signage and consistency of messaging.

Other Business
Kurt discussed the Telvue support contract, as well as the increased price of the Gracenote contract.

Next Meeting Date
Jan. 10, 8:00 AM MCTV Studio and Zoom

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:16 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 13, 2023
Town Offices & Zoom

Approve Minutes of Oct. 11, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Presentation to ACSD Board
Annual Meeting Date?
Voting for Board Members at Annual Meeting
Library Update?
Temporary Location
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Jan. 10, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

No board meeting Nov. 2023 due to scheduling conflict

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2023
Town Hall Conference Room and Zoom

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Kurt Broderson (executive director), Megan James, Farhad Khan (chair), John Murray, Len Rowell. Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Claire Tebbs, Barb Wilson.

Call to Order
Farhad called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Approve Minutes of September 13, 2023 
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV’s operating balance as of August 31 is $164,057 with an operating fund balance of $143,745 and capital fund operating balance of $20,314. The balance includes Comcast’s second quarter payment of $34,293, several hundred dollars higher than the same quarter last year. There were no major purchases. The largest expenses, totaling $5,500, were podcast tables for John McCright’s forthcoming podcast club and a new LEGO robot.

Appoint Board Member
The board appointed John Murray to fill the term of Len Rowell until the March annual meeting. Len, a member of the board for 20 years, many of those as chair, is retiring but will continue to produce “The Story Matters.” In recognition of his many contributions, the board created a new position, board member emeritus.

Upcoming Architect Meeting
MCTV and other library users have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to shape the design of a new Ilsley Library in upcoming meetings with the architectural and construction team, Wiemann Lamphere Architects and ReArch Construction. Toward that end, the design-build team is asking users for their “must have” elements in the new library. MCTV will meet with the team on October 26 from 3:30-4:15. Kurt asked the board to be both practical and aspirational in their recommendations. At the top of the list in the 30-minute-plus discussion was studio visibility and more space. MCTV’s current third-floor studio is not visible and has only one entrance. Fire department code thus limits the studio’s capacity to five people. Similarly, the popular children’s programs are in the library’s cramped children’s library in the basement.

The team’s initial design calls for a two-story library with the studio on the second floor. The board’s list included:

  • The studio is an educational space for the community and is vital part of a multi-media library. A glass wall would enable library goers to see MCTV in action, i.e., the control desk, interview programs, video camps for grade schoolers.
  • The studio should be close to the children’s section. 
  • Have visible exhibit/working space and a bank of monitors that loop programs, such as Tiger TV, Festival on the Green, select and school board coverage, Memorial Day parade.
  • The Public Media Lab should not be part of the studio so that it is open during library hours.
  • Practical concerns include much higher ceilings to improve lighting options; more office and storage space; distance from noisy infrastructure; cable connections to library meeting rooms. 
  • The design team is aiming to have a detailed design in the next six months which would allow a May 2024 bond vote. Should the bond be approved, the library and MCTV would have to move to temporary quarters during the year-long construction. 

Other Business
Kurt discussed a technical glitch that briefly allowed the sound of an executive session of the school board to be broadcast. A checklist has been set up to silence any live microphones in the future. Len is continuing his work on a series of programs on the hospice program that has been integrated into Porter Hospital services. George reported that he has been unsuccessful in finding producers to restart interview programs cancelled by Covid. His efforts continue.

Next Meeting Date
November 8, 2023

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:19 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct. 11, 2023
Town Offices & Zoom

Approve Minutes of Sept. 13, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Appoint Board Member
Upcoming Architect Meeting
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Nov. 8, 8:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2023
Town Hall Meeting Room and Zoom 

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Kurt Broderson (executive director), Farhad Khan (chairperson), Len Rowell. Zoom: Megan James, Barb Wilson. Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Claire Tebbs. Guest: John Murray.

Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 8:13 a.m.

Approve Minutes of July 12, 2023 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported that Comcast’s quarterly payments show no signs of “cord cutting” with users, at least in MCTV’s area, switching en masse to cheaper streaming options. The second quarter payment, $34.293, is several hundred dollars higher than the previous year. Longer term, a legislative committee is continuing to study other fees, such as charging cable and other audiovisual companies for their use of public infrastructure, such as telephone poles. Kurt said he did not expect a funding bill would be ready before the 2025 legislative session. To help Vermont’s 24 community television stations plan for the expected dramatic reduction in cable company support, the legislature has funded grants to each station: $25,000 in 2022 and a slight increase in 2023. Kurt said he expected 2024 and 2025 payments would be smaller.  The payments will largely be used to cover expenses in moving the station should townspeople approve the construction of a new library.

Middlebury College Visit
As part of freshmen orientation, about 15 college students visited the studio on September 8 and used studio equipment to interview each other for podcasts on their initial College experiences. Kurt said he hoped that the first such visit could lead to work-study students being assigned to station projects, such as digitizing 4,000 VHS tapes.

Summer Wrap
The Festival on the Green, despite rainy weather that required cancelling and moving some concerts indoors, was another success. Kurt’s mid-summer hip replacement was also a success as were two, youth media camps at Ilsely.

Other Business
Kurt reported that he is considering a retrospective on Betty Nuovo, long-time Middlebury state representative and host of a popular, long-running interview program on public affairs. The program would include clips from her interviews.

Len is continuing his wide-ranging interviews in his The Story Matters program. Recent additions to his 70-plus interviews over the past decade include interviews with volunteers in Porter Hospital’s new Palliative Support Services program and conversations with his Gorham Lane storytelling neighbors. Len, who turns 90 next August, is also considering a series where his fellow 90-year-olds reflect on their long lives.

John Murray, who recently retired to the Middlebury area after a career as a teacher of broadcast production and director of media services at a Connecticut community college, attended the meeting. John is a member of Friends of Ilsley Library and has volunteered at Festival on the Green. He would replace Len, a board member for two decades, who would like to resign from the board to concentrate on his story-telling programs.

John McCright, editor of The Addison Independent, is planning on using the studio for his pod casting club.

Next Meeting
Oct. 11, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:02 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept. 13, 2023
Town Offices & Zoom

Approve Minutes of July 12, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Middlebury College Visit
Summer Wrap Up
Fall Plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 13, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

No Board Meeting Aug. 2023: Summer Break


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2023
MCTV Studio and Zoom

Present: Farhad Khan (chairperson), Claire Tebbs, Kurt Broderson (executive director). Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Barb Wilson, and Len Rowell. Absent: George Bellerose, Megan James

Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9:07.

Approve Minutes of April 13, 2023 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt explained travel expenses related to attendance at the annual conference of the Alliance for Community Media in Brooklyn. Glenn noted the overall fund balance is $161,661.51, with $141,666.17 in the Operating Fund and $19,995.34 in the Capital Fund.

Festival on the Green
Festival on the Green, MCTV’s marquee event, began inauspiciously with a rain cancellation Sunday night, but opened with an indoor show at St. Stephen’s Church Monday night, returning to the green for Tuesday. We have a good group of volunteers this year.

Charter House
In conversation with Len, Heidi Lacey, the Executive Director of the Charter House, indicated some concern regarding interviewees and legal matters. Len was unsure whether MCTV had a policy on this type of topic. MCTV does not have a policy regarding what topics are/are not suitable. Kurt and Len will follow up with Heidi to understand her concern better.

Monthly Meeting Time
Board decided to move meeting to 8:00 AM, second Wed. of the month. Also discussed recruiting new board members. Claire’s new job will involve work with the Center for Community Engagement at the College, which may assist with recruiting board members with ties to the college. Also suggested announcement at Festival on the Green. Glenn will follow up with Festival organizers. Margie Bekoff and Jim Morse, long-time MCTV and Festival volunteers, might be interested in being on the board. The Town has a list-serve which could include a note about serving on the MCTV board. Len mentioned that CSAC has a new procedure for nominating board members, and to contact Sarah Audet for more info. Better Middlebury Partnership and the United Way were also suggested.

Other Business
Discussed the Ilsley 100Project meetings for Ilsley staff, board and Ilsley 100 team members. Also mentioned ceiling leaks.

Next Meeting
Sept. 13, 8 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:38 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 12, 2023
MCTV Studio & Zoom

Approve Minutes of June 14, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Festival on the Green (July 9-14)
Charter House
Monthly meeting time
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 13, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2023
Town Office Meeting Room and Zoom

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Farhad Khan (chairperson), Kurt Broderson (executive director). Zoom: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, and Len Rowell. Absent: Barb Wilson, Claire Tebbs

Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9:03.

Approve Minutes of April 13, 2023 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and Glenn reported that the budget and fund balance continued to be in very good shape. Comcast’s first quarter payment of $34,919, is about $1,000 larger than the last year’s payment. The operating and capital fund balance of $176,555 declined about $10,000 from April’s balance of $186,662. The drop reflects the purchase of six, new MacBook Pro laptops to be used in youth media programs and summer camps. Maintaining a healthy fund balance is critical as MCTV could face significant moving expenses should the town go forward with the renovation of the library, Kurt and Glenn cautioned.

High Definition
Comcast has begun upgrading transmission from standard to high definition in three of the twenty-four community television stations in the state, Kurt reported. The upgrade was a stipulation of the Public Utility Commission in renewing Comcast’s Certificate of Public Good operating license three years ago. Kurt said he expected that Comcast would upgrade MCTV to high definition, the industry standard, next year. While MCTV is set up for HD transmission now, Kurt said he did not know how long it would take Comcast to upgrade its transmission infrastructure.

Federal Legislation
The Vermont Access Network, the organization representing the state’s 24 community stations, is carefully monitoring legislation recently introduced in the House. The legislation would preempt municipalities’ right to charge fees for the use of public right of ways by cable companies. Should the legislation (H.3547) pass, Comcast might not be required to support community television, now required by its state operating license, an existential threat to MCTV, Kurt noted.

Festival on the Green
The annual music festival, MCTV’s most popular program, is scheduled for July 9-14. Volunteers are welcome, Kurt said.

Programming 2022 Review/Annual Report
What does MCTV cover in its public, educational, and government programming? How many hours of programming do we produce in house? How many hours of programming do we import from other stations? How many people watch MCTV programs on cable channels? How many access programs through YouTube?  Those were some the questions that Kurt answered in a detailed Keynote presentation for the board, based on data submitted in the Rule 8 Annual Report to Comcast, the Public Utility Commission, and the Vermont Access Network. Key findings in this first comprehensive program report: MCTV has prided itself on its extensive local coverage, but the station is the largest importer of programs from Vermont Media Exchange, which distributes programs from other community stations. The majority of these 856 hours is coverage of governmental activities in Montpelier. Locally, MCTV covered 29 select board meetings and produced 287 hours of educational programming, which included coverage of school board meetings but also school plays, Tiger TV and graduation. Nielsen does not track viewership of non-commercial programming, such as MCTV’s. However, the overwhelming majority of viewers undoubtedly watch MCTV on YouTube, Kurt said. YouTube, which does track viewership, has several advantages; it allows viewers to access programs at any time and not just at the fixed times of the cable television schedule. Events such as the annual town meeting, select board and school board meetings, and school graduations can be live streamed on YouTube.

Other Business
Claire Tebbs has been appointed Ilsley Library’s representative on MCTV’s board. She replaces Steven Gross. The board will consider changing the meeting day and hour to accommodate members’ work schedules at the July meeting.

Len reported that he is continuing to work with area health professionals on programs dealing with end-of-life concerns and memory loss in aging.

This year’s MCTV Memorial Day Parade live coverage included commentary by Kevin Paris and Rick Cole and the station’s traditional “You Are on TV” float that filmed parade watchers. A new MCTV banner will be ready for next year and will replace a beloved but aging MCTV program sandwich board.

Next Meeting
July 12, 9 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

10:04 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 14, 2023
Town Offices Small Meeting Room & Zoom

Approve Minutes of Apr. 13, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Federal Legislation
Festival on the Green (July 9-14)
Programming 2022 Review/Annual Report
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: July 12, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2023

Meeting postponed to June 14 due to lack of quorum


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
May 10, 2023
Town Offices Small Meeting Room & Zoom

Approve Minutes of Apr. 13, 2023 meeting
Memorial Day Parade
VAN Annual Meeting Review
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: June 14, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2023
Town Office Meeting Room and Zoom

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Kurt Broderson (executive director. Zoom: Farhad Khan, (chairperson), Len Rowell, Barb Wilson. Absent: Megan James.

Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m.

Approve March 13, 2023 Zoom Meeting Minutes
The board approved the minutes with one change, Barb Wilson was present not absent.

Board Reorganization
The current officers were re-elected. Farhad Khan, chairperson; Glenn Goodwin, treasurer; George Bellerose, secretary. Barb Wilson, new board chair of the Addison Central School District, will continue as the ACSD’s representative until a replacement can be found.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that the current budget balance is a very healthy $186,662, representing a $157,716 operating fund balance and a $28,946 capital fund balance. This healthy, rainy-day balance may be needed to fund a new work space should the town vote to support the rehabilitation and expansion of Ilsley Library. Such construction could close the library for a year or more and there is no guarantee that there would be space for MCTV in the library’s temporary quarters. Glenn and Kurt also reported a $12,000 capital expenditure, the largest of the 2023 budget, to cover the purchase of six, new MacBook Pro laptops. The new laptops will be the work horses of youth media programs and summer camps and will replace aging six-to-eight-year-old laptops.

Annual Meeting Review: Community Discussion Following the Meeting
One of the biggest unknowns in MCTV’s future is the studio’s place in the proposed renovation and expansion of Isley Library. For the past year, the Ilsley 100 Project Team has been assessing community needs in the digital age and studying how Ilsley, built for another age, must modernize to meet them. MCTV and Ilsley’s immediate futures will be marked by uncertainty as the town considers proposals to renovate and expand the library. Over the summer, four design firms will be developing plans for a new library, Farhad, a member of the Ilsley 100 Project Team, reported. If all goes well, the town could vote on a bond at the 2024 annual meeting.  Many questions remain. How much would the update cost, early estimates are around $15 million? How do you “sell” a multi-million-dollar construction bond to the community? Where would the library and MCTV be housed during the year-plus-long renovation and construction? In any new library, can MCTV have a more visible space? As discussions move forward, board members agreed that Ilsley and MCTV must stress the importance of our unique working relationship and that MCTV must be part of the new library. Farhad noted that a construction bond in the $10-million range would be a heavy lift for the community and that active select board support of the bond would be imperative. Selling the project will require a “visibility campaign” that reminds the community that MCTV’s presence is a “great bonus” to the library, Jim Gish, a member of the Ilsley 100 Project Team, stressed at the meeting. Short videos, campaign udpates, and the use of social media will be important in the community-outreach campaign.

Vermont Access Network Annual Meeting
This year’s meeting will be at the Rutland Region Community Television station in Rutland on May 5. George, Farhad, and Len expressed interest in joining Kurt and Jim Corbett. The meeting is an opportunity to learn about new technology and program developments at the national, state, and local levels.

Memorial Day Parade
Mid-State Towing will again be the televising platform for our “You’re on TV” coverage of the parade. Kurt will investigate marching with Ilsley Library, as we have in the past. Showcasing our close program relationships with Ilsley is critical as the town considers the allocation of space in a new library.

Other Business
The board briefly discussed alternate meeting times, such as evening or earlier morning meetings. Members agreed that the current second Wednesday at 9 a.m. works best.

Len will begin a series of conversations, beginning April 27, with volunteers working in end-of-life programs.George asked that board members continue to brainstorm ideas for producers of community interest/interview programs.

Next Meeting Date:
May 10, 9:00 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:44 a.m.

MCTV Board Agenda
April 13, 2023
Town Offices & Zoom

Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes of Mar. 13, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Meeting Review
VAN Annual Meeting
Memorial Day Parade
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: May 10, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2023

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad
Khan (chairperson), Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Megan James, Barb Wilson.


Call to Order
This meeting was called to order at 1:04. Note: This short Monday meeting was called after there was not a quorum for the Wednesday March 8 meeting.

Approve Minutes of February 8, 2023 meeting
The minutes were approved.

2023 Budget
The board approved final figures of the 2023 budget. The budget, which was reviewed line-item-by-line item at the February board meeting, calls for income of $188,403 and expenses of $179,008. The budget will be adopted at the annual meeting.

Annual Meeting Date March 29, 5 to 6:30, in the town hall meeting room
As in the past there will be a short business meeting.  This will include a presentation on the program highlights of 2022. After the meeting’s adjournment, there will be a community discussion on the impact on MCTV should the town approve a proposed plan to renovate and expand Ilsley Library. Members of the Ilsley Project 100 Team that is overseeing planning of library development will be invited.

Bylaws Update
Kurt presented amended wording that clarifies the bylaws governing the terms of board members. In the past, MCTV’s seven board members— four elected at-large members and three appointed members, one each from the select board, school board, and Ilsley Library— served three-year terms. However, select and school board members are elected for different length terms and might not be MCTV board members for the full term. Under the new wording, appointees serve at the discretion of their boards. The revision will be voted on at the annual meeting.

Other Business 
Kurt will continue to explore creating a scholarship in Dick Thodal’s name for a student at the Hannaford Career Center interested in a career in video production.

Executive Session
Not needed.

1:21 p.m.

Next Meeting
April 12, 2023 9:00 a m.

MCTV Board Agenda
Mar. 8, 2023
Zoom Only

Approve Minutes of Feb. 8, 2023 meeting
2023 Budget
Annual Meeting Date: 3/29 5:00 to 6:30
Bylaws Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Apr. 12, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2023
Zoom and Town Hall Small Conference Room

Zoom: Steve Gross, Megan James, Len Rowell. Town Hall: George
Bellerose, Glenn Goodwin, Farhad Khan. Staff. Kurt Broderson, executive
director. Absent: Barb Wilson.


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:07

Approve Minutes of January 11, 2023 Meeting

The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and Glenn reviewed the line items of the proposed 2023 budget, which represents a slight increase over the 2022 budget. Comcast’s contribution has generally been slightly increasing, but, as in the past, anticipated revenue from Comcast was conservatively based on the previous year’s actual revenue. The proposed budget, which will be approved at the March board meeting projects income of $188,403 and expenses of $172,611. The fund balance at the December 31 end of fiscal year 2022 was a very healthy $163,079. Kurt cautioned that this balance could be drawn down significantly in 2024 or later should the town choose to renovate the aging library. MCTV would then have to find new space during the many-months-long renovation and would face significant moving and set-up costs.  Farhad, a member of the Ilsley 100 Project Team, said the group would be presenting its choice of the four studies options—from renovation to a completely new library—at the February 14 select board meeting.  A bond vote would follow in March 2024, if all goes smoothly. Whatever the decision, MCTV, given its close program ties to the library, should remain part of the library’s infrastructure, Farhad and Kurt stressed. In reviewing the budget, Kurt noted that most line items, such as supplies, postage, and insurance show little year-to-year change. The biggest line item changes are in salaries and travel to conferences, which have resumed with the easing of Covid restrictions. MCTV’s salaries are in the low-middle range compared to similar stations, Kurt reported. MCTV Board members concerned that MCTV staff receive no retirement or health benefits agreed that we should look more broadly at compensation in future years. Retaining staff is critical as finding the specific skills needed at MCTV are not easy to find in today’s tight labor market, the board agreed. The proposed budget will be voted on at the March 29 annual meeting. Approval final accounting of the 2022 budget will be voted on at the March 8 monthly meeting.

Annual Meeting Date
March 29 from 5:00 to 6:30 at the town hall meeting room. The board will select topics for community discussion at the March board meeting.

Bylaws Update
Current bylaws stipulate that the four at-large board members are elected for three-year terms at the annual meeting. The three appointed members—school board, select board and library board—also serve three-year terms. This procedure seems to imply that appointed members must be members of the board. This may not be most beneficial for the boards or MCTV, Kurt noted. For example, a school staff member may have a better understanding of how MCTV and the school system can work together on programs. Kurt will rewrite the bylaw to clarify the terms for appointees.  The amended bylaw will be voted on at the annual meeting.

Other Business           
Comcast will begin providing long-awaited high-definition transmission of MCTV programs this spring, Kurt reported. The Public Utility Commission established a pathway for this upgrade from standard definition in its approval of the cable provider’s Certificate of Public Good two years ago. MCTV already has full HD filming and broadcast server capability and the brunt of the cost to upgrade to the industry standard of HD transmission will be Comcast’s responsibility, Kurt said.

10:11 a.m.

Next Meeting
March 8, 2023. 9 a.m. Town Hall small conference room

MCTV Board Agenda
Feb. 8, 2023

Town Offices Small Conference Room

Approve Minutes of Jan. 11, 2023 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
2023 Budget
Annual Meeting Date: (3/22 or 3/29)
Bylaws Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Mar. 8, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Jan. 11, 2023
Town Offices Small Conference Room

Zoom: Glenn Goodwin, Steve Gross, Barbara Wilson. Town Hall: George Bellerose, Megan James, Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Len Rowell.


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:02.

Approve Minutes of December 14, 2022 meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and Glen reported that the fiscal year 2022 budget (January 1 to December 31) ended on several positive notes and close to expectations. Expenses, $155,892, were down about $10,000 from the budgeted, $165,242. Some reductions reflected reduced activity during Covid, travel to conferences dropped from $2,500 to $200. Legal, publicity, and media expenses budgeted at $3,400 were zero. Revenue was up, about $8,500, from a budgeted $166,980 to $175,617. The greatest change was a $12,500 grant from the state, the first grant in a three-year program to help community stations transition and plan for a future with drastically reduced cable company support. During the current biennium, a legislative study committee will continue to examine new revenue sources to support community television. Given the complexity of finding new revenue, Kurt expected planning for new state funding would take the two-year session. Comcast’s support increased slightly from $133,690 to $135,315 belying long-standing concerns, at least for now, that “cord cutting” and loss of subscribers would drastically reduce the cable company’s mandated support. The fund balance increased from $143,355 to a very healthy $163,079, a year’s worth of operating expenses.

Review 2022
With the easing of Covid restrictions, MCTV’s in-person coverage of many community events resumed but studio use remained limited, Kurt reported. Kurt will prepare a full report for the annual meeting. He will also prepare a report on MCTV’s many, often unnoticed, school programs for Addison Central School District’s annual meeting.

2023 Priorities

Capital expenditures. With the renovation of the studio during Covid closure and purchase of new camera systems for the studio and town hall meeting room, no major capital expenses are anticipated in 2023, Kurt reported. Updating old computers used in student summer camps and Ilsley Library programs will be the main capital expense, Kurt said.

HD Vermont’s Public Utility Commission has established a process for Comcast to upgrade its transmission from Standard Definition to the industry standard of High Definition in the coming years. MCTV has already upgraded its equipment to HD filming and there should be no major expenses in the transmission upgrade, Kurt said.

Salary review. Given the changing economic times, MCTV’s staff reimbursement needs to be reviewed, Kurt said. He will review salaries of staff in comparably-sized community television stations as well as salary scales in Addison County.

Digitizing old tapes. Kurt will continue to explore digitizing several thousand VHStapes both to preserve them and to save space should MCTV have to move to a new location in a possible renovation of Ilsley. Kurt and Jim, in a multi-month-long project during the Covid shutdown, catalogued 23 years of VHS tapes and began digitizing the most important programs, such as the Festival on the Green. Kurt will look at the availability of college interns to digitize the remaining tapes. The state grant could pay for the process. A federal grant program to preserve old tapes could also be a funding source.

New Programs. With the easing of Covid restrictions, which closed the studio, the board will continue to seek producers for community programs. Barb suggested that MCTV should consider more two-way, community-school programs and not just top-down school board coverage. Megan thought we should toot our horn more about the popularity and success of summer camp programs and consider expanding them.

Other Business           

New board member. Len Rowell, after many years on the board, would like to retire in the coming year. Board members should be considering possible replacements.

Executive Session
Not needed.

Annual Meeting Date
The board discussed two possible dates, March 22 or March 29 at 4 p.m. Date to be decided at the February meeting.

10:53 a.m.

Next Meeting
February 15, 2023. 9 a.m. Town hall small conference room

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 11, 2023
10:00 (Note time change)
Town Offices Small Conference Room

Approve Minutes of Dec. 14, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Review 2022
2023 Priorities
Annual Meeting Date
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Feb. 8, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting
December 14, 2022

Present: Zoom: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Len Rowell, Barbara Wilson. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executIve director). Absent:  Farhad Khan, Steve Gross.


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:06.

Approve Minutes of September 14, 2022 meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported that the budget was in “excellent shape” and that the final 2022 budget statement would be presented at the January meeting.

Payroll and Accounting
Fraga & Lilja, the Middlebury accounting firm, which has long handled MCTV’s payroll and taxes, will be stopping that service at the end of the year. Kurt has begun a search for a new firm, possibly an online service. The board agreed that a do-it-ourselves approach was not wise given constantly changing tax and accounting regulations.

Fire Inspection
The Ilsley 100 Project Team, composed of library board members, town officials, and community members, is studying how to address the aging library’s limitations— safety, accessibility, lack of space, need to accommodate new technologies. A recent fire inspection, part of the study, noted that our third-floor studio has only one exit and that activities must be limited to five people, Kurt reported. Kurt said he had booked the small meeting room in the Town Hall for board meetings in 2023.

Legislative Appropriation
The 2022 session of the legislature established a legislative study committee to develop policies and regulations to help fund community television as cable company support declines as users move to cheaper, non-cable programming. To help stations during the transition to new funding sources, the legislature developed a three-year, stop-gap funding plan. The first 2022 allotment of $12,500 has been used for salaries and equipment—revenue has been relatively stable, but expenses have increased—Kurt noted at the November board meeting. A second $25,000 payment is expected shortly, Kurt said.

Long-Range Renovation Plans of Ilsley Library
Kurt reported that he was “heartened” that discussions organized by the Ilsely 100 Project Team recognized the importance of having MCTV’s studio be part of the future library. The team is currently evaluating four approaches ranging from the least costly, essential infrastructure upgrades, to the most costly, construction of a new library and repurposing of the existing library. Whatever the town’s decision, MCTV will plan to find new studio space during renovations for as long as a year. Such a move is an opportunity to rethink where the studio should be—an empty Main Street storefront for maximum visibility, the high school or career center, Middlebury College’s old courthouse building, etc. One consideration in any move is the need for storage space— a Shelburne climate-controlled facility would charge $200-a-month to store 60 boxes of old VHS tapes. To avoid that expense, MCTV should consider digitizing the station’s 4,400 tapes starting with programs of historical importance, such as school and select board meetings and original programming, Kurt said. College work study students might be available for the time-consuming project, he thought. Kurt and Jim Corbett spent months during the Covid shutdown organizing 23 years of VHS tapes but only digitized a small portion because of time and cost.

Other Business
1. MCTV Children’s Programs at Isley. Megan noted that parents at a recent Project 100 public hearing cited the value of MCTV’s educational programs in the library. MCTV should publicize and continue to share these programs through social media and school newsletters, she said.

2. Comcast upgrade service to high definition. Comcast as part of its renewal of its Certificate of Public Good in 2020 agreed to upgrade community television transmission from lower-quality standard definition to today’s industry standard, high definition.

3. Kurt reported that the Vermont Access Network is now gathering data from all the state’s 25 community televisions on their broadcasting needs. MCTV is currently recording in high definition but broadcast relies on archaic cable transmission infrastructure. Whether Comcast will pay for this upgrade is not clear. What is clear is that high definition is a dramatic increase in quality and is well worth the cost, Kurt said.

4. Coverage of sports events. During Covid restrictions, MCTV live-streamed high school football and basketball games, a popular offering, via Youtube. That overage has stopped, Kurt reported, primarily due to the schools preferring a live audience.

5. New programs. Kurt is continuing to explore expanded coverage of Town Hall Theater programs with Lisa Mitchell, the theater’s executive director. The theater received a three-year, $120,000 grant from the Vermont Arts Council this summer to create a “multi-camera media hub.” Kurt has been instrumental in creating the new system.

Executive Session
Not needed.

Next Meeting Date
January 11, 2023. 9:00. Small meeting room. Town Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 9:49.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 14, 2022

Approve Minutes of Sept. 14, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Fire Inspection
Legislative Appropriation FY23
Long Range Ilsley Renovation plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Jan. 11, 9:00 AM (Town Offices)
Executive Session (if needed)

Nov. 2022 meeting canceled due to a lack of a quorum

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 9, 2022

Approve Minutes of Sept. 14, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Fire Inspection
Legislative Appropriation FY23
Long Range Ilsley Renovation plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Dec. 14, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

Oct. 2022 meeting canceled due to lack of a quorum

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct. 12, 2022
Ilsley Library, MCTV Studio

Approve Minutes of Sept. 14, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Legislative Appropriation FY23
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Nov. 9, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting
September 14, 2022
Ilsley Library, MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer) zoom, Megan James, Farhad Khan, (chairperson), Barbara Wilson (zoom)Missing: Steve Gross, Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:07.

Approve Minutes of July 13, 2022 meeting
The July minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Comcast’s quarterly contributions continue to be steady with slight increases, Kurt and Glen reported. In the second quarter of 2013, Comcast’s contribution was $27,396. Comcast’s second quarter contribution in 2022 was $33,968. As of August 31, MCTV had a very healthy balance sheet with an operating balance of $126,096 and a capital fund balance of $24,621. This total, $150,718, represents about a year’s operating expenses, an enviable condition; many community stations with more cable options have seen their quarterly contributions decline because of “cord cutting.”

Summer Wrap-up
After two, program-cancelling Covid summers, MCTV’s busy summer programming returned, Kurt reported. The Festival on the Green returned to its two-performances-a-night format. Summer video camps returned with three, week-long programs and a new group of 4th to 8th graders, about eight to a camp. The stop motion/animation campers, one of 45 crowd-sourced teams, produced a three-minute segment for a re-creation of Stars Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope. Summer campers have participated in these imaginative, movie remakes since the formation of Crowdsourced Cinema eight years ago. The movie will premier in Vermont at the end of September and then be available on MCTV. MCTV’s extensive coverage of the annual summer Middlebury Film Festival included filming 12-14 hours of conversations with filmmakers and the showing of two locally-produced films. All talks with filmmakers are available on our website. In an effort to expand community awareness of our programs, Ilsley Library and MCTV shared an information booth at Addison County Field Days. The fair is a rich and largely untapped source of programs, such as crowd-sourced coverage of fair events, Kurt noted.

Development Review Board
Kathy Wheatley, MCTV’s programmer, has filmed, as an independent contractor, the meetings of the Development Review Board for many years. She will be retiring from that coverage. Kurt will discuss MCTV coverage of board meetings with town officials. The town currently supports MCTV’s filming of the select board with an annual $5,000 stipend.

Other Business
Upcoming events include possible coverage of the inaugural Vintage Car Show on Main Street, Middlebury in October. The day-long show is sponsored by the Addison County Chamber of Commerce and the Better Middle Partnership. When possible, MCTV programs should combine its video expertise with the text, story-telling expertise of community organizations like The Addison Independent, Kurt recommended. For example, when the Independent sponsors election debates, MCTV would provide the coverage. Board members were also urged to brainstorm candidates to host new programs and to fill future board vacancies. 

Executive Session
Not needed.

Next Meeting Date 
October 12, 2022. 9:00 AM

The meeting adjourned at 10:01.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept. 14, 2022
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Public Library

Approve Minutes of July 13, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Summer Wrap-up
Development Review Board
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Oct. 12, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


No Board Meeting Aug. 2022

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2022
Ilsley Library, MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary) zoom for part of meeting, Glenn Goodwin (treasurer) zoom, Steve Gross, Farhad Khan, (chairperson), Len Rowell, Barbara Wilson, zoom. Missing: Megan James. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executIve director).


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:05.

Approve Minutes of May 11, 2022 meeting
The May minutes were approved. There was no June board meeting because of the press of school graduation coverage.

Treasurer’s Report
Comcast’s quarterly support, $33,900, was “slightly up.” This continues recent history where there has been no decline in Comcast support from “cord cutting.” MCTV continues to have a healthy reserve, nearly a year’s operating expenses.  The reserve consists of $122,242 in the operating fund and $19,119 in the capital fund.

Festival on the Green
Kurt reported that the festival, at its mid-point, had returned to its pre-Covid, two-performances-a-night format. Filming can be managed by two people, but volunteer production help, which can be hard to find, would permit him to circulate among the audience and be a “roving ambassador” for the station, Kurt said. MCTV’s high-quality recording is very popular with the performers who rarely have full coverage of their entire sets. This coverage, which is shared with Vermont Community Television and can be seen on YouTube, reaches a far wider audience than some of our other videos, Kurt noted. The nightly concerts are also an opportunity to publicize the station’s mission to serve and connect the community. In addition to displaying the MCTV banner, the board suggested that there be an information table next year that could sell shirts and hats. The station should also seek coverage of the festival and summer children’s program on Vermont Public Radio’s “Vermont Edition” and Jane Lindholm’s children’s programs.

Review Annual Report/Programming Data
Kurt reviewed program viewership data generated by the station’s new server. MCTV’s strength, especially during the pandemic, is local coverage—schools, government, interview programs. Questions remain on how MCTV can use social media better and how to promote and highlight programs, such as through Front Porch Forum. The annual report will be discussed at a future meeting.

Ilsley Draft Vision/Mission Statement
Kurt reported that the library study committee had a good response to its survey seeking community reaction to the mission of a renovated library. The mission statement reads:The Ilsley Public Library System enriches lives and builds community connections by providing engaging and accessible programs, services, resources, and spaces that meet evolving community needs. Library staff invites everyone to learn, create, and collaborate in a safe and friendly environment.”

Other Business

Executive Session
Not needed

Next Meeting Date 
Sept. 14, 9:00 AM

The meeting adjourned at 10:02

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 13, 2022
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Approve Minutes of May 11, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Festival on the Green
Review Annual Report/Programming Data
Ilsley Draft Vision/Mission Statement
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 14, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2022

Meeting was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 8, 2022
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Approve Minutes of May 11, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Report
Festival on the Green
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: July 13, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2022 

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Steve Gross, Farhad Khan, Megan James, (chairperson), Len Rowell. Absent: Barbara Wilson. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order

Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Board Reorganization

Farhad was elected board chair for a one-year term.

Approve Minutes of April 13, 2022 
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The report was held over to the June meeting

Dick Thodal Memorial
Kurt reported that discussions with Addison Central School District staff are continuing over a Dick Thodal Memorial Scholarship for a student interested in communications and video production. Since the application deadline for this year’s scholarships has passed, the inaugural scholarship will be next year, Kurt said.

Memorial Day Parade
After a two-year Covid respite, the popular parade returns. In the past, Ilsley and MCTV have marched together, often highlighting joint programs. This year, Ilsley will not be participating. Kurt is investigating other possible parade partners such as the Teen Center and student filmmakers from the annual crowd sourced remake of a classic movie. Kurt will be operating the “You’re on MCTV” camera, a favorite with children, from our customary truckbed studio. Kurt will email details on meeting in the Ilsley parking lot before the parade to help set up the truck. Board members are welcome to walk alongside the truck or sit in lawn chairs on the flatbed. Jim Corbett will be filming the parade from the Town Offices, with commentary by Kevin Parizo and possibly one other host.

VAN Annual Meeting Recap
After two years of virtual-only annual meetings, about 60 community television staff, board members, and long-time vendors—plus another dozen zoom attendees—gathered at the Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier for state-of-community television reports. Overhanging all discussion was the future financing of community television given the inevitable decline of cable company, mainly Comcast in Vermont, support.  VAN’s Advocacy Committee along with a legislative advocate, Action Circles, has worked over the past year to explain to the legislature the potential financial Armageddon that stations face as revenue from cable subscriptions continues to decline. MCTV has not yet suffered the revenue losses—about 85 percent of our budget comes from mandated Comcast support—facing urban-area stations.  Recognizing the importance of community television and its financial peril, the legislature has approved a three-year stopgap program that would help stations offset declining revenue and increasing expenses. The legislature has appropriated $300,000 in its 2022 budget with each station receiving $12,500 to help offset increasing expenses. Support could increase to $600,000 in 2023 and possibly even more in 2024. Vermont and VAN’s long-term challenge during this period is to come up with regulations that provide sustainable funding of community television, such as by taxing new social media firms that pay minimal use fees for their use of public rights of way. Kurt noted that Action Circles was a “bargain” and that financial returns to stations covered their annual fee—$32,400 in FYI 2022-2023—many times over. Action Circles, for example, lobbied for federal Covid funding to help cover increased expenses during the pandemic. MCTV, has received $18,000 from the Covid American Rescue Plan Act.  Kurt also delivered a thoughtful and heartfelt remembrance of Dick, one of the founding members of VAN.

Summer Plans 

CC Stars Wars
MCTV, Ilsley, the Teen Center, and the Stop-Motion Animation summer camp will be responsible for four scenes in the Crowdsourced Cinema VT remake of Stars Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. Kurt estimated that 20 to 30 Middlebury-area youth, along with others from around the state, will be involved in the two-hour-long movie. MCTV has been involved in these crowd-sourced productions since their beginning eight years ago.

Technology Camps
MCTV has three, week-long summer programs: Introduction to Filmmaking; Stop Motion Animation; and Female Filmmakers. Enrollment in these popular programs is free, but limited to 12. Age groups are fourth grade and up.

Festival on the Green
The weeklong July music festival returns to its traditional town green setting this year with two programs planned for most nights. Festival shows are among MCTV’s most watched programs.

Other Business
Kurt will begin circulating the quarterly VAN newsletter, which highlights the activities of VAN and individual stations. Kurt and Farhad will be part of field trips to Shelburne and South Burlington libraries as part of the Ilsley 100 Project to develop plans to renovate and expand Ilsley Library.

Next Meeting 

June 8, 2022 at 9 a.m.

Executive Session

Not needed.


The meeting adjourned at 9:59

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
May 11, 2022
MCTV Studio

Board Reorganization: Chair
Approve Minutes of Apr. 13, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Dick Thodal memorial
Memorial Day Parade
VAN Annual Meeting Recap
Summer Plans: CC Star Wars, Camps, Festival
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: June 8, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2022
MCTV studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Steve Gross (zoom), Farhad Khan, Megan James, (chairperson), Len Rowell. Absent: Barbara Wilson. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.

Board Reorganization
George Bellerose, secretary, and Glenn Goodwin, treasurer, were re-elected to one-year terms. Selection of board president was held over to the May meeting.

Approve Minutes of March 9, 2022
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported several capital expenditures: $1,800 for equipment to continue the upgrade of the studio and $800 for new cameras for the Youth Media Lab. MCTV was scammed in a fraudulent direct deposit by a “staff member” and lost $257.88. The National Bank of Middlebury was unable to retrieve the loss. The loophole has been closed.  As of March 31, MCTV’s had a healthy $115,578 operating fund balance and $16,078 capital fund balance. Glenn discussed options to get a higher return on our bank balance with advisors at the Vermont Community Foundation. Such advice is not part of the charitable group’s mission or expertise, he reported.

Annual Meeting Review
Much of the March annual meeting was devoted to how MCTV can best tell the story of life in Addison County. The board continued that discussion with an eye on expanding programs in the arts, community businesses, and education. Town Hall Theater, for example, is the home of 12 vibrant resident companies.  MCTV and Town Hall Theater have a grant to expand live streaming of their varied programs, Kurt reported. Profiles of community businesses is another program opportunity. Kurt will discuss such a program with the new director of the chamber of commerce. Educational reform is dividing communities and begs for broad-based community discussion. Steve Gross and former board member Amy McGlashan are interested in such programming.  Select board member Esther Charlestin will be the host of a new program, “Deep Dives with Esther,” Kurt reported.  As Kurt has repeatedly noted, the community is full of stories. “Planting the seed and finding producers” remains the challenge.

Dick Thodal Memorial
Kurt is continuing his discussion with Addison Central School District officials about the creation of a scholarship in Dick’s name that would recognize a graduate interested in media and video communications.  Funding of the scholarship through the creation of an endowment or through annual gifts is to be determined. Sally Thodal supports the award, Kurt said.

Memorial Day Parade
After a two-year Covid respite, the popular parade returns. So, too, will MCTV’s “You’re on MCTV’s Camera” truck float. A new banner will be needed to reflect the station’s new channel numbers, 1071 and 1091. Kurt will investigate having colorfully-costumed young actors from the summer movie production lead the way.

Other Business
The Vermont Alliance Network will be holding its annual meeting on May 6 at the new studio of Onion River Community Access in Montpelier. The annual meeting of the 24 community stations is an opportunity to be briefed on state and national developments, and to compare strategies, programs and facilities with other station staff and board members. If interested in attending, contact Kurt.

Next Meeting
May 11, 2022 at 9 a.m.

Executive Session
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:01

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Apr. 13, 2022
In Person

Board Reorganization
Approve Minutes of Mar. 9, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Meeting Review
Dick Thodal memorial
Memorial Day Parade
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: May 11, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Annual Meeting Agenda
Mar. 23, 2022
Via Zoom

Call to Order
Board Introductions
Approve 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
Adopt Budget
Elect 2 At-Large Board Members
Other Business

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2022

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Megan James, (chairperson), Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Absent: Meg Baker. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

Approve Minutes of February 9, 2022 
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV had received Comcast’s fourth quarter payment, $34,417, consisting of operating support, $26,962, and capital support, $6,740. MCTV was also reimbursed by the Addison County School District for $714 incurred by MCTV in our co-sponsorship of the First Lego League competition. As of February 28, MCTV’s fund balance remains very healthy with an operating fund balance of $125,563 and a capital fund balance of $22,817. Glenn will discuss with Vermont Community Foundation advisors how MCTV might invest part of this balance in long-term, higher-yielding assets. A better return than the bank’s fraction-of-a-percent CD’s could be used to help pay for studio improvements in the eventual renovation of Ilsley Library.

FY 2022 Budget
The board approved the budget which forecasts income of $159,260 and expenses of $165,092. The $5,832 deficit will be covered by a fund balance withdrawal. About 80 percent of MCTV’s income, $133,690, comes from Comcast support with the town contributing $5,000 toward the cost of select board coverage and $20,550 to support Kurt’s part-time technical coordinator position at the library. Staff will be receiving a cost of living increase. Kurt will review the salary structures of comparable community television stations in Vermont and the board will address the competitiveness of our salary schedule in next year’s budget.

Dick Thodal Memorial
The board discussed a variety of ways to recognize Dick’s many years of service to the community. Among the ideas, a MCTV scholarship in Dick’s name to a MUHS student interested in a film/media career, naming the MCTV studio after him, providing Thodal mini-grants to producers, recognition at Festival on the Green. Kurt will talk with Sally Thodal about the family’s wishes and with Superintendent Peter Burrows about a possible scholarship. VAN is also considering ways to honor Dick, Kurt said. Dick, the epitome of self-deprecation, has said he didn’t want a fuss. He deserves a fuss.

Annual Meeting
The annual meeting, March 23 at 4:30, will be a Zoom meeting like last year. Kurt will invite friends and users of MCTV.

Other Business: None      

The meeting adjourned at 10:01.

Next Meeting
April 13, 2022, 2022 at 9 a.m.

Executive Session.
Not needed.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 9, 2022
In Person

Approve Minutes of Feb. 9, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
FY22 Budget Approval
Dick Thodal memorial
Annual Meeting (Mar. 23, 4:30 PM)
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Apr. 13, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2022

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, (chairperson), Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Absent: Meg Baker, Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:14 a.m.

Approve Minutes of January 12, 2022 
The minutes were approved. Kurt will begin posting monthly meeting notes on MCTV’s website within five days of the meeting to comply with state law. MCTV’s policy has been to post the notes after they are approved the following month.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV’s fund balance as of January 31, 2022 is a very healthy $130,505 with an operating budget balance of $108,434 and a capital fund balance of $22,066. There are no outstanding checks.

Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
Glenn and Kurt reported that the proposed 2022 budget anticipates revenue of $159,264 and expenses of $163,992. The $4,732 deficit will be covered by a withdrawal from the fund balance. In the past two years, MCTV’s conservative budgeting, has led to small surpluses. Comcast’s budgeted support, $133,690, about 83 percent of MCTV revenue, is conservatively based on its 2021 contribution. Unlike other community television stations, Comcast’s support has increased by several percent each year but this has been offset by increased expenses, such as the cost of program advertising and a bundled television, phone, and internet plan, resulting from the station’s new contract with Comcast. Kurt noted that MCTV’s annual dues of about $1,000 to the Vermont Access Network, the organization of the state’s 25 community television, have been returned many times over because of VAN’s advocacy. Most recently, 2021, VAN’s advocacy resulted in an $18,000 Covid relief grant to help offset one-time expenses. Staff will be receiving a cost of living increase. The board, concerned with fair compensation for the staff, asked Kurt to investigate annual increases for the Ilsley staff and salaries at comparable community television stations. The 2022 budget will be voted on at the March annual meeting.

Annual Meeting
The board will decide on the format—virtual and/or hybrid— of the annual meeting, March 23 at 4:30, at the March 9 monthly meeting.

Other Business
Library programs resume. 
Kurt reported that the popular, after-school youth media lab, cancelled last year because of Covid, has resumed. About 10 fourth and fifth grade students are attended the weekly sessions. Kurt showed a short video of student work. They are whizzes. MCTV and Ilsley will be offering a stop-motion camp during the February school break. Covid had also limited such programs.

Video collaboration. Kurt and Megan will discuss how the Independent and MCTV can collaborate and share resources on time-consuming projects, such as the recent filming of the relocation of the 150-year-old, New Haven train station.

Next Meeting
In Person. March 9, 2022 at 9 a.m.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:03 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Feb. 9, 2022

Approve Minutes of Jan. 12, 2022 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
FY22 Budget
Annual Meeting Prep
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Mar. 9, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2022

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Len Rowell. Absent: Meg Baker, Megan James, (chairperson), Amy McGlashan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m.

Approve Minutes of December 15, 2021
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV closed the year with no outstanding payments due and healthy balances, an operating fund of $118,650 and a capital fund of $24,704. Kurt will review the FY 2021 budget and present a proposed FY 2022 budget at the February meeting. The board presents the FY 2022 budget for voting on at the annual meeting in March. MCTV received a $1,000 grant from the Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering to cover expenses related to the First (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League competition. The statewide competition, which Ilsley and MCTV joined in 2018, challenges students from 9 to 14 in age, to build small, tabletop robots that solve challenges related to real problems, such as food safety and recycling. The Middlebury/Addison County team is jointly sponsored and advised by MCTV, Ilsley Library, Middlebury Union Middle School, and parent volunteers.

Town Meeting
Farhad reported that the select board will decide at its January 25 meeting on the format of the town meeting, i.e., in person, zoom only, or a hybrid with town officials in the high school auditorium and residents in their homes. Kurt has been meeting with the town manager to prepare for a range of options.

 2022 Priorities
The board uses the March annual meeting to solicit ideas from the community on how we can best serve their needs. Kurt will review our Community Access plan and its priorities and the many suggestions from last year’s annual meeting for discussion at the February board meeting. Farhad suggested that MCTV include several questions about our role in the survey that the select board distributes at the town meeting. The board agreed.

Other Business

Vermont Alliance Network (VAN). Kurt reported that a VAN committee has prepared a three-year budget request to the House Appropriations Committee that would help the state’s 25 community television stations transition to an era of reduced cable network support. MCTV has not faced reduced Comcast support from “cord cutting” as other stations already have but the future portends rising operating expenses and declining support, Kurt said. The request asks for $300,000 in the first year, $600,000 in the second year, and $1 million in the third year. During that time, the legislature would develop new funding sources for community television. Kurt, secretary of the VAN board, periodically reports to the MCTV board on VAN activities. At the request of the board, he will investigate having VAN prepare an executive summary of its meetings that would provide MCTV and other boards’ members with greater detail and insight into the changing community television landscape. Kurt will also report on the status of a VAN subcommittee charged with developing archiving standards to facilitate efficient file sharing.

Library Renovation.  Meg, Ilsley’s representative on the MCTV board, shared via email, the 9-page draft on library renovation and expansion prepared by a six-member library/community working group. The draft reviews the work of and lessons learned from the 2014-2017 Library Building Committee. The draft, presented to the select board earlier this month for comment, calls for the creation of a second working group, the Ilsley 100 Project Team that would develop detailed recommendations in the next 12 to 18 months. The 2014-2017 effort was stymied by the multi-million-dollar cost of renovation. Kurt will monitor developments and advocate for MCTV’s needs.

Program Clip. Kurt, at the board’s request, will be showing excerpts from one-time or ongoing programs at each board meeting. The January highlightwas a video of Christmas decorations in Buttolph Acres that was filmed using the station’s new motion-stabilizing camera.

Story Matters. Len is continuing his programs on the history of East Middlebury. In his most recent interview, Hudson Tilford, a master storyteller, reflected on his Tom Sawyer-like boyhood growing up in the more relaxed 1950s and 1960s.

Next Meeting
Zoom. February 9, 2022 at 9 a.m.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:57 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 12, 2022

Approve Minutes of Dec. 15, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Town Meeting
2022 Priorities
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Feb. 9, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Dec. 15, 2021
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, (chairperson), Len Rowell. Absent: Meg Baker, Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

Approve Minutes of October 13, 2021
The minutes were approved. The November meeting was cancelled because it lacked a quorum.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV now has a very healthy fund balance, $160,343, after receiving Comcast’s third-quarter payment of $33,736: $26,989 for operating expenses, and $6,746 for capital expenses. The payment, a roughly $400 increase, comes as other community television stations are experiencing reduced Comcast support as cable subscribers “cut the cord” and access programming through cheaper internet streaming services. MCTV has not faced this drop-off, Kurt thought, because Comcast has no cable competition in Middlebury and its subscribers are an older demographic and less likely to use new media options. While the balance represents a year’s operating expenses, likely declining Comcast support and increased current expenses justify the balance, the board agreed. Worst case, Comcast support will end altogether. Responding to that possibility, a summer study group created by the Vermont legislature will be submitting a funding proposal to the House Appropriations Committee this session. The proposal calls for phased-in state support to replace the loss of Comcast funding. Looking ahead, Ilsley’s eventual upgrade to a 21st center library will present opportunities to upgrade the studio and make it more visible to the public. MCTV’s ability to help fund improvements is important in gaining community support for a multi-million dollar renovation, the board felt. Current bank balances generate almost no interest. The board agreed that we should seek the advice of the Vermont Community Foundation on how MCTV can get a better return on its savings.

2022 Priorities
MCTV’s ongoing program to upgrade its technological infrastructure will be a major goal in the coming year, Kurt reported. Hand-me-down studio cameras will be replaced with a four-camera system that can be remotely controlled by a single operator. The three-camera coverage of select board meetings has this remote-control system now. For the past 18 months, Covid has reduced, if not eliminated, children’s programs in the basement library. To better meet program needs as programming resumes, new computers and cameras at a cost of $7,000 are needed, Kurt said. Creating a more mobile camera system for filming at schools to replace the current hodge-podge set up, is another priority, Kurt said. The board has long discussed the importance of more off-site programs, such as a cooking program at the chef’s kitchen. Glen and Kurt will continue their exploration of establishing a studio within a studio. In this case, Clint Bierman’s music studio could house a camera setup for interviews and live music. With hybrid zoom select board and school meetings likely to continue, MCTV faces a major challenge, good sound quality, Kurt reported. If rear-of-the-room meeting attendees are not required to use a microphone, their commentary is often lost. Jim and Kurt will continue to tweak and Improve sound reproduction in the least invasive fashion.

Other Business

MCTV history. Len recently interviewed Dick Thodal, executive director of MCTV for 20-plus years, and Kurt, executive director since 2017, on the history and changing role of the station. Dick and Addison County Forester Chris Olson discussed Dick’s 30-year stewardship of his woodlot. The conversation included photographs of Dick’s woodlot, a conversation-photograph mix, that Len hopes to use in the future.

Middlebury Edition. State Rep. Robin Scheu is interviewing the executive directors of the community’s many non-profits. The conversations provide valuable insights into the role and challenges facing these organizations. The Addison Independent will be asked to publicize this program in its community notes.

Tiger TV. Kurt, advisor to the MUMS video news program, showed the first broadcast of the sixth through eighth grade producers. Five minutes of school news from exuberant anchors. It will bring smiles to everyone.

Zoom board meetings. Some board members would prefer time-saving zoom meetings. The board agreed to alternate zoom and in-person meetings

Next Meeting
Zoom. January 12, 2022 at 9. 00

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:07 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 15, 2021
In-Person! In the Studio!

Approve Minutes of Oct. 13, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
2022 Priorities
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Jan. 12, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Nov. 10, 2021

Failed to reach a quorum, so meeting postponed to Dec. 15.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 10, 2021
In-Person! In the Studio!

Approve Minutes of Oct. 13, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Dick Thodal’s videos
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Dec. 8, 9:00 AM
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2021

Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Absent: Megan James (chair person), Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Kurt called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.

Approve Minutes of September 15, 2021
The minutes were approved.

Banking Changes/Treasurer’s Report
MCTV has a new Money Market account at the National Bank of Middlebury, which offers unlimited checking and a slightly higher interest rate than our current account. The bank phased out MCTV’s existing Now account requiring the change, Kurt reported. MCTV’s account number, from which the electronic payroll was deducted and the debit card is connected, was not changed. As of September 30, 2021, MCTV has a healthy total balance of $131,896 made up of $102,871 in our operating budget and $29,025 in the capital budget. The balance includes the recent $5,000 annual payment from the Town of Middlebury for the station’s coverage of select board meetings.

Other Business

New Programs. State Rep.Robin Scheu’s interview program, Middlebury Edition, has begun with a flurry of interviews (4) in the past month. Scheu’s program fills the gap left by the retirement of State Rep. Betty Nuovo and her long-standing public affairs program. Scheu intends to cast a wide net in her selection of interviewees. Among her first guests were Steve Maier, Board Chair of the Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County; Sara Briggs, Executive Director of the Middlebury Studio School; and Kurt Broderson, MCTV’s executive director. Kurt also reported that Pastora Ramona Guadalupe, after a several-year break, is interested in resuming her Spanish-language church service, “Les Promesas de Dios,” a program that meets the needs of Spanish-language speakers in the area.  MUMS’s Tiger TV newscasts should be resuming shortly, Kurt reported. Attendance at and MCTV filming of popular activities, such as school plays, depends on Covid developments and restrictions, Kurt said.

Len Rowell. Len’s story-telling gathering on growing up in East Middlebury is scheduled for early November. He is also developing a program that combines music, pictures, and storytelling. Discussed reducing or removing barriers to producing content, such as providing technical production services for talk shows. With the availability of mobile equipment, on-site filming, such as in a music studio or a chef’s kitchen, is now more easily done, Kurt noted.

Middlebury College programs. The college has many events of interest to a local and statewide audience. Amy will investigate releases needed to link to lectures by speakers of national and international stature and conversations with college faculty, such as the popular Faculty at Home conversations begun during the lockdown, which the College shared. The career office also organizes alumni panels on topics of current interest, such as the future of the Green Economy, that would make interesting programs, Amy reported.

Library Renovation Planning. Meg reported that the library board will be recommending to the select board the creation of a six-member committee that would summarize past studies to renovate the library and to meet changing user demands. The committee would be made up of two library trustees, two select board members, the library director and a library staff member.  The multi-million-dollar cost of previous plans has been a major hurdle and any new plan will require extensive community discussion and education on the library’s importance, Meg commented. MCTV and Ilsley have been considering a community open house that would showcase recent changes, such as MCTV’s renovated studio, but the board agreed that with the recent surge in Covid cases the open house should put on hold.

Next Meeting
November 10 in MCTV office at 9. Note new starting time.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:04 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct 13, 2021

Approve Minutes of Sept. 15, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Banking Changes
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Nov. 10, 9:00 AM|
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2021
In person. Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James (chairperson), Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Absent: Meg Baker. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m.

Approve Minutes of July 13, 2021 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Despite ongoing fears of “cord cutting” by cable subscribers, Comcast’s second quarter payment reflected its steady support of the past several years. The second quarter payment, $33,196, consisted of $26,557 (operating budget) and $6,639 (capital budget), Glenn reported. As of August 31, 2021, MCTV had a very healthy operating balance of $108,329 and capital balance of $29,467.  While MCTV does not face any immediate, large one-time outlays, the station could face substantial expenses as it converts to full HD transmission and expanded live streaming in the coming years, Kurt said.

Summer Wrap-up
After Covid cancelled the Festival on the Green last summer, a shortened and well attended festival returned in August. The five-day festival featured one group per night rather than two of past years. The festival was not live streamed, as hoped, because of cost and technical issues. Shows ran on Channel 1091 later that night or the next day.

The 7th Annual Middlebury New Filmmaker Festival screened over 100 films, a record number, in five town settings from August 25-29. MCTV filmed 30 talks and/or events—opening, closing, filmmaker interviews, and panel discussions, such as the role of journalism today. The programs were not live streamed but are available on Channel 1091 and the MCTV website. In the youth division, six Middlebury Union Middle School students, all of whom are graduates of Ilsley/MCTV’s video camps and after school programs, presented a short narrative film comparing the 1918 epidemic with today’s Covid outbreak.

Fall Plans
There will not be live coverage of fall sports as school officials want to encourage in-person attendance, Kurt reported. Winter coverage of activities, such as sports and the school play, will depend on ACSD rules on in-person attendance.  Live streaming is limited now to high-value events such as the select board or coverage of sports in lieu of a live audience. Other coverage can be seen on cable or MCTV’s website and YouTube channel. TigerTV club at MUMS has begun meeting, and their bi-weekly newscast will begin shortly. Len will continue his Story Matters programs with interviews planned with Neal Fisher, minister, author, and social rights activist, and with Peg Martin and Chris Zeoli, town tree wardens. He is also organizing a story-telling gathering on growing up in East Middlebury. Among the participants are Hudson Tilford and Dick Thodal.

Other Business
MCTV theme music. Glenn, our composer-in-residence and one-person band with his synthesizer, has written a very catchy, three-minute-long musical interlude, background for the website and programming.

Next Meeting
October 13 in MCTV office at 9. Note new starting time.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept. 15, 2021
In-Person! In the Studio!

Approve Minutes of July 13, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Summer Wrap-up
Fall Plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: TBD
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting.
July 13, 2021
In person. Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary), Megan James (chairperson), Farhad Khan, Len Rowell. Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Amy McGlashan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

Approve Minutes of June 8, 2021 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
As of June 30, the operating budget balance is $105,015. The capital budget balance is $27,011. Both balances continue to reflect undiminished contributions from Comcast.

New Studio Tour
Renovations during the Covid closure include a new dark background in the studio to eliminate hot spots and reorganization of the studio space to permit greater flexibility in programming. Plus there is now a very comfortable couch.

Festival on the Green
Kurt is investigating renting greater broadband capacity that would enable live streaming of the August 2-6 performances through YouTube. In the past, performances have been available the following day on cable and YouTube.

Other Business

  • Ilsley Library Meg, the Ilsley Library’s representative on the MCTV board, reported that library trustees would be asking the select board to appoint a broad-based committee to once again study the needs of a library in the internet age. Ilsley requires a major overhaul, not band aid fixes, to meet this role, the board believes. The recent renovation and light-filled addition to the Shelburne Library is a possible model for Middlebury, Meg noted.
  • Open House Kurt will discuss with Dana holding a joint open house in the fall. The open house would showcase the new studio and be an opportunity to show potential producers how this versatile new space can be used. The open house would also be an opportunity to highlight the important community communication role MCTV and the library play, such as during the epidemic.
  • Programs. Kurt and board members will continue to brainstorm ideas for new programs. Kurt will discuss a program on Covid reflections with Helena van Vorst, executive director of United Way of Addison County, and other community organizations.

Next Meeting
September 8 in MCTV office at 8:30. The meeting date has been changed from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 13, 2021
In-Person! In the Studio!


Approve Minutes of June 8, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
New Studio tour
Festival on the Green
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: TBD
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting.  June 8, 2021
In person. Pavilion, Town Recreation Center.

Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary) Megan James (chairperson), Len Rowell. Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Chris Kirby, (Ilsley Library adult services).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m.

 Approve Minutes of May 11, 2021 Meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
In Glenn’s absence, Kurt reported that Comcast’s second quarterly payment, $26,000-plus for operating expenses and $6,000 plus for capital expenses, was a slight increase from recent payments. There continue to be no signs of reduced Comcast support from “cord cutting.”

Board Reorganization
Megan James (chairperson), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), and George Bellerose (secretary) were re-elected to one-year terms.

Summer Plans
The popular week-long video production camps will not be held this year because of Covid concerns. There will be some drop-in photography programs for 4th to 6th graders, Kurt said.  Festival on the Green will be held in August with one group, rather than the usual two, per night. Kurt is investigating live streaming the performances through YouTube. In the past, performances have been available the following day.

Other Business

Ilsley Library Meg, the Ilsley Library’s representative on the MCTV board, reported that library trustees discussed the long-standing need for library renovations at its recent annual meeting. A board task force recommended that there be a broad-based study committee to consider the library and community’s needs and to develop a range of options. Past efforts to update the library’s facilities have been stymied by the multi-million-dollar cost of renovations. Chris reported that as of June 1, the library had expanded its hours to 10-5, Monday through Friday. Children’s craft programs will begin July 1. During the months of reduced services, staff have tweaked the library’s website and catalogue to simplify searching, Kurt reported.

Open House MCTV’s new studio, the board agreed, needs a show of its own, an Open House. The open house would be an opportunity to invite and show potential producers how this versatile new space can be used. An open house, in conjunction with a library open house, would also be an opportunity to showcase the important communication role MCTV and the library play, such as during the epidemic.

Programs/Producers. Len will be resuming his twice-a-month interview program, Story Matters, now that the MCTV office and studio have reopened. Kurt will continue his discussion with Helena van Vorst, executive director of United Way of Addison County, about a program that introduces the community to the many non-profit organizations that serve the area.

Next Meeting
July 13 in MCTV office.

Executive Session.
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 8, 2021
In-Person! Pavilion by the Town Tennis Courts 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of May 11, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Reorganization
Summer Plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: July 13, 2021
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting
May 11, 2021
Zoom Video Conference 

Zoom Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Len Rowell. Absent: Megan James (chairperson), Amy McGlashan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director)


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.

Approve Minutes of March 9, 2021
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn provided a brief overview of the budget, noting that the increased salary line item, reflected a one-time, five-week payment period rather than the normal four weeks.

Board Reorganization
With Megan and Amy absent, the board deferred reorganization until the June meeting.

VAN Annual Meeting Review
Unlike pre-Covid daylong meetings, the May 7 meeting was a shortened Zoom business meeting. VAN members formed two committees to facilitate changes that Comcast agreed to in 2019 Certificate of Public Good negotiations with the Public Service Board. The ROS (Remote Origination Sites) committee will determine how to distribute financial support Comcast provided, from VAN to AMOs in order to live streaming and other remote broadcasts. MCTV’s live streaming is currently limited to several locations with dedicated infrastructure, such as school board and select board meetings. The HD committee will determine how to advocate for Comcast to quickly upgrade its program transmission from standard definition to high definition. MCTV records 100% of programs in high definition now, but cable programs can only be transmitted in much lower-quality standard definition. VAN with its statewide network of stations has much more clout in pushing for these changes than individual stations like MCTV, Kurt noted.

Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The board reviewed the dozens of suggestions generated at the March 31 discussion on how MCTV can best serve the community. A common thread is that after a year plus of Covid isolation there is a great need to rebuild community bonds. One way is to share stories about the Covid experience in both formal settings, such as interviews at MCTV, and informally through pop-up tents, such as at Festival on the Green and Field Days. Kurt will continue to explore collaborations with like-minded, story-telling organizations such as the Vermont Folklife Center and the Sheldon Museum.  One hurdle to new programming has always been finding producers. Kurt will prepare a fact sheet on the role of a producer and how anyone, regardless of background, can produce programs. Len, a long-time interview program host, will be available as a consultant. The epidemic revealed the importance of the county’s vibrant non-profit community. Kurt will discuss with Helen Van Voorst, executive director of United Way of Addison County and the moderator of the annual meeting, her interest in being the host of a program that looks at the roles of area non-profits. Board members are urged to contact friends who are interested in helping tell the community’s story—be it history, sports, arts, public events, people-on-the-street interviews,

Other Business
Meg, an Ilsley board member reported, that Middlebury College, which has provided free, high-speed broadband to the library, is concerned about potential security breaches and will be stopping that sharing. MCTV has a high-quality, $300-a-month bundle from Comcast that includes broadband, telephone, and television, Kurt said. Many MCTV and Ilsley programs are closely linked and a cost-saving shared service might be possible. Kurt will discuss that possibility with Dana, when she returns from maternity leave this summer. Board members noted that Covid further exposed the digital divide in the community. Schools, town government, the library, and community organizations are all struggling to solve this divide. Expanding broadband is part of the proposed federal government’s infrastructure improvement plan. How that would affect local internet access is not known. Glenn, our in-house composer, will develop theme music for MCTV’s website. Stay tuned.

Next Meeting Date
June 8, 2021
Kurt will investigate an in-person, outdoors meeting.

11:26 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
May 11, 2021
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Mar. 9, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Reorganization
Annual Meeting Review
VAN Annual Meeting Review
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: June 8, 2021
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Apr. 13, 2021
Zoom Video Conference 

Failed to reach a quorum, so postponed meeting until our next regular time.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Apr. 13, 2021
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Mar. 9, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Reorganization
Annual Meeting Review
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: May 11, 2021

MCTV Annual Meeting Minutes
Mar. 31, 2021
4:30 PM Zoom Call

Zoom Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary, Glenn Goodwin (treasurer) Megan James (chairperson), Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Chris Kirby, (Ilsley Library, adult services director).

Business Meeting

Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.

Board Introductions
The seven-member board briefly introduced themselves to approximately 20 Zoom attendees.

Approve 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
The minutes were approved.

Adopt Budget
The board adopted a 2021 budget with income of $173,452 and expenses of $152,645. This is little changed from the 2020 budget’s income of $153,339 and expenses of $155,676. The 2021 increase in income is almost entirely a result of a Covid-19 relief payment of $18,660.

Elect 1 At-Large Board Member
Megan James was elected as an at-large member…. What term? She had been the ACSD representative. A position now filled by Amy McGlashan.

Other Business

The business meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. and was followed by a community discussion on MCTV’s role, moderated by Helena Van Voorst, executive director of the United Way of Addison County.


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2021
Zoom Video Conference 

Zoom Present: Meg Baker, George Bellerose (secretary, Megan James (chairperson), Amy McGlashan, Len Rowell. Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Chris Kirby, (Ilsley Library, adult services director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.

Approve Minutes of February 9, 2021
The January minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
In Glenn’s absence, Kurt reported that MCTV had a very healthy budget balance following Comcast’s fourth-quarter payment. The quarterly payments are little changed from those of a year ago, which is good news given board concerns that cord-cutting by cable customers could drastically reduce Comcast’s support. The operating fund balance is $119,761. The capital fund balance is $24,885. This amounts to nearly a year’s operating expenses. This unusually large balance reflects some one-time payments, such as $18,000 in Covid relief support. Community television stations feared that Comcast in its recent negotiations over renewal of its Certificate of Public Good operating contract with the Public Service Board would attempt to “claw back” and charge for formerly free services.  The company, with minor exceptions, such as no free internet, has not done that, Kurt said.  With new leadership at the Federal Communications Commission, it is unlikely the Comcast will seek major claw backs, Kurt said.

Board Changes
The board formally welcomed Meg Baker, the new Ilsley Library board representative. She replaces Joe McVeigh.

Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The Zoom annual meeting will be Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30. A short business meeting will be followed by a discussion built around the theme communicating and building community, with reflections on the Covid era. Helena Van Voorst, executive director of the United Way of Addison County, will moderate the discussion. Kurt has circulated a list of potential invitees. Board members should add to the list and extend personal invitations.

Other Business
The board has been concerned over the loss of several popular programs, such as Betty Nuovo’s wide-ranging interviews, and the difficulty in finding replacements. Creating and recreating community connections is especially important after a year of social distancing and self-isolation, the board agreed.  This will require that we spread the word in new ways, such as through social media and Front Porch Forum, that we are looking for programs and storytellers for post-pandemic times. We need to think beyond the “usual suspects” and encourage programs from young people, Megan suggested. Programs with Community Barn, Bundle, and Find Your Wings are other potential new directions.  Amy will continue to “noodle” about ways to access and share Middlebury College events.

Director’s Report
Kurt reported that streaming coverage of MUHS boys and girls basketball games to YouTube required extra setup but that setup will be used in future streaming of Ilsley talks and other small events. MCTV’s YouTube subscribers have grown from 500 to 607 in the past month, a growth most likely caused by basketball coverage, Kurt thought. Streaming of the annual town meeting went “pretty smoothly” and included automatic, real-time captioning that will be used in future selectboard and committee meetings, Kurt reported. The town is upgrading its meeting coverage technology to include a 360-degree camera and microphone combination for Zoom, Skype, and other virtual meeting applications. This system will allow the board to meet fully or partially in person along with remote attendees. There are kinks to be worked out, but the system will probably become a routine format after the pandemic, Kurt reported.

Next Meeting Date
April 13, 2021

Executive Session
The board went into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. No action was taken.

11:35 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 9, 2021
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Feb. 9, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Changes
Budget 2021
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Apr. 13, 2021
Executive Session (short personnel/budget discussion)


MCTV Board Meeting
February 9, 2021

Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell. Absent: Megan James (chairperson). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library executive director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.

Approve Minutes of January 12, 2021
The January minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
After a lengthy discussion of the 2020 budget and the proposed 2021 budget, the board approved the treasurer’s report. Glenn and Kurt will present a more detailed 2021 budget with up-to-date numbers at the March meeting for board approval. A 2021-2023 budget projection will be presented later this spring. The 2020 Fiscal Year ended December 31 ended with a healthy balance of $94,529, Kurt reported. Following MCTV’s conservative-budgeting practice, the 2021 budget is based on Comcast’s 2020 payments: $103,373 for operating expenses, and $25,843 for capital expenses. Covid’s impact can be seen in several line items. The 2020 budget included $2,500 for travel, conferences, and workshops. None was spent. The 2021 budget includes a one-time revenue contribution of $18,660, which represents governmental support to help cover unexpected operating expenses caused by the pandemic. Payroll, other operating expenses and capital expenses were $155,194 in 2020. The 2021 budget anticipates an increase to $164,837, reflecting 2.5 percent pay increases and other operating expense increases. Capital expense is budgeted to remain the same.

Board Reorganization
The board formally welcomed Amy McGlashan as the appointed representative from the Addison Central School District board. Megan will move from ACSD representative to member-at-large until her term ends in March. The board also briefly discussed exchanging its meeting governance from Robert’s Rules of Order to the simpler parliamentary procedures of the Ilsley Library board. Such consistency would be helpful given our close working relationship, board members thought.

Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The Zoom annual meeting will be Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30. The theme will be communicating and building community, with reflection on the Covid era. Kurt will look for a discussion moderator and circulate a list of potential invitees. Board members should add to the list and extend personal invitations.

Other Business
Covid restrictions and the retirement of long-time producers have drastically reduced the number of locally produced programs. Kurt will inventory current programs for the next meeting. The board will continue to brainstorm and look for producers to expand local coverage. Dana said Chris Kirby and Tricia Allen will be supervising library operations during her upcoming maternity leave and one or both will be attending MCTV meetings. Depending on infection trends, the library hopes to open for in-person visits this spring when warmer weather permits opening windows for better ventilation, Dana said.

Director’s Report
Highlights. Studio upgrades continue with the addition of acoustic tiles, better placement of overhead lights, and more open floor space. A hand-me-down couch from Kurt is the studio’s first couch and is the envy of the library staff, who have been using the studio to record story times. Sports coverage. MCTV will begin streaming boys and girls jv and varsity basketball games in mid-February. Fans are not permitted. Live streaming of MUHS fall football was very popular with about 500 YouTube viewers. Town meeting. Kurt and Jim will be in the studio overseeing the live stream while the town will run the Zoom webinar and manage 500 possible attendees. Selectboard meetings. Kurt and the town manager are testing new town equipment that would permit coverage of hybrid meetings with both in-person and virtual attendance. Comcast contract. Kurt has signed the eight-year contract. He is following the lead of other VAN stations in requesting that the Public Utilities Commission require Comcast, as stipulated in its recent Certificate of Public Good, to begin upgrading channels to high definition.

Next Meeting Date March 9, 2021

Executive Session
Not needed.

Adjournment 11:10 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Feb. 9, 2021
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Jan. 12, 2021 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Reorganization
Draft Budget 2021
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Mar. 9, 2021
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting  Minutes
January 12, 2021
Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Megan James (chair), Farhad Khan, Amy McGlashan, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell. Absent: Glenn Goodwin. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library executive director). 


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:05.

Approve Minutes of December 8, 2020
The December minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report
MCTV continues to have a very healthy fund balance, $94,259, which represents more than six months of the station’s operating expenses. The operating budget balance is $72,907. The capital budget balance is $21,351. There will be some, still unknown, infrastructure expenses when Comcast provides HD transmission quality, Kurt said.

Board Member Replacement
The board welcomed Amy McGlashan as the appointed  representative from the Addison Central School District board. Megan James will move from ACSD representative to member-at-large. Megan’s term ends in March.

Comcast Contract Review
After a 35-minute review and discussion, the board approved the Renewal of the PEG Access Agreement between Middlebury Community Television, Inc. and Comcast as delineated in the draft agreement dated December 11, 2020 and further moved the authorization of Executive Director Kurt Broderson to sign the agreement on behalf of MCTV. Kurt, in reviewing the eight-year contract, noted that the agreement followed the template developed by the Vermont Access Network (VAN), the umbrella organization of the state’s 25 community television stations, and was reviewed by VAN telecom lawyers. Vermont stations are in the forefront nationwide in demanding transmission quality equivalent to that of other commercial Comcast providers. These negotiations were “very collaborative,” according to VAN participants, reflecting Comcast’s desire perhaps to complete negotiations before a change of administration, Kurt said. 

Among the points of discussion:

            • MCTV budgets conservatively when estimating Comcast’s annual contribution, which makes up about 85 percent of the station’s budget, and plans on no annual increase in cable revenue. However, over the course of the eight-year contract, Comcast’s contribution could dramatically decline from “cord cutting” and charges for in-kind services. To compensate, the state legislature is now exploring other funding sources.

            • Under the terms of Comcast’s 2019 Certificate of Public Good (CPG), MCTV and other VAN stations can now petition the Public Utility Commission for HD channels. MCTV films in high definition but broadcasts in standard definition because of Comcast’s aging transmission infrastructure. Comcast in its CPG agreed to provide HD transmission but was granted a two-year moratorium before beginning implementation. Kurt said he was waiting for guidance from VAN on how to proceed with the petition.

            • Comcast will now provide the number of cable subscribers that MCTV reaches.

            • Comcast has agreed to expand its reach into rural areas by expanding its network with 350 miles of new cable. This may include the possible extension of cable to Salisbury, Kurt said.

            • MCTV is a non-profit 501c3 and submits required forms, such as 990, to Comcast and state regulatory agencies.

            • The board was once hesitant to use any of Comcast’s contribution, per Comcast stipulations, for web programming accessible to non-cable subscribers. The Internet is a significant transmission network now and there is no restriction on the use of Comcast support, Kurt said. 

 Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The Zoom annual meeting will be Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30. The theme will be communicating and building community, with reflection on the Covid era.

Other Business
Dana reported that Ilsely had to stop reader access to the library after Thanksgiving because of the increase in Covid cases. Outside pickups continue. Reopening in stages will depend on case counts. Normal access is not likely until spring and warmer weather which would permit better air circulation, Dana said. Kurt did not submit a director’s report. He will resume next month.

Next Meeting Date
February 9, 2021

Executive Session
Not needed.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 12, 2021
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Dec. 8, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Member Replacement
Comcast Contract Review
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Feb. 9, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting:
December 8, 2020
Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James (chair), Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Len Rowell, Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library executive director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:06.

Approve Minutes of November 10, 2020
The November minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report
No treasurer’s report. Monthly bank statements were not available.

Contract Template Update
Unlike past, nearly start-from-scratch contract negotiations with Comcast, upcoming negotiations of our seven-year contract with the cable provider will be simpler, faster, and much less expensive. The Vermont Alliance Network, the umbrella organization for Vermont’s 25 community stations, has negotiated a master template for the 14 stations whose contracts have expired. This template covers all common concerns and leaves a few issues, specific to individual stations for their resolution. This provision reflects the economic reality that small stations have similar infrastructure expenses and costs but less ability to afford them. Kurt noted.  Kurt said he expected Comcast negotiations would begin shortly. MCTV’s current contract with Comcast to be the local cable provider expired December 31, 2017. That contract’s provisions have continued pending completion of a new contract. Negotiations were postponed until Comcast negotiated a new Certificate of Public Good (CPG), its 11-year operating license, with the state’s Public Utility Commission. CPG negotiations were completed October 2019.

Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The board again grappled with two long-standing questions: How to structure the annual meeting to elicit commentary from our diverse stakeholders on community needs and interests; How to prioritize and implement programs—good ideas that often don’t get done because of limited resources. As in the past, board members will invite friends and MCTV stakeholders and solicit their discussion interests before the meeting. The board agreed that our customary brief business meeting would precede the community forum and that a short video highlighting how MCTV has responded to the Covid crisis would be shown before that discussion. During the Covid crisis, MCTV has, by the nature of Covid gathering restrictions, been largely restricted to coverage of Zoom school and select board meetings. Post-pandemic how do we encourage local program production and aggregate/share programs produced by other community groups? At Megan’s suggestion, Kurt will develop a spreadsheet that lists our stakeholders, existing and possible future programs and the resources that they require. For example, linking to an Ilsley Library outdoors program, as is done now, is easy. Mining the station’s archive of 4,500 VHS tapes for “Best of Programs” is much more time intensive. Creating the production infrastructure to sustain a new program is and has been most challenging. Given the time constraints of board meetings, Joe suggested that the board might consider a subcommittee or a meeting/retreat devoted to programming. Discussion of the annual meeting, traditionally held in March, will continue at the January meeting.

Other Business
Kurt distributed a three-page Director’s Report on recent activities, such as planning coverage of Middlebury’s virtual town meeting and filming 14 short videos that explain Hannaford Career Center programs. These several-minute videos replace the traditional open house. The report is attached. Kurt reported that a school board member who has expressed interest in being a MCTV board member will attend the January meeting. Megan would move from the school board’s appointee  to an at-large member. Former board member Allan Nichols left the state creating the vacancy.

Next Zoom Meeting Date
January 12, 2021

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:06.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 8, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Nov. 12, 2020 meeting
Contract Template Update
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Jan. 12, 2021
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2020
Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James (chair), Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Missing: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library executive director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:04

Approve Minutes of September 9, 2020
The September minutes were approved. The board did not meet in October.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV’s fund balance is $92,160, a healthy six-month-plus cushion should Comcast support decrease. Kurt reported that Comcast’s third-quarter payment was a slight increase over the second-quarter payment ($32,378).

Board Member Replacement
Kurt reported that he has asked Mary Cullinane, board chair of the Addison Central Supervisory Union, to select a board member to be ACSU’s member on the MCTV board. Megan is currently ACSU’s representative. She would become a member-at-large. The board opening was created by the resignation of Allan Nicholls who has left the state. The board briefly discussed the idea of increasing the board’s size as a way to bring new ideas, diversity, and energy to our discussions and to better support the staff.

Annual Meeting/Community Forum
The board once again grappled with annual meeting questions: What is our role? How do we determine what the community values? How can we best meet the community’s needs? How do we expand our reach to new populations? What is our role as aggregators of locally produced Facebook and social media programs that would interest our viewers? Joe will circulate a list of questions that will help the board develop an annual meeting agenda.  The March 2020 annual meeting was first postponed because of a snowstorm and postponed again because of Covid restrictions on public gatherings. Given Zoom fatigue, the board agreed that combining a community forum with the annual meeting in 2021 would be most productive. Responding to the pandemic. Covid restrictions, such as prohibitions on in-person select board and school board meetings, have changed the ways that the community can gather. MCTV has an important role here in documenting Covid’s impact on the community and in covering events that are largely closed to the public, the board agreed.  Coverage of MUHS football, for example, has been very popular and brought new viewers to MCTV, Kurt noted. Coverage of MUHS basketball, the school play, and musical events are planned. Covid has severely impacted community businesses. Megan suggested a “Business of the Week” or a “Business of the Month” program that would examine how area businesses, which depend on local support, are coping with the pandemic. Local businesses would be interested in such programs, Farhad thought. Repeating and/or expanding youth programs, such as story-telling hours, for at-home kids is another opportunity for MCTV. Cooking shows are always popular and are a good remedy for Covid fatigue. MCTV doesn’t have a kitchen, but MCTV could film chef special programs at the area’s many restaurants, Megan suggested. Producers abound in this do-it-yourself social media world. MCTV should be open to sharing and seeking out the best and brightest of community productions be they be garage-band music groups or the amateur naturalist in Ripton who documents backyard beaver activity. Megan, digital editor at The Addison Independent, will be on the look out for productions that MCTV could link to. This summer’s Festival on the Green retrospective was very popular. The recent archiving of 4,500 VHS tapes contains many gems worth showing. Kurt will ask Dick for his recommendations.                        

Other Business
Joe noted how helpful he found Kurt’s written Director’s Report presented at the September meeting. Kurt will explore ways to share the report with the community, such as by posting it on MCTV’s website. George noted that MCTV has a loyal following but is unknown to many in the community. Placing monitors in public places, such as the library, town hall, and National Bank, that would show each day’s programs or best-of highlights could be helpful in expanding our foot print.

Next Zoom Meeting Date
December 8, 2020

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:02.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 10, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Sept. 9, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Member Replacement
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Dec. 8, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting 10/14/20:
Not held due to not having a quorum


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct. 14, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of Sept. 9, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Board Member Replacement
Annual Meeting/Community Forum
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Nov. 11, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting
September 9, 2020
Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James (chair), Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:08

Approve Minutes of July 8, 2020
The July minutes were approved. The May minutes were also approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn and Kurt reported Comcast’s second-quarter payment, $32,378, the first payment fully reflecting the changing economic conditions caused by the Covid pandemic, was “good news.” Community television stations have feared that payments could decline dramatically, as subscribers “cut the cord” or reduced service. Instead, the payment was comparable to the second quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020. MCTV continues to budget conservatively. The station’s August 31 fund balance is $90,762, which is a six-month-plus cushion should Comcast support cease.

Summer Recap (Festival, ACSD, Faculty at Home)
Festival on the Green followers could listen and watch the highlights from the 42-year history of the festival during July, thanks to Kurt and Jim’s digitizing of MCTV’s collection. Festival board members chose memorable performances from each year, which Kurt and Jim assembled into 42 programs. The programs were shown six-a-day over a week. Kurt working with Addison County School District staff has produced a series of Covid education videos, such as hand-washings instruction for elementary school students. He has also facilitated e-chats for the board, staff, and community. MCTV has long attempted to cover or share the many lectures and cultural offerings at the College. “Faculty at Home,” Zoom conversations with 16 faculty members that began last April, is just such a program. The College has shared these hour-long programs with MCTV and the station will upload them to VMX for statewide viewing. Ideally, this arrangement will lead to future cooperation, Kurt said.

Archiving the thousands of the station’s VHS tapes has long been a goal. Cessation of live coverage because of Covid restrictions created the time needed to finally begin the project, Kurt said. About 4,500 programs on VHS were archived and are searchable by topic, show, and names. A searchable spreadsheet of the categories is available on the MCTV website. Tapes will be digitized on request. To digitize the entire collection would require new equipment and two years of laborious copying, Kurt said. A few ¾” video tapes from the station’s first years will be digitized by a commercial operation as MCTV does not have the equipment. Kurt will alert community organizations, such as the Vermont Folklife Center, Sheldon Museum and Vermont Historical Society, of the archive’s availability. MCTV switched to DVD’s in the early 2000s. The earliest of the 2,000-3,000 tapes have been sorted into broad categories (public/education/government) and by show. Newer DVD’s have been organized by date in drawers and are easily retrieved, Kurt reported.

Studio Renovation
MCTV’s office and studio, compared to those of larger stations, are barebones and spartan. Recent refurbishing of the studio “looks cool”; Jim’s work station is now more efficient and flexible for production and frees office space. Use of Ilsley’s second floor is restricted. The third floor is closed to the public so the board will have to await easing of Covid restrictions for a first-hand look.

Other Business
New board member. The resignation of Allan Nicholls sparked a wide-ranging discussion. What are the station’s goals and future role? What skills—programming, fund-raising, technical literacy—should a new member have to help us respond to a changing media landscape?
MCTV’s coverage of schools, town government and church services remains strong. With the loss of several long-standing, popular programs, such as Betty Nuovo’s interviews, MCTV faces a challenge in replacing them. Nearly everyone can produce their own Facebook program. What can MCTV offer? Technical expertise, better sound, wider distribution, aggregation? Our annual meeting, cancelled this year, has been a major source of new thinking. Next month’s meeting, at Megan’s suggestion, will be devoted to this brain storming. To free time for in-depth discussions, Joe suggested that Kurt write a summary of past and upcoming developments for each meeting. Kurt will do so. Kurt is compiling a list of potential board members. Please send suggestions to him. New logo. Kurt sent the board the final version. Very impressive. We are definitely “Movin’ on Up.”

Next Meeting Date
October 14, 2020

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:04.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept 9, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of July 8, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Summer Recap (Festival, ACSD, Faculty at Home)
Archive (VHS & DVD)
Studio Renovation
Board Member Replacement (Allan’s)
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Oct. 14, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2020
Zoom Video Conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James (chair), Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell. Absent: Allan Nicholls. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:07

Approve Minutes of June 10, 2020
The minutes were approved. The May meeting notes will be approved in September.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn and Kurt reported that the fund balance as of May 31—operating, $81,190; capital, $33,277—continued to be very healthy. This year’s Comcast first quarter payment, $32,288, was roughly comparable to last year’s. The second quarter payment at the end of August will reveal how much Covid-19 has affected Comcast’s revenue and its subsequent MCTV payment. See other business for additional discussion.

Festival on the Green
The festival will live on this summer, not in live performances, but in a best-of-the-past retrospective, Kurt reported. Pat Boera and Richard Ruane, longtime members of the festival board, solicited recommendations from MCTV’s 30-year-plus archive of tapes. Forty-two concerts were selected and will be shown on cable channel 1071 for six days at 10, noon, 2, 4, 6, and 8 beginning on July 12. Most if not all the concerts will be livestreamed on YouTube for those who are not cable subscribers. Kurt may also assemble a Street Dance highlights program to be shown on July 18. Watch and identify old friends. In another retrospective, MCTV helped MUHS football players from the 1970s digitize game tapes from 1965 through the mid-1980s, and is hoping to get Hubie Wagner, the long-time football coach, and other players to host a retrospective look at these old games. These searches have been facilitated by the hours that Kurt and Jim have recently spent organizing and inventorying nearly 4,500 tapes.

Ilsley/MCTV Phase 2 Covid Reopening
Dana reported that Ilsley is continuing its slow Phase 2 reopening with new conditions beginning in early August that would open the library four-five hours a day, three days a week to eight persons at a time. Only the lobby and reference room would be open. Masks would be required. The library will continue its outside book pickup service. Children and adult programs will not be offered. This easing will continue through August and September but may have to be curtailed in the fall should cases, as many expect, spike. In Phase 3, the entire library will open with expanded hours. In Phase 4, in-person programming will resume. Movement to those phases will be determined by state guidelines and the severity of the pandemic. Under Phase 2, MCTV’s office has been closed to the public. Kurt and Dana will continue their discussion on how the second-floor Digital Media Lab with its Zoom capabilities could be opened on a restricted basis.

Other Business
During the treasurer’s report, Kurt cautioned that careful budgeting, such as in the purchase of equipment to upgrade the studio, is essential given the prospect that Comcast support will decline in the future. A current upgrade, a new and more efficient work station for Jim, will create needed open space, Kurt noted.  In other updates, Kurt reported that the switchover to new channels, 1071 and 1091, appears to “going pretty well,” if measured anecdotally by viewer complaints. MCTV has not been able to track the number of channel viewers in the past, but web viewing is trackable.  The redesign of MCTV’s logo by The Image Barn is nearly complete, Kurt reported.

Vermont Access Network (VAN) is continuing to negotiate a template for individual station’s contract negotiations with Comcast. A dozen-plus community stations, including MCTV, would use the template and then negotiate concerns unique to each station, Kurt, a member of the VAN executive board, reported. MCTV’s seven-year contract with Comcast to be the local community television provider, expired December 31, 2017. Conditions under that contract have continued in force.

Main Street Bridge video. MCTV and the Addison Independent are collaborating to document this summer’s construction of the railroad tunnel through the heart of downtown Middlebury. The first of 10 weekly programs that combine construction footage with interviews is now available on line. In the first five-minute segment, host Megan James discusses the role of the three cranes that are now dominating the downtown skyline with project manager John Whittaker. The 300-ton main crane with a 164-foot-long boom length can lift 40-ton, pre-cast concrete blocks. Watch the segment on MCTV’s website for more crane details.

Middlebury Union High School graduation. MCTV’s annual live filming of high school graduation encountered many hurdles in this year’s virtual commencement. Kurt with the help of students, staff, administration, and faculty has edited a two-hour-long video that has imaginatively created the feel of graduation. The faculty processional has been replaced by still photographs of the faculty. Members of the Senior Ensemble’s performance of Rivers and Roads were filmed in their homes and then assembled by a student into a group performance. Offsite student reflections and drive-by presentation of diplomas were filmed and integrated into the presentation. The video can be seen on MCTV’s YouTube channel. Hats and tassels off for Kurt for the many hours he spent on this memorable project.

Allan Nicholls will be moving to North Carolina and has resigned from the board. We will miss his enthusiasm and ideas and will remember him for his classic, toe-tapping promotional video Movin’ on Up.

Next Meeting:
Sept. 9, 10:00 a.m. via Zoom

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 11:01.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 8, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM

Approve Minutes of June 10, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Festival on the Green
Ilsley/MCTV Phase 2 Covid Reopening
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: Sept. 9, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2020
Zoom conference

Zoom Present: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director). 


Call to Order
Megan called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

Approve Minutes of May Meeting
Postponed till next meeting

Treasurer’s Report
There was no report

Logo Presentation
Matt and Pam Heywood of The Image Farm presented the new logo concepts, and the board discussed and asked questions. After significant time spent on discussing the ideas, symbolism, identity and other topics, the board’s consensus seemed to coalesce around the circular option. Allan moved, and Glenn seconded, to appoint Kurt as the point person for dealing with Matt and Pam in order to move the logo toward completion.       

Channel Reassignment
Kurt reported that the transition to the new channels appears to have gone smoothly and successfully, and that the old channels were no longer active.

Chorus Video
Kurt shared a link to the collaborative chorus video produced by chorus teachers and students at Mt. Abraham UHS, Vergennes UHS, and Middlebury UHS with help from MCTV. It has received over 30,000 views on Facebook and has been widely shared and commented upon.

Summer Plans
Kurt shared plans for the summer, starting with MUHS graduation this weekend. No camps will be offered, in accordance with the library being closed for summer programs. Kurt will investigate virtual options to engage youth and families.

Next Meeting Date
July 8, 2020, via Zoom

Executive Session
Not needed.

11:16 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 10, 2020
Zoom VideoConference

Call to Order
Logo Presentation
Channel Reassignment
Chorus Video
Summer Plans: Graduation, Festival, Camps
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: July 8, 10:00 AM via Zoom
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2020
Zoom conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 10:24 a.m.

Approve Minutes of March Meeting
The board approved the April 8, 2020 minutes.

Board Reorganization
A slate of Megan James, chair, Glenn Goodwin, treasurer, and George Bellerose, secretary, was nominated and unanimously elected. The board thanked ongoing member Len Rowell for his years of thoughtful stewardship as a member and chair. Len has been a board member since the early 2000s.

Treasurer’s Report
There was no report. During the annual meeting, the board discussed, at Joe’s suggestion, how detailed a report was needed for the board to fulfill its oversight responsibility. In the past, the board has received detailed monthly spreadsheets. In recent years, at the board’s request, the treasurer’s written report has been simplified to four or five line items, augmented by commentary by Kurt and Glenn. The board agreed that quarterly reports should be more detailed with breakdowns of major expenses.

VHS Tapes
With the reduction in community gatherings and meetings, Kurt and Jim have been tackling a longstanding backburner project, the cataloging of 30-plus years of program tapes. Approximately 3,500 tapes have been organized into 40 boxes in categories such as Festival on the Green, Memorial Day Parades, Betty Nuovo interviews, and selectboard meetings. The inventory is uncovering “treasures,” such as Festival on the Green coverage going back to 1986. Festival on the Green retrospectives will be shown this summer to replace the live programming. Kurt will film this big dig through our archives for a behind-the-scenes Facebook piece. After completing the organization of the VHS tapes, Kurt and Jim will start on a better organization of the DVDs. MCTV did not begin using DVD technology until the early 2000s. Some VHS tapes will be digitized to allow the viewing of old content on MCTV’s website. Dana said the library could provide a link to this historic resource. MCTV has a VHS-DVD digitizer in the public media lab, but a second, heavy-duty converter dedicated to the conversion may be purchased to speed the process, Kurt said. VHS tapes are being digitized as needed and based on their historic importance. Conversion of all the tapes could take months, Kurt estimated.

COVID continues to dramatically change MCTV’s coverage, programs, and modes of operation. Large gatherings, such as the Memorial Day Parade, school graduations, and Festival on the Green have all been cancelled. Alternatives, such as the taping and broadcasting of in-home Memorial Day speeches, are now being considered, Kurt said. Town boards are all meeting remotely. Kurt is coordinating and recording Zoom or Google meeting coverage from the selectboard meeting room. Coverage is streamed to YouTube. Selectboard meetings are simultaneously broadcast on 1071. School board meetings do not go live on cable, but are livestreamed to YouTube. Church services. Ministers’ sermons are taped and live streamed to YouTube or Facebook. MCTV downloads the files and broadcasts them later. MCTV and Ilsley summer children problems have been cancelled. Trial runs of distant media programs with children have proven time consuming, logistically challenging, and not very satisfactory, Kurt said. The popular story hours of Tricia Allen, children’s librarian, will be available on line. Covering Covid developments present challenges, but the ease of Zoom meetings and the simplicity of IPhone and IPad filming permits community members’ recording of many events. These recordings can then be combined and broadcast. The Addison Independent is iPhone filming some events, unique to our time, such as the 50th nightly Clang and Bang Parade in Vergennes, Megan noted. On a financial note, MCTV has begun using direct deposit for payroll.

Other Business
Kurt reported that the annual VAN meeting, normally a day full of presentations and lively discussions, was a “nuts and bolts” Zoom meeting of officers only this year. The financial impact of Covid-19 will not be known until August 1 when stations receive their quarterly payment from Comcast. Will the in-house restrictions expand Comcast’s subscriber base or will cost-conscious subscribers cut the cord? Comcast is not active now in its efforts to “claw back” in-kind services and charge for them. VAN is continuing to use Action Circles, a public affairs lobbying group, to represent its interests with the legislature. MCTV’s program schedule is now available on Comcast’s channel guide. The schedule, attractively designed by Grace Note, includes background on the programs. Fine tuning, which includes design of a new logo by the Image Farm, continues.  Dana reported the furlough of half the staff will continue until the end of July but the library will slowly be reopening with reduced staffing beginning with the return of books on May 26. Books will be wiped down—a normal daily return is 400 books— but won’t be reshelved for a week. On June 1, library users can begin requesting up to 10 books for external pickup. And yes, puzzles may be checked out by the stir crazy. Dana did not know when the library, itself, would open.

Next Meeting Date
June 10, 2020. 10 a.m. Zoom.

Executive Session
Not needed.

11:06 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
May 13, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM
Call to Order after Annual Meeting Adjourns
Approve Minutes of Apr. 8, 2020 meeting
Board Reorganization
Continuing Response to Covid-19
VHS Archive
Other Business
Next Meeting Date: June 10, 2020
Executive Session (if needed)


MCTV Board Meeing
April 8, 2020
Zoom conference

Zoom Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director). 


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

Approve Minutes of March Meeting
The board approved the March 11, 2020 minutes.

Treasurer’s Report
There was no report

Response to Covid-19
In a lively 30-minute discussion, the board reviewed the many community responses to the pandemic and how MCTV and others are encouraging, documenting, and celebrating these efforts. While the national media are full of Covid stories, the local content of MCTV, the Addison Independent and IIsley Library is most important in this time of “social distancing.” New technology, such as Zoom which the board used for its meeting, has created a relatively simple way of video and audio communication. However, the crisis has also highlighted the digital divide where some do not have access to the Internet and accompanying services, Dana noted.

The library, for example, has not yet solved how to make its existing and expanded on-line services, such as Kanopy movies, audio and eBooks, available to everyone. The common thread in community efforts is that these times require new thinking and approaches. Kurt, for example, described how MCTV’s education and meeting coverage and programs have changed with the governor’s stay-at-home, no-in-person-meeting mandate. Upcoming meetings of the select board, school board, and Hannaford Career Center will be Zoomed with MCTV as a participant, Kurt said. The meetings will be livestreamed to MCTV’s Youtube channel. Parents, students, and schools are struggling with on-line learning and filling the day. Tricia Allen, children’s librarian, has expanded her popular library story hour from one to three programs a week. With MCTV equipment, she films her readings at home and Kurt prepares the broadcast. In addition, Kurt is working with two area chorus teachers to create a mini-Zoom concert with singers participating from their homes, and with the United Way to create a cooking show. For Zoom newcomers, Kurt has created two tutorials that are on Ilsley’s website. During these isolating times, local organizations are attempting to maintain their community connections. The Town Hall Theater has created a video mini-series, the Quarantine Sessions, with brief performances from the Town Hall Theater All-Stars, such as Clint Bierman of The Grift performing his composition, Home School. Megan assembles five stories a week for the Independent that recognize good deeds of community members. Megan and Kurt will discuss how MCTV and The Independent can collaborate on video versions of these stories. Len might also conduct Zoom interviews for his “Story Matters” program. There is no shortage of good stories. The challenge is to document as many as possible in real time, the board agreed.           

Annual Meeting 2020
The board agreed to reschedule the postponed March 26 annual meeting to May 13 at 10 a.m. The meeting, a Zoom conference, will be limited to a brief program overview and passage of the budget. The community discussion, the normal highlight of the meeting, will be held when public gatherings are permitted. One possibility would be a Fall Forum that considered how the pandemic has changed the community.

Other Business
Dana reported that the library’s five part-time employees will be laid off on April 10 but will be rehired when the library reopens.  Kurt reported that with the reduction of community meetings that he and Jim were catching up on long, put-off studio projects. Kurt reported that Comcast has not set a date on when it would stop broadcasting both on MCTV’s old channels, 15 and 16, and on the new channels, 1071 and 1091. Comcast agreed to include VAN station programming in its guide as part of its Certificate of Public Good agreement with the Public Utility Commission. MCTV is paying Gracenote $200/month to prepare and distribute MCTV’s schedule on Comcast’s program guide. Kurt reported that the Image Farm, a Middlebury graphic design firm, is continuing to work on a new logo for the station.

Next Meeting Date
May 13, 2020. This will combine the abbreviated annual meeting and the monthly meeting.

Executive Session
Not needed.

11:06 a.m.


MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Apr. 8, 2020
Zoom Videoconference 10:00 AM
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Mar. 11, 2020 meeting
Response to Covid-19
Annual Meeting 2020
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 11, 2020
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Feb. 12, 2020 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Town Meeting Report
Channel Reassignment
Establish Nominating Committee
Annual Meeting 2020 (Mar. 26)
Other Business
Next Meeting Date (Apr. 8)
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Feb. 12, 2020
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer) Megan James, Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:21 a.m.

Approve Minutes January 8, 2020 meeting
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report.
Glenn reported MCTV has received its fourth-quarter Comcast contribution. The $31,867 payment for operating and capital expenses is a continuation of the stable funding of the past two years, Kurt noted. Comcast’s local subscribers tend to be an older demographic who are less interested and knowledgeable about “over-the-top” programming options, Kurt said.  Should cord cutting and reduced Comcast support become a problem, MCTV currently has few options to offset the company’s support, about 85 percent of our budget, Kurt noted. Underwriting is one option but fund raisers face a very competitive market where demand exceeds supply, the board agreed.            

Channel Reassignment
MCTV will begin a three-month transition on February 18 that will move our channel locations from 15 and 16 to 1071 and 1091. During the transition, programs will be available at the old and new locations. Comcast has given MCTV a one-time allocation of $3,500 to cover the costs of the transition, such as widely advertising the change, such as in The Addison Independent and Front Porch Forum, and the creation of a new logo. The scene stealer in this effort is a 30-second music video, Movin’ on Up, with music created by Allan and Clint Bierman of The Grift. The toe-tapping video will be shown on MCTV’s website and the Marquis Theater before it goes viral. The board also discussed changing the barebones program schedule in the Independent to highlight “gems” and programs of special interest.            

Budget 2020
The board approved a 2020 budget with income of $153,339 and expenses of $155,676.  Income highlights include Comcast, $128,264, estimated based its 2019 contribution; $5,000 from the Town of Middlebury to help cover the cost of select board coverage; and $20,500 from the town to cover Kurt’s technical coordinator’s service to the library. Major expenses include payroll, $115,626; operating expenses, $15,050; maintenance, $3,000, most of which will be used to cover the cost of listing MCTV’s schedule in Comcast’s program guide; and equipment, $22,000, mainly to cover updating the studio.  The budget will be officially approved at the annual meeting.                        

Annual Meeting
March 26, 2020. 4:30-6. Town offices. Theme: A broad review/listening session on our role in the community. In essence, how can we meet the interests and needs of the community through existing and new programs? Board members should send suggestions to Kurt on community members who can help us brainstorm at the annual meeting. The board will fine tune meeting details, such as selection of a moderator/facilitator and  presentations by community members, at our March meeting

Other Business
The board deferred discussion of Joe’s suggestions for more detailed long-term planning and execution until after the annual meeting.

Next Meeting Date
March 11, 2020

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

9:41 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Feb. 12, 2020
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Jan. 8, 2019 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Channel Reassignment
Budget 2020
Annual Meeting 2020 (Mar. 26)
Other Business
Next Meeting Date (Mar. 11)
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Jan. 8, 2020
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:25 a.m.

Approve Minutes of December 11, 2019 meeting
The minutes were approved.

Budget Priorities
With the recent installation of the state-of-the-art, three-camera, high-definition recording system in the town hall, MCTV should turn inward and begin the modernization of its studio space, Kurt recommended. While filming equipment is current, much of the studio—furniture, archival storage, and switching equipment—needs to be updated. Kurt will prepare a budget for such changes for the February meeting. Funding for the upgrades will come from MCTV’s capital budget, which had a balance of $26,598 on November 30, 2019.  Kurt will present a 2020 annual budget at the February meeting for board approval.

Programming 2019 Statistics
Our reason for being and niche is local content. Kurt reported that MCTV produced 478 programs with 479 content hours. Government coverage, such as select board meetings: 61 programs, 86 hours. Education coverage, 236 programs, 217 hours. Public coverage, such as Festival on Green, 181 programs, 176 hours. Most programs are aired at least three times. Last year’s coverage was similar to previous years, but some programming, such as interview programs, has declined, Kurt reported.

Channel Reassignment
MCTV will begin a three-month transition on February 18 that will move our channel locations from 15 and 16 to 1071 and 1091. During the transition, programs will be available at the old and new locations. Comcast has given MCTV a one-time allocation of $3,500 to cover the costs of the transition, such as widely advertising the change and the creation of a new logo. Channel reassignment sparked a lengthy discussion on whether our name and logo should be changed to reflect the changing nature of MCTV, i.e., a multi-platform, community media center not just a television station. The board agreed that any “rebranding” would be a major change and should only be undertaken after further discussions.            

Contract Template Update
Kurt reported that a Vermont Access Network committee has nearly completed a negotiation template that individual stations can use in their contract negotiations with Comcast. Comcast contracts with 11 stations, including MCTV, have expired. The recently negotiated Certificate of Public Good agreement between the Public Utility Commission and Comcast sets statewide conditions for Comcast’s operating license. MCTV’s negotiations will address our local concerns, such as the continuation of Comcast’s greater contributions to our capital budget, reflecting the higher costs of operating in a rural area. As a result of the CPG agreement, local stations will lose some services, such as $5-a-month internet connection. Kurt is investigating more costly but much faster business-class connections. Charges for other in-kind services are still being discussed, Kurt said.  MCTV’s seven-year contract with Comcast to be the local service provider expired December 31, 2017. Our contract negotiations should begin later this year.

Annual Meeting
March 23, 2020. 4:30-6. Town offices. Theme: A broad review of our programs. How can we meet the interests and needs of the community through existing and new programs? Board members should come with suggestions for community members to help us brain storm.

Other Business
The 2018-2021 Community Access Plan will be distributed at the request of new board members.

Next Meeting Date
February 12, 2020

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

9:35 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Jan. 8, 2020
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Dec. 11, 2019 meeting
Programming 2019 Stats
Channel Reassignment
Contract Template Update
Budget Priorities 2020
Annual Meeting 2020
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Dec. 11, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Farad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director). 


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.

Approve Minutes of November 13, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report, Town Office Upgrade, Channel Reassignment
Glenn reported that MCTV had received the town’s half share, $7,452.50, for the equipment upgrade in the town hall. Kurt reported that set-up problems had now been resolved and that the three-camera, high-definition system should be operational imminently to provide live streaming and cable broadcast of selectboard meetings. Glenn and Kurt reported that MCTV’s fund balance of $119,624—operating, $93,025; capital $26,598— was very healthy, representing nearly a year’s expenses. However, this balance reflects a one-time payment, $23,500, stemming from the Public Utility Commission’s recently concluded Certificate of Public Good legal settlement with Comcast. The settlement includes a $3,500 payment to cover the cost of changing our stations’ channels from well-known 15 and 16 to an expected 1071 and 1091. The transition will take place over a three month period at some point in early 2020. The $3500 covers things such as newspaper advertising about the channel reassignment, new logo design, staff time and other costs associated with the channel reassignment. Beyond the costs involved, this change will be an opportunity to rethink how MCTV presents itself, see discussion below. The $20,000 portion of the one-time payment will be used over the coming years to deploy mobile equipment enabling alternative broadcast solutions from remote sites. MCTV also received Comcast’s third-quarter payment, $31,684. The payment is a few hundred dollars less than the first- and second-quarter payments but does not indicate any signs of significant “cord cutting,” Kurt said.

Programming Overview/Visual Improvements
The board has long grappled with the questions of who watches MCTV, why, what can we do better. In a lively, wide-ranging discussion the board once again examined and cross-examined who we are and what we do. Joe presented a spreadsheet that catalogued the breadth of our local coverage: Governmental Meetings, such as select and school boards, town meeting, and legislative breakfasts; Church Services; Talk Shows; Arts, such as Festival on the Green and the New Filmmakers’ Festival; Library Programs, such as the First Wednesday Series and author’s series; Talks and Lectures, such as the Audubon Cabin Fever Series; Sports and School Programs, such as MUMS Tiger TV and the Bill Koch Nordic Ski Festival; and One-Off Programs, such as the Memorial Day Parade coverage. Kurt led the board through a PowerPoint presentation of MCTV’s website and programming. Stodgy it is not with its easy-to-read text, lively graphics, and photographs. MCTV’s online schedule provides detail not possible in the space limitations of the weekly Addison Independent listing. How many hours of local programming are there? A rough tally, 500 hours of coverage of roughly 500 events. Many events, such as school board coverage, may be shown three or more times, and all are available on YouTube for those without television. How many watch? There are no Nielsen ratings or algorithms for the demographics of our television audience. What we have is anecdotal. Government meetings and church services have dedicated viewers based on calls when there are problems with broadcast or upload delays, Kurt said.

What’s next? Lots of ideas. Spread the word that you don’t need a television or cable to access our programs. Connect with YouTube. How do we partner with other organizations, such as working with the Addison Independent, to produce a weekly video on the railroad bridge construction this coming summer? How can we better cover the vibrant cultural life of the area, from lectures at East View and the Congregational Church to college presentations? How can we highlight events of special interest in the Addison Independent program schedule?  To follow up, the board will name a subcommittee to continue the discussion and report back. 

Contract Template Update 
One of the many, valuable benefits of membership in VAN (the Vermont Access Network that represents the state’s 25 community television stations) is the shared cost of otherwise unaffordable legal advice, Kurt noted. VAN is now nearing completion of a negotiation template, with extensive outside legal help, that individual stations can use in their contract negotiations with Comcast. This template will attempt to solidify and expand on gains achieved in the Public Utility Commission’s CPG settlement with Comcast. Kurt said he expected MCTV would begin contract negotiations with Comcast this winter. MCTV’s seven-year contract with Comcast to be the local service provider expired December 31, 2017.

Other Business
Len distributed two documents on MCTV history that could be helpful to new board members: 1. Notes: Annual Meetings and Access Plans 2007-2017; and 2. The Ilsley Media Lab Proposal.

Next Meeting Date
January 8, 2020

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

9:31 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 11, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Nov. 13, 2019 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Town Office Upgrade
Programming Overview
Visual Improvements
Channel Reassignment
Contract Template Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
Nov.  13, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Megan James. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director). 


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:26 a.m.

Approve Minutes of October 9, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glenn reported that MCTV had received its annual $5,000 payment from the town to help cover the cost of our coverage of select board meetings. Kurt reported that as part of Comcast’s mediated settlement of its Certificate of Public Good that the company had agreed to the following:

• $3,500, a one-time payment to cover costs of changing our station’s channels from our well-known 15 and 16 to somewhere in the 1000s where they would be close to other public channels. This “rebranding” over a 90-day period could involve a new logo, website changes, public announcements, and advertising.

• $20,000 to develop alternative solutions for remote broadcast. This can include sites typically used by MCTV, such as the Town Offices and schools, as well as other sites not currently capable of cable broadcast.

 The $23,500 settlement was divided between the operating fund, $13,500, and the capital fund, $10,000.        

Town Office Upgrade
Installation of $14,700 in town hall equipment improvements enabling live, high-definition streaming of meetings will be completed very shortly. After testing at a future meeting, MCTV will announce the upgrade, Kurt said.

Recent Events
Len reported that community story telling is alive and well in Middlebury. An August “Back in the Day” story-telling session, sponsored by the Ilsley Library and the community group Story Matters, was followed by an equally successful November 9 gathering. The November session at 51 Main was not taped, but future sessions should be taped, Len said. In a story-telling doubleheader at 51 Main, the Bundle followed with a story telling around the theme of food.

Other Business
Kurt noted that a Vermont Access Network (VAN) committee is developing a negotiation template for individual station’s contract negotiations with Comcast. The template, building on the recent CPG settlement, should be ready by the end of this year.  MCTV’s seven-year contract with Comcast to be the local service provider expired December 31, 2017. That contract continues in place. The board agreed, at Joe’s urging, that we set aside time in coming meetings for in-depth discussions in three areas—the station’s content, look, and reach. These discussions will be a valuable preamble to MCTV’s annual meeting discussions in March, Len noted. 

Next Meeting Date
December 11, 2019

Executive Session (if needed)
Not needed.

9:24 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 13, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Oct. 9, 2019 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Comcast Settlement Details
Town Office Upgrade
Recent Events
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Allan Nicholls, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:21 a.m.

Approve Minutes of September 11, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Glen reported the current fund balance is a healthy $74,318. The operating balance is $68,122. The capital balance is $6,196, which is below average because of the cost of upgrading the town hall’s recording system. MCTV has not yet been reimbursed by the town for its half share, $7,452, of the system upgrade which will permit High Definition recording of meetings.  Kurt reported that the town’s busy IT person had not yet completed internet connection.     

Appoint New Board Member
The board welcomed Allan Nicholls who replaces Bryan Alexander, who has left the state. Allan’s appointment and the recent appointments of Megan James, Glenn Goodwin and Joe McVeigh bring wide-ranging media and technical experience to the board. This experience sparked a wide-ranging discussion on how MCTV is presenting itself. Community television’s stereotype can be lots of “dull” programs, i.e., school and select board meetings. Are we producing what people want to watch? Joe commented that as a relatively new board member he still did not have a comprehensive sense of MCTV’s history, program development, equipment/resources, and mission.To address these concerns the board agreed that the November meeting should focus on two areas: 1. Kurt will prepare a PowerPoint overview, in essence a MCTV Wikipedia entry, for discussion; 2. MCTV has operated on a “shoestring” in the past but now has much more sophisticated production equipment. Understanding that sophisticated productions are time consuming can MCTV’s “look” be improved? For example, long meetings can be broken up into shorter agenda pieces. A continuing problem, Kurt noted, was that MCTV records nearly all its programs in high definition but can only broadcast in standard definition because of Comcast’s dated infrastructure.

Comcast/CPG Renewal
After two years of legal wrangling, the state’s Public Utility Commission and Comcast have agreed on the conditions for the renewal of Comcast’s Certificate of Public Good (CPG), its operating license. The contract, which runs through 2028, was a “good faith” compromise, Kurt reported. Community television stations have long sought to have their program schedule listed in Comcast’s program guide. Comcast has finally agreed to that. However, MCTV’s channels, well-known as 15 and 16, will now have numbers in the 1000s.  Comcast also agreed to a pathway to upgrade its community television transmission infrastructure from low definition to high definition. This process would not begin for two years. Many of Comcast’s cable channels are broadcast in high definition now. Comcast agreed to expand its cable network by 350 miles. Many rural areas, such as Shoreham, Bridport, and Addison, don’t have coverage. Should coverage be expanded to these areas, they could become part of MCTV’s subscriber base, Kurt said. Comcast has not said where it will expand its coverage. Comcast will be allowed to charge for some services, such as formerly free Internet to schools and libraries, Kurt said. The impact of these charges on Comcast’s mandated contributions to community television is not yet known. With the completion of this statewide contract, individual stations will now begin renewing their contracts with Comcast. MCTV’s seven-year contract expired December 31, 2017. Close to a dozen community television stations are operating with expired contracts. The Vermont Access Network is developing a contract template to aid these stations.  Even with a template, MCTV might have to seek outside help as it has in the past, Kurt said.

Recent Events
Len reported that a “Back-in-the-Day” storytelling gathering in August drew 110 people. The morning and afternoon sessions, sponsored by the Ilsley Library and Story Matters, a community group, were taped and are being shown on MCTV.  The two organizations are now considering a second storytelling day in November.  MCTV’s sports division once again filmed the World Championship Quidditch Tournament at Middebury College. For those who don’t follow the sport, quidditch involves broomsticks, potions, a Quaffle, two Bludgers and the Golden Snitch. Read Harry Potter for more information on the intricacies of the game. Kurt, Megan, and Jim will be editing the lengthy coverage into short videos.

Upcoming Events
MCTV, with the help of the Sheldon Museum, will be covering the lecture series built around the museum’s current exhibit: “Conjuring the Dead: Spirit Art in The Age of Radical Reform.” The Bundle and Middlebury Underground will be sponsoring an Open-Mic Storytelling Series about Food and Community. The first event will be “Memorable Dishes” on November 1.

Other Business
Mary Arbuckle, executive director of the Bristol community television station, will be invited to speak to the board about that small station’s innovative programming.

Next Meeting Date
November 13, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:35 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct. 9, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Sept. 11, 2019 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Appoint New Board Member
Comcast/CPG Renewal
Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin (treasurer), Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Farhad Khan; Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director). Guest: Allan Nicholls.


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:20

Approve Minutes of July 10, 2019
The minutes were approved with correction of the spelling of Carl Neuse. There was no August meeting, our customary summer practice.

Treasurer’s Report
Glen and Kurt reported that the fund balance of $68,755 as of May 31,2019 continues to provide the desired six-month operating reserve should Comcast’s contributions stop. The operating balance is $58,283. The capital balance is $10,471. The capital balance will increase by roughly $7,000 when the town contributes its half share of the upgrading of the town hall recording system. Comcast’s second quarter payment of $32,221 is little changed from that of the past several quarters. MCTV has not seen a decline in Comcast’s payments, a result of “cord cutting,” that other community television stations have experienced.  One major concern (due to proposed FCC rule making changes) that Comcast could charge community television stations for channel capacity, thus potentially bankrupting the stations is off the table, Kurt reported. Comcast will likely begin charging for what have traditionally been “in-kind” services, such as free Internet for schools, churches, and libraries. MCTV’s contract with Comcast to serve Middlebury and Weybridge expired on December 31, 2017. Negotiations on a new seven-year contract will likely begin once the Certificate of Public Good is settled, Kurt said. Our expired contract continues in place until a new contract is signed. Kurt reported that mediation with Comcast over the Public Utility Commission’s conditions for renewal of the cable company’s CPG has reached a settlement in principle, and we are waiting for review by the Public Utility Commission. In upcoming meetings, the board will continue its “what if” survival discussions should Comcast’s future support be drastically reduced, as expected.

Summer Events (Festival on the Green, Camps, Back-in-the Day, MNFF)
In a word, MCTV was “busy” this summer. Festival on the Green performances were once again filmed and will be shown over the course of the next year.  The three youth summer camps were fully enrolled at 12. New this year was a lego robotics camp. Len reported that the August 5 “Back-in-the-Day” storytelling drew over 100 people for a lively discussion of Middlebury’s downtown and its people. The Sheldon Museum and Ilsley Library were instrumental in helping organize the story telling, Len said. The stories are available on MCTV’s website and in our cable channel programming. Similar programs are being planned, Len said. With next summer’s shutdown of the downtown for railroad construction, MCTV has an important role in documenting that change and bringing the community together, the board agreed. MCTV filmed over twenty panel discussions and presentations by prominent directors and actors during Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival in August. These programs will be shown on MCTV and possibly be shared with community television stations around the state.

Town Office Upgrade Update
Kurt reported that the installation of the upgraded recording system that will permit streaming transmission of meetings will be completed shortly, dependent on the Town’s IT vendor.

Other Business
Allan Nicholls, a Ferrisburgh musician, singer/songwriter, screenwriter, director, actor, and collaborator with legendary filmmaker Robert Altman, attended the meeting. The board is looking for an at-large member with varied media experience to replace Bryan Alexander.

Tour of the Digital Media Lab
Following the meeting, the board visited the upgraded media lab with its new soundproofing and higher-quality recording, Skyping, and digitizing equipment.      

Next Meeting Date
October 9, 2019

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:26 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Sept. 11, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of July 10, 2019 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Summer Events (Festival on the Green, Camps, Back-in-the-Day, MNFF)
Town Office Upgrade Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library 

Present: Glenn Goodwin, Farhad Khan, Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: George Bellerose. Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:20

Approve Minutes of June 10, 2019
Clarification of Town’s contribution to equipment purchase: 50%. The minutes were approved.

Summer Events
Festival on the Green is underway, with a good number of volunteers, including a number of first timers. Video camps are fully enrolled, and in a reverse of past trends, are dominated by females. Crowdsourced Cinema film for this summer is Beetlejuice. Story matters produces “Back in the Day” at Bundle Aug. 5, thanks to MCTV and Ilsley Public Library. Joe suggested doing something similar in the retirement communities. Suggested individuals who might have good stories: Betsy Guptill, Jessica Hoagland, Carl Noyse.

Town Office Upgrade Update
Equipment has arrived and will be installed when Town’s IT crew gets cabling connected.

Other Business

Next Meeting Date
Sept. 11, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:07 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
July 10, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of June 12, 2019 meeting
Summer Events (Festival, Camps, Crowdsourced Cinema)
Town Office Upgrade Update
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library 

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin, Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Farhad Khan. Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:20

Approve Minutes of May 8, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Financial Report
MCTV continues to have a healthy fund balance, a legacy of Dick’s conservative budgeting and Kurt’s continuation of that practice. The fund balance as of May 31, 2019 is $83,361 with the operating fund balance, $62,174, and the capital fund balance, $21,187.  This balance would permit MCTV to operate for at least six months should Comcast stop supporting community television. So far, MCTV has not been affected by the “cord cutting” of many cable subscribers, who have opted for cheaper or free Internet-based programming. Kurt surmised that given the older age of our Comcast subscriber base, MCTV would not be as prone to “cord cutting” as community stations funded by a younger demographic more comfortable with “over the top” programming.

Hosting Events Off-Site Insurance
MCTV activities, such as summer children’s camps, are covered by the liability insurance of a sponsoring organization, Ilsley Library. The board agreed that Kurt should investigate the need for MCTV’s own coverage given the breadth of our programming. Liability coverage has not been a major concern as MCTV covers events as a “witness” and not as the host of the event. In a related concern, the board discussed “the expectations of privacy” that govern the filming of community events. There is no expectation of privacy in the “public space,” Kurt said. In other spaces, such as school events, MCTV errs on the side of caution and seeks permission.

Social Media (Megan)
The board has long been interested in how MCTV’s presence could be expanded through the use of social media, such as Facebook and YouTube. Megan, who is in charge of social media for The Addison Independent, gave the board a primer on how a traditional news source, a newspaper, is attempting to broaden its reach through social media.  The Independent’s goal is to use social media to “help build and strengthen the community,” she said. Social media sharing of stories helps the Independent reach a younger audience, build interest and loyalty to the paper, and create the impression that the news organization will “always be there” in community news coverage. The Independent does not charge for its social media programming, but this presence does indirectly expand the reach of traditional newspaper advertising. The board agreed that MCTV should continue to explore how we can broaden our use of social media. Our strength, however, will continue to be gavel-to-gavel coverage of meetings and events and not tweets and Instagram.

Summer Events (Festival, Camps, Crowdsourced Cinema)
Len reported that a summer story project is being planned for the Festival on the Green series. During the noon children’s performance, attendees will be asked to tell their favorite summer story. These filmed stories, roughly two minutes, will be shown on MCTV. Kurt reported that three Ilsley-MCTV summer video camps for fourth to sixth graders will be offered. Stay tuned for more on the Lego robotics camp. Coming attraction. Area student videographers have participated in the past four remakes of classic films, such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. NCTV, the Northampton, Massachusetts community television station that organizes the crowd-sourced filming has not yet announced this year’s film, Kurt reported.

Other Business
Given the turmoil created by railroad bridge construction, MCTV should continue to reach out to downtown business and cover how the construction is affecting the community, the board agreed. Kurt reported that new equipment in the town office building that will permit live high definition streaming of events will be purchased after July 1. The town is sharing the $14,700 cost of the equipment. Comcast’s infrastructure does not yet permit high-definition transmission. Such higher-quality transmission is a requirement of the state Public Utility Commission for renewal of Comcast’s operating license. Comcast has challenged that and other requirements. Court order mediation is now underway.

Next Meeting Date
July 10, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:35 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
June 12, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of May 8, 2019 meeting
Financial Report
Hosting Events Off-site/Insurance
Social Media (Megan)
Summer Events (Festival, Camps, Crowdsourced Cinema)
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin, Megan James, Joe McVeigh, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Absent: Farhad Khan. Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:24.

Approve Minutes of April 10, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Welcome New Board Members/Board Reorganization
The board welcomed new member Joe McVeigh, the Ilsley Library representative. In board reorganization, Len agreed to be chair for another year. George was reappointed secretary and Glenn agreed to be treasurer. The slate was approved unanimously.

Financial Report
Kurt reported that Comcast’s first quarter payment increased about 1 percent, totaling $32,285.56. Capital equipment payment was $6,457.20. Operations budget payment was $25,828.36. The board accepted Kurt’s report.

Banking/Purchasing Procedures
The board approved new purchase procedures to respond to the increased cost of equipment, such as computers and cameras. Under this policy, the Executive Director is authorized to make purchases up to $2,000. Purchases from $2,000-$3,500 require written approval by the treasurer or chair, with purchase by credit card or check. Purchases above $3,500 require purchase by check, with the signatures of Executive Director and one authorized board member.  Past policy called for checks signed by two board members for purchases over $2,000.

Vermont Access Network Annual Meeting Recap
Good news. The “existential threat” to community television stations from potentially drastic cuts in Comcast support appears to have lessened. Members of the VAN executive committee reported that the cable industry has pulled back from a request to the Federal Communications Commission that it be allowed to charge stations for channel capacity. Widespread public opposition to the FCC rule making change, the difficulty of valuing channel capacity, and anticipated legal difficulties apparently led to the cable industry’s change of mind. Not out of the woods. This apparent victory does not change the cable industry’s longstanding efforts to “claw back” franchise fees and overturn regulations governing its public obligations, VAN participants stressed. At the state level, Comcast continues to challenge Public Utility Commission requirements, such as providing high-definition signal quality, as a condition for its renewal of its Certificate of Public Good. The parties have recently begun court-ordered mediation. Plan B. The legislature will be appointing a summer study committee to look at how the state should respond to the rapidly changing media, cable, and Internet environment. VAN has hired Action Circles, a Montpelier-based strategic communications firm, to represent  VAN’s interests in the legislature. The firm has developed Community Media Centers Talking Points that highlight community television’s role and importance in the state. Next steps. The board will continue its efforts to educate the community on our importance as a media center with hyperlocal coverage.

Memorial Day Parade Plans
Our see-yourself-on-MCTV float will return. Board members may ride on the truck or carry signs. Kurt will be sending out instructions on meeting to prepare Eric’s truck.

Other Business
Len, working with community members, is continuing his efforts to promote story telling. At our June meeting, Megan will discuss how MCTV can expand its social media presence.            

Next Meeting Date
June 12, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:37 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
May 8, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Apr. 10, 2019 meeting
Welcome New Board Members / Board Reorganization
Financial Report
Banking/Purchasing Procedures
VAN Annual Meeting Recap
Memorial Day Parade Plans
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Glenn Goodwin, Megan James, Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:19.

Approve Minutes of March 13, 2019
The minutes were approved.

Welcome New Board Members/Board Reorganization
The board welcomed new member Glenn Goodwin as an at-large member (2019-2022). He replaces Deborah Felmeth. The board deferred reorganization until the May meeting when another new member, Joe McVeigh, the new Ilsley Library representative, will be present.

VAN Annual Meeting May 3, 2019
The annual meeting is a valuable one-stop overview of how community stations around the state are addressing common concerns. The meeting is also an opportunity to view the studios and facilities of much larger stations, in this case the new studio of Northwest Access Television in St. Albans. Kurt, Len and George and possibly other board members will be attending.

MCTV Annual Meeting Recap
Recently, community television stations have been facing existential funding challenges to their survival. Keynote speaker Kevin Christopher, president of the Vermont Access Network (VAN) and executive director of Lake Champlain Access Television, provided a helpful overview of the funding of community television since the mid-1980s and of current attempts by cable providers, such as Comcast, to “claw back” public obligations and financial support. Reflecting on Kevin’s remarks and subsequent discussion, the board agreed that we must continue to develop a Plan B should Comcast be permitted to drastically reduce their financial support. At the same time, it is premature to move ahead on fund-raising, such as program underwriting and fee-for-service coverage, until the fate of a proposed FCC regulation is known. This regulation would allow cable providers to deduct “in kind services” that they would define and value against their mandated financial support of community television. Should the FCC approve the regulation, supported by the cable industry, community media and others will challenge the change and ask for a stay from the courts. Court resolution could take months if not years. If Comcast funding stops during court proceedings, few of the larger stations with significant overhead could survive at their present levels for more than six months, Kurt, a member of the VAN executive board, reported. A FCC decision is expected by the end of the year. MCTV, because of its traditional conservative budgeting and healthy balance sheet, could survive for six months without any reduction in programming. Longer term survival would depend on how cable providers assess the value of their “in kind services”, such as providing transmission channels. Worst case, Comcast could argue that the value of the channel’s bandwidth is greater than their annual contribution, about 80% of MCTV’s budget. Essentially, MCTV would then owe Comcast money and that would be our death knell. Kurt once again outlined coverage and program options: reduce staffing and largely limit coverage to select board and school board meetings; cover events on a fee-for-service basis; work with the Hannaford Career Center to revive the video curriculum and have students be producers; seek community underwriting for programs; consolidate the 25 community television stations into one statewide station with potential economies of scale. Severing the contract with Comcast and making programming available on the Internet would face a major problem—replacing the $125,000 annual contribution of Comcast, Kurt said. Raising that amount or a lesser sum is highly unlikely given the competition from the area’s many, deserving non-profit organizations.

An alternate route, given MCTV’s important role in being a record and voice for the community, is to seek greater town budget support. The town currently pays  $20,500 toward the technology coordinator position for Ilsley/MCTV and pays $5,000 to help cover the cost of our coverage of select board meetings. The board agreed that Farhad, a select board member, and Kurt should begin informally exploring greater town support with the select board. Short term, MCTV should continue its educational outreach efforts, such as with a short video that would highlight our community-building programs.

Other Business
Len asked board members for comments on a new storytelling program. Kurt will send a link to the hour-long program that featured four storytellers. Kurt will circulate our 2018-2021 Community Access Plan for board review at the May meeting.

Next Meeting Date
May 8, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:26 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Apr. 10, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Mar. 13, 2019 meeting
Welcome New Board Members / Board Reorganization
VAN Annual Meeting 5/3/19
MCTV Annual Meeting Recap
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Meeting Room, Middlebury Town Hall, 4:30-6

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Megan James, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Jim Corbett, (production coordinator), and Kathy Wheatley, (programmer).

Business Meeting

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 4:39.

Approve 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
The annual meeting minutes were approved.

Adopt Budget
The board approved a $152,199 budget, containing two revenue sources: Comcast, $127,154; Town of Middlebury, $5,000 for select board coverage, and $20,300 to support Kurt Broderson’s position as technology coordinator for the library. Expenses are budgeted at $150,725, creating a small surplus, $1,474. Major expenses are payroll, $111,225; operations, $12,700; maintenance, $1,800; and equipment upgrades, $25,000. The town will be contributing $8,000 toward the $16,000 cost of upgrading town hall equipment, which will permit future live streaming of select board meetings.

Elect Three At-Large Board Members
George Bellerose (secretary) was elected to another three-year term, 2019-2022. Glenn Goodwin was elected to replace Deborah Felmeth, 2019-2022. A third member will be elected later.

Terms of other board members.
Len Rowell (chair) At-Large 2017-2020
Megan James, ACSD representative, 2018-2021
Farhad Khan, Selectboard representative, 2018-2021
Ilsley Library representative to be named.

Other Business
Len thanked outgoing board members Bryan Alexander and Deborah Felmeth for their many contributions.

The business meeting was adjourned at 4:55.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:30pm
Meeting Room, Middlebury Town Hall

Call to Order
Approve 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
Adopt Budget
Elect three At-Large Board Members (1 up for re-election, 1 prior nomination, floor nomination?)
Other Business

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Alice Eckles, Deborah Felmeth, Megan James, Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:22.

Approve Minutes of December 19, 2018
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported a “healthy” operating balance, $49,956, and capital balance, $16,223. The total balance, $66,180, combined with future quarterly Comcast payments should support full station operations for six to 12 months without any additional revenue. Given the uncertainty of future Comcast contributions, the 2019 budget will be based on the actual revenue in 2018. The payment, $17,000, for a five-year maintenance contract on new equipment has drawn down the capital balance but that one-time expenditure will save thousands of dollars by avoiding more-costly annual contracts, Kurt reported.

Budget 2019
Kurt’s 2019 budget continues Dick’s conservative budgeting philosophy. Comcast’s contribution, which in the past has increased as much as several percent a year, is budgeted at 2018 levels, $127,154. The two other major revenue sources in the proposed $152,199 budget are the Town of Middlebury’s $5,000 contribution for MCTV coverage of select board meetings, and the town’s support of Kurt as the technical coordinator at Ilsley Library, $20,550. Projected expenses are $150,725, with the major expense being payroll, $111,225. The 2019 budget is about $11,000 less than 2018 budget. The decrease reflects lower payroll costs as Dick transitioned to full retirement in June of 2018. MCTV is in a “good position” for 2019, but the 2020 budget could require severe cuts if pending FCC regulatory changes allow Comcast to dramatically reduce its community television support, Kurt noted. The ramifications of loss of support will be the focus of this year’s annual meeting. See below.

Annual Meeting 2019
Kevin Christopher, executive director of the Lake Champlain Access Television and president of Vermont Access Network, will be the keynote speaker and present an overview of pending FCC regulations that threaten the economic survival of community television. Mary Arbuckle, executive director of Northeast Addison Television in Bristol, will then describe how that station’s innovative programming is attempting to meet the needs and interests of its dispersed six-community audience.  Kurt and Len will then moderate a discussion built around three questions: 1. What kinds of community programs and coverage interest our viewers/what do they watch?; 2. How do they watch programs/a cable channel, our website, on a mobile device, such as an Iphone?; and 3. If we lose Comcast financial support how can we fund our operation/underwriting, expanded fee-for-service coverage, subscription fees, contracted training programs in schools? Board members should continue to suggest to Kurt community members who can help us answer these questions or invite members themselves.  Lest the meeting be all “gloom and doom,” Kurt will prepare a short video of the diversity of MCTV coverage. Gloom will be dispelled by at least one segment, a three-minute video of the recent Bill Koch Ski Festival at the Rikert Ski Center. The festival brought 500 young skiers—some about as tall as their short skis—to the Center for two days of low-key racing, parades, and games that require the flexibility of youth. There may also be a segment on pond skimming on snow skis, a sport for the adventurous and those immune to hypothermia.

Other Business
The board will shortly have three vacancies: Bryan Alexander has left the state; Alice Eckles, the Ilsley Library representative is leaving the Iibrary board; and Deborah Felmeth is finding that commitments in Syria make board participation very difficult. The board should be thinking of possible new members. Of special interest would be a member who could bring fund-raising and marketing experience to the board.

Next Meeting Date
April 10, 2019.

Executive Session
Not needed.

9:35 a.m.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Mar. 13, 2019
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Dec. 19, 2018 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Budget 2019
Annual Meeting 2019
Other Business
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting
Feb. 13, 2019
Cancelled due to weather

MCTV Board Meeting
Jan. 9, 2019
Cancelled due to weather

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Alice Eckles, Megan James, Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Deborah Felmeth (treasurer). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guests: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director)


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:20.

Approve Minutes of November 14, 2018
The minutes were approved with one change. The board welcomed new board member Megan James. She was appointed by the ACSD board.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and Len (acting treasurer) discussed Comcast’s quarterly contributions: operating budget, $25,315, and capital budget, $6,328. Comcast’s quarterly payment has stabilized after a 4% drop from Q4 2017 to Q1 2018. MCTV’s fund balances are a very healthy $91,083, made up of an operating balance of $69,183 and a capital fund balance of $21,900. This balance would cover MCTV’s operations for at least six months, our budgetary goal, without further revenue. The 1984 federal Cable Communications Policy Act requires cable companies to allot a percentage of their revenue toward the support of community public television. In MCTV’s case the fee is 5% for operating support and 1.25% for capital support.

VAN Summit Report
Kurt and Len attended the December 12 statewide VAN meeting, called to discuss proposed FCC rule changes that could reduce or, worst case, eliminate cable company support of public television. Bad news. The two changes—one would allow cable providers to charge for “in-kind services”; the other would eliminate the franchise fee for use of public airwaves. The fee, which is the basis for our operating support—if reduced or disallowed would be an “existential threat” to community television’s survival. The good news or sort-of good news. There is time to prepare for the worst-case. FCC’s comment period, which elicited nationwide opposition to the changes from legislators, state organizations, and communities, ended December 14. Final FCC action on the changes, which are strongly supported by the cable industry, and possible court appeals would take time and probably would not be resolved quickly. Support for the 2019 budget should be “solid.” The crunch could be 2020, Kurt thought. However, community televisions must begin preparing for possible reduced support, VAN meeting participants agreed. MCTV’s current budget balance ($91,083) will fund a full-offering station for at least six months and a pared operation, just meeting coverage, for longer. The board discussed, at length, various options: retrench to a one-person station that covers board meetings and maintains our Ilsley co-programming; cover events on a fee-for-service basis (Middlebury contributes $3,000 now to help pay for the cost of selectboard coverage); seek program underwriting; build new alliances, such as with the career center, where MCTV would help revitalize its dormant video curriculum and students could help run the station by taping meetings; make programs available only on the web with no Comcast distribution; crowd source support. Next steps. Long-term funding will be the community discussion topic at the March annual meeting. Kurt and others will seek ideas on support/underwriting from community organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce.           

Annual Meeting 2019
The meeting will be held March 27, 4:30 to 6, in the meeting room of Middlebury Town Hall.

Future Trends
Bryan, attempting to dispel the meeting’s “gloom and doom,” noted that open access to textbook and scholarly articles is expanding. Given the high-cost of textbooks and scholarly journals, open access is a boon to students and the academic and lay communities, Bryan noted.

Next Meeting Date
January 9, 2018

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 9:34.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Dec. 19, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Nov. 14, 2018 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
VAN Summit Report
Annual Meeting 2019
Budget 2019
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Public Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Alice Eckles, Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Deborah Felmeth (treasurer), Megan James. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guests: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director)


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:23.

Approve Minutes of October 10, 2018
The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt and Len (acting treasurer) presented a new short-form report with the following highlights. MCTV has a healthy fund balance of $72,492, consisting of an operating balance of $53,456 and a capital budget balance of $19,036. The capital budget decreased $17,842 reflecting the purchase of new equipment from Televue Service, MCTV’s long-time equipment provider.

Comcast’s quarterly payment has stabilized after a 4% drop from Q4 2017 to Q1 2018, Kurt reported.

New Board Member Approved
The board welcomed the appointment of Megan James as the school board’s representative. She replaces Tim O’Leary, who left the Middlebury school system to become technology coordinator in the Shelburne school system.

FCC and Comcast Update
In an extended “what if” discussion, the board discussed survival strategies should Comcast be allowed to drastically cut its support. Community television stations have long been concerned that “cord cutting” by cable subscribers could lead to reduced Comcast support, which represents about 80% of MCTV’s budget.

The Federal Commerce Commission is now considering a rule change, a new threat, that would allow cable providers to subtract “in kind” expenses from its mandated quarterly franchise fees. If broadly interpreted “in kind” expenses could offset quarterly contributions, the VAN executive board fears. VAN objected to the proposed change prior to the comment deadline of November 14. There is a December 14 FCC deadline to react to these comments.

While the current FCC is considered pro-business, there is considerable Congressional opposition to the change, Kurt and Bryan noted.

In the worst-case scenario, Comcast support could effectively end. Should that happen, MCTV would have to retrench to a one-person operation limited to select board and school coverage and its program relationships with Ilsley. The town now budgets about $25,000 to support library programs and select board coverage.

The select board plans to increase its support of MCTV’s meeting coverage from $3,000 to $5,000 in next year’s budget. Town officials have also agreed to pay for half the cost of upgrading to high-definition quality equipment in the town hall. This long-needed improvement would cost about $16,000, Kurt said.

MCTV would have to consider similar pay-for-coverage and partnerships with schools and other town groups, Kurt suggested.

Kurt will review the November comments and suggest ways that MCTV and the select board could respond.

A second, but less immediate, funding threat is a change, now in the draft stage, that would restrict the power of local municipalities to control their public rights of way and charge for their use, such as by natural gas pipelines. This principle underpins PEG access funding, which requires that cable providers like Comcast pay for the use of public airways.

Len once again noted the recent loss of several community producers and the need to find new hosts. Ask community members who might be interested in sharing their interests and MCTV might receive was Len’s charge to the board. Broadening MCTV’s coverage of Middlebury’s vibrant community life will be revisited in future meetings.

Other Business
Board members should be thinking of themes for the March annual meeting.

Dana reported that the library is investigating Data Hot Spots, Internet access points that rely on the library’s Internet connection that patrons, who don’t have an Internet connection, could use at home.

Future Trends
Bryan, our guide to virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, updated the board on the scary world of Magic Leap goggles. Should a goggled board be attacked by robots, Bryan has anti-bot magic swords and laser light beams to defend us. Bryan has less power when it comes to preserving net neutrality, the principle that Internet service providers treat all data on the Internet equally, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication. Mobile service providers are now charging premiums for faster transmission speeds. Cable providers are still required to be net neutral but are lobbying hard to weaken its provisions, Bryan reported.

Next Meeting Date
December 12, 2018

Executive Session
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:32.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Nov. 14, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Oct. 10, 2018 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
New Board Member Approved
FCC & Comcast Update
Town Office Upgrade Update
Recent Events (Readathon)
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Alice Eckles. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guests: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director) and Megan James, prospective board member.


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:26.

Approve Minutes of September 12, 2018
The September minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Kurt reported that the budget continues to be in “good condition” with healthy reserves. Kurt noted that the equipment maintenance contract had increased, reflecting the cost of servicing new, high-tech equipment, from an estimated $1,800 to $5,000.

Access Plan Draft Review
The board approved the draft of the 2018-2021 Community Access Plan prepared by Deborah and George. The board felt the 2014-2017 plan, with minor updating, continued to present the big-picture view of MCTV’s mission.

The ongoing ground-level challenge is to fill in the details, build community relationships, and develop programs that reflect the diverse interests of the community.

Toward that end, Len reported that Cheryl Mitchell, a long-time MCTV program host and supporter, will moderate two discussion programs, Growing Bright Futures and Grounded Leadership.

Len is now developing an hour-long program that will bring together half a dozen storytellers to discuss a theme, such as aging.

For the next meeting, board members are to come up with program suggestions and people who might be their producers and hosts.

Comcast Revenue Review
Kurt reported that Comcast’s appeal of conditions set by the Public Utility Commission for renewal of the cable provider’s certificate of public good (CPG) continues very slowly through the U.S. Court of Appeals. Critical to MCTV is PUC’s condition that Comcast improve its transmission infrastructure to high-definition quality.

Comcast appealed this and other conditions in August 2017. Court resolution may take many months, the Vermont Alliance Network, which represents the state’s 27 community television stations, believes.

MCTV will not begin negotiating a renewal of its provider contract with Comcast until the court appeal is settled. Until then, our seven-year contract, which expired December 31, 2017, will continue in force.

Town Office Upgrade
MCTV has the capacity with our portable equipment to record all town activities, except for select board meetings, in high definition. Updating the aging, fixed, standard-definition equipment in the town hall would cost about $15,000.

While upgrading is the wave of the future, if not the present, the board discussed at length how to finance and when to install the upgrades. If the equipment is to be upgraded and be available for the town’s own use should MCTV ask the town to help with its purchase? MCTV viewers can view programs on high definition through MCTV’s Facebook presence. Cable subscribers, depending on the court’s action, may not have high-definition access for several years.

While the upgrade has been budgeted, there is no rush to install it. Instead, Kurt should first discuss possible town support with the town manager and select board, the board agreed.

Recent Events (Quidditch, Readathon)
Venturing into Wide World of Sports territory, MCTV taped Middlebury College’s annual Quidditch Tournament which brought 12 college teams to campus on September 29. Kurt valiantly attempted to explain Quidditch to non-Harry Potterites. Quidditch, founded at the College in 2005, involves two chasers, two beaters, a keeper, a seeker, and a snitch. There are four balls—a Quaffle, two Bludgers, and a Golden Snitch—and a magic broom. For more Quidditch arcana contact Kurt or Harry.

MCTV advertised its presence with our new, multi-logo, pop-up tent.

Mary Hogan’s Readathon competition’s concluding events will once again be taped by MCTV.

Other Business
Town support.The board has long considered asking the select board to increase the town’s annual support from the present $3,000 to the $5,000 of the past. The board asked Kurt to come up with the hours of coverage that MCTV devotes to board meetings. Rather than an annual donation, like that made to other community non-profits, a formal contract would provide greater budget stability.

Mindful of the town’s tight budget, MCTV requested the reduction half a dozen years ago when Kurt was hired. Forty-nine percent of his salary was paid for out of the library budget reflecting his half-time position as technology coordinator at the library.

Dana reported that the library’s aging heating system is undergoing a thorough inspection with an eye on replacement. Last winter’s heating failures left the library without heat.

Future Trends
Deferred in Bryan’s absence.

Next Meeting Date
November 14, 2018

Executive Session
Not needed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:34.

MCTV Board Meeting Agenda
Oct. 10, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Sept. 12, 2018 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Access Plan Draft Review
Comcast Update
Town Office Upgrade
Recent Events (Quidditch, Readathon)
New Programs
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Public Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth (treasurer), Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Alice Eckles. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order

Len called the meeting to order at 8:19.

Approve Minutes of July 11, 2018

The July minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Deb and Kurt noted that MCTV has a very “healthy” balance, about $100,000, resulting from several recent payments from the town and Comcast. The balance, about $30,000 greater than normal, will most likely decline, Kurt cautioned, as Comcast’s support may drop in the future.

Another expense. Kurt is exploring upgrading the transmission of select board meetings from standard definition to high definition. Other meetings, such as the school board, are filmed in high definition. High definition viewing is available on MCTV’s web but not yet on cable because of Comcast’s aging transmission infrastructure.

Kurt is investigating the purchase of three robotic high-definition cameras, which can be controlled by a single operator with a switcher, to cover select board meetings. This would enable HD streaming and viewing on the web and on cable when Comcast upgrades its transmission infrastructure to HD.

Cost will depend on whether the upgrade is turnkey or mix-and-match using existing MCTV equipment, Kurt said.

Studio upgrade. The College recently donated three, older but very adequate, HD cameras to MCTV.

Deborah will be leaving for four months in Syria in November. Len will fill in as treasurer.


Len noted that MCTV has lost two popular interview programs in the past year, Middlebury 5-0 and Betty Nuovo’s program, and has a hole in its community coverage. In an effort to fill this gap, Len met with Cheryl Mitchell, a long-time friend of MCTV, interview host, and highly respected public servant at local and state levels. Cheryl suggested two series, Grounded Leadership and Spirit and Nature.   

Len will continue discussions with Cheryl.

At the same time, Len urged the board to be “intentional” and develop a list of community members with skills and interests that could translate into programs.       

Access Plan Draft Review

Deborah and George reported that the draft of the 2018-2021 Community Access Plan required only minor updates. Most of their review involved brainstorming on how to implement this view from 30,000 feet with on-the-ground programs and community relationships.

Board members began discussing this brainstorming document, which is attached below, and will continue at the October meeting. Members should review this document and forward any suggestions to George before the October meeting.

Some ideas. Archives. MCTV has hundreds of old tapes. Most are not worth converting to digital but are worth storing. The board will schedule a work day to sort these tapes after consulting with a professional archivist, such as Dana or Andy Kolovos at the Vermont Folklife Center.

Program gems will be set aside for easy access and for future best-of reruns.

Staffing. Deborah and George, concerned that their many brainstorms were being added to already full plates, suggested hiring a part-time staffer to carry out specific tasks. Kurt felt that he and Jim had the scheduling flexibility and occasional slow periods to take on new initiatives.

Partners and Relationships. Deborah and George seconded Len’s recommendation that we seek out new people and program partners. At the same time, we should build on our existing relationships. Look at our If You Ask Them They Will Come and come up with your own suggestions for the October meeting.

It’s Easy. We need to do a better job of marketing/education that everyone can produce a show and that the Public Media Lab is a community resource.           

Comcast Revenue Review

Comcast in an upcoming appeal to the Federal Communications Commission is essentially attempting to move the goal posts on how it supports community television, Kurt reported. The net effect would be to dramatically reduce its support. Vermont’s Certificate of Public Good process may insulate the state’s community television stations from any changes. Stay tuned.       

Other Business

Dana reported that the eight, community focus groups on the library’s role would be completed in November. This listening period will be followed by a review of the compatibility of the community’s interests and the proposed library renovation.

One common theme, she said, is that the community is not aware of all the desired services that the library is already providing. Similarly, the community is not aware, despite many outreach efforts, of joint library-MCTV programs, such as the public media lab, Dana and Kurt noted.

MCTV’s board met with Dana and facilitator Barbara Doyle-Wilch at its July meeting. See July minutes for a report on that focus group. The library building committee will issue a report upon the conclusion of the focus groups, Dana reported.

Kurt is continuing his search for a school district replacement for Tim O’Leary following several failed attempts. Kurt hopes to have a recommendation for the school board shortly.

Future Trends

Deferred in Bryan’s absence.

Next Meeting Date

October 10, 2018

Executive Session

Not needed.


The meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Sept. 12, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of July 11, 2018 meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Access Plan Draft Review
Comcast Revenue Review
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

July 11, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Alice Eckles, Deborah Felmeth (acting secretary), Len Rowell (chair).  Absent: George Bellerose, Farhad Khan, Timothy O’Leary.  Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest : Dana Hart (Ilsley Library Director), Barbara Doyle-Wilch ( Ilsley Building Committee Focus group)


Call to Order

Len called the meeting to order at 8:19.

Approve Minutes of June 13, 2018

The June minutes were amended, in the 3rd paragraph of Annual Report for Comcast, to read live-broadcast as opposed to live-streaming. The minutes were approved.

Ilsley Building Committee Focus Group

Barbara Doyle-Wilch was introduced to us by Dana Hart.  Barbara then led us through an interesting question and answer dialogue aimed at helping the Library Building Committee achieve an alignment with the community’s vision. They are having many focus groups and hope to gather all of the threads into an aggregate report by November reflecting the uniqueness of this community.

The questions included: What kind of a community do you want to live in? What are the the goals and aspirations? What does Middlebury need? or need more of? What advice do you want to give to Dana?

The answers ranged from the practical- parking, to the technical- broadband and cell phone coverage, to the economic- affordable housing and more practical downtown businesses, to the arts and diversity, greater transparency, more student engagement from the college within the town, (and a general need for transporters everywhere).

Comcast Revenue Report

Kurt gave an overview of 2013 through first quarter 2018 Revenue from Comcast. Overall the revenue is increasing at 1.31% for this period. If people drop cable, the revenue will drop but so far this hasn’t happened. However an anomaly seemed to occur in the first quarter of 2018 as the “expanded video service” Comcast fee dropped 25%.  It may be a one time correction. Our revenue did not change. VAN lawyers are investigating, what the heck!

Other Business

Tim  O’Leary has taken a job at the Shelburne Community School, Congratulations Tim!, and is leaving the MCTV Board. Too short! but sweet.  Kurt is reaching out and will try to have a replacement from the School Board by the September meeting.  Deborah will become treasurer. No comment.

Future Trends

Bryan thrilled us with the mention of a TV show on TRUE TV, called Paid-Off, which is a reality show. If you win your student debt gets paid!

Next Meeting Date

September 12, 2018 at 8:15 am. No meeting in August.


The meeting adjourned at 9:40

July 11, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of June 13, 2018 meeting
Ilsley Building Committee Focus Group
Comcast Revenue Review
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

June 13, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Alice Eckles, Deborah Felmeth, Timothy O’Leary, Len Rowell (chair). Absent: Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order

Len called the meeting to order at 8:14.

Approve Minutes of May 9, 2018

The May minutes were approved.

Annual Report for Comcast

As required by the Public Utilities Commission, Kurt submitted, in May, MCTV’s annual report of the station’s 2017 activities. Highlights include a decrease in live programming from remote sites because of the station’s aging equipment and the transition to HD cameras, which are not supported by Comcast infrastructure.

Kurt noted that the percentage of locally produced programs has dropped—MCTV has traditionally had one of the highest percentages—as several programs, such as Middlebury 5-0, ended.

Such ebbs and flows are normal both Kurt and Dick (Thodal) have pointed out.

Because of the limitations of meeting sites and aging infrastructure, MCTV has limited live-streaming capacity—select board, town meeting, and high school graduation. Kurt hopes to expand live-streaming to school board meetings.

Usage figures in the last quarter suggest that MCTV does not need a third channel devoted just to government programs. Public and government programs now share a single channel, Channel 15. Our new server can better monitor usage, Kurt said.

There were no major changes in the use of the third-floor studio.       

Access Plan

MCTV’s 2014-2017 access plan needs updating to reflect community interests discussed at our March annual meeting. Len urged that MCTV be “intentional” in seeking producers and in developing programs to tell the stories of the community. Alice, for example, suggested that we try to expand coverage of Middlebury’s art scene. Should we be offering an “Old Farts Camp” to complement our summer youth video camps? How do we encourage greater collaboration with the Sheldon Museum and the Vermont Folklife Center?

 Len will be meeting with local filmmakers Andy and Lisa Mitchell and Cheryl Mitchell, a former board member and producer, to discuss expanding local lives programming.

Board members should pass on access plan suggestions to Deb and George who will tweak the current plan and present a draft at the September meeting.

Comments on Youtube

While not a front-burner issue, the board and Dana agreed that both organizations should have a short, governing statement on commentary. Social media commentary is not as pervasive or vitriolic in Vermont as in other parts of the country, but the library and MCTV should be prepared for that development.

MCTV’s website does not have a program comment option. Programs that are viewed via Youtube do have that option. MCTV has not monitored and blocked “offensive” comments in the past both because of first amendment concerns and the labor-intensive and subjective nature of monitoring.

Kurt will look at policies of other stations and will suggest that commentary policies be a topic at next year’s VAN conference. The discussion was triggered by offensive Youtube comments following interviews with Jack Mayer on his Holocaust writing.

Ilsley Building Committee Focus Groups

Dana reported that the building committee for the library’s expansion will be holding eight focus groups in the coming months. Much of the July 11 board meeting will be devoted to a focus-group discussion of MCTV’s interest in and goals for the new library. Barbara Doyle Welch, a consultant for the building committee, will moderate the discussion.

Festival on the Green

Filming of the week-long festival is one of MCTV’s most labor-intensive—three cameras and a switcher—and most watched programs. Volunteers are always needed; Deb and Len volunteered for camera duty.

While MCTV,  concerned about artist restrictions,  has never uploaded the programs to VMX for statewide viewing times have changed, given the ubiquity of I-phone filming. Kurt will explore uploading these performances.

Other Business

 Kurt reported that other VAN stations have seen significant declines in Comcast’s quarterly support. MCTV has seen steady several percent increases. Why the decline? No one knows. The harbinger of long-forecast cord cutting?

MCTV student videographers will participate in the fourth-annual spoof of a classic film (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off). The spoof, sponsored by a Massachusetts station, has become very popular and participation is now highly competitive, Kurt said.

Kurt also reported that the Public Media Lab now has Adobe Creative Suite, a powerful collection of software used for graphic design, video editing, web development, and photography. There are also mobile applications and some optional cloud services.

Future Trends

Bryan reported that nearly half the world is “connected” online. Unfortunately, this is mainly the easy half, the developed world.

We also learned that Domino’s Pizza is in the pot-hole filling business—with tarmac not pizza. It’s good business and publicity—a Domino’s sticker goes on the pothole—and an example of privatization of underfunded public services.

Bryan’s “Future Trends Forum” where he interviews prominent thinkers is now two and a half years old. His 100-plus interviews, which are live-streamed, are available at his website.

The Federal Communication Commission’s recent ruling repealing net neutrality is likely to lead to costly, tiered services with the consumer the loser, he commented.    

Next Meeting Date

July 11, 2018 at 8:15 a.m. There will not be an August meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 9:35.

June 13, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes of May 9, 2018 meeting
Annual Report (for Comcast)
Access Plan
Comments on Youtube
Ilsley Building Committee Focus Group
Festival on the Green
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

May 9, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Alice Eckles, Deborah Felmeth, Farhad Khan, Timothy O’Leary. Absent: Len Rowell (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, (Ilsley Library director).


Call to Order

Bryan called the meeting to order at 8:15.

Approve Minutes of March 14 & April 11, 2018

The March and April minutes were approved.

Board Reorganization

Alice Eckles, the new Ilsley Library representative, was welcomed. The board unanimously elected the following officers for the coming year: Len Rowell, chair; Bryan Alexander, vice chair; Timothy O’Leary, treasurer; and George Bellerose, secretary.         

VAN Annual Meeting, May 4, 2018 Recap

MCTV had record representation at the meeting with four board members—George, Alice, Farhad, and Tim—and two staff—Kurt and Jim—attending

Alice, Farhad, and Tim, first-time attendees, received a crash course in acronyms, Comcast’s court challenge to the Public Utility Commission’s (PUC) conditions for renewal of Comcast’s certificate of public good, and in the concerns of fellow PEG stations.

Of particular interest was the session, “Live Streaming Solutions & Updates.” MCTV apparently has some of the oldest, if not the oldest and slowest, equipment for sending signals to Comcast for cable transmission, Kurt reported. In addition, MCTV can record in high definition but can only transmit in lower-quality standard definition because of Comcast’s aging infrastructure. Both these conditions will be part of MCTV’s future contract negotiations with Comcast, Kurt said.

Comcast is currently challenging PUC’s requirement that offer HD channels, an interactive programming guide, and other items. MCTV will not begin its negotiations until the court challenge is resolved.

Also of interest were VAN members’ efforts to better explain the importance of PEG stations’ local coverage to the state. Some stage agencies and many Vermonters are not aware of PEG’s reach, such as through the statewide Vermont Media Exchange. VAN needs a marketing plan, like that of the Vermont Arts Council, that highlights the economic and educational importance of community television.

For those concerned with the budget impact of “cord cutting” and decreased Comcast support, there is a new “disrupter,” OTT or Over the Top transmission of programs. Internet-based services like Roku, Sling, Apple TV, Amazon Unbox, and YouTube bypass and are cheaper than cable and threaten cable’s near transmission monopoly of the past.

Given these changes, the board agreed that it should continue its discussions of broadening MCTV’s revenue sources, such as through program sponsorship and fees for Internet access to programs.

Following the meeting, the group toured Manchester’s new state-of-the-art library. The open, light-filled library was as much a community center, with its variety of meeting spaces for users of all ages, as it was a traditional, books-in-stacks facility.

Memorial Day Parade

MCTV’s mobile studio (the back of Eric’s truck) will once again be the highlight* of the parade with its real-time filming of the crowd. Board members should meet in the library parking lot at 8 for last-minute truck preparation. (*No exaggeration. Maybe a little.) Ilsley Library will precede MCTV in parade order. Its theme will be “Libraries Rock.” MCTV members should dress and grease hair accordingly.

Other Business

Dana noted that Ilsley Library is now offering Kanopy’s online streaming of movies. Cardholders may stream up to eight movies a month at no cost. Kanopy’s 30,000-film library can be streamed on your computer, through Roku or Apple TV, or on iOS and Android phone apps.

Kurt reported that the current staff with some volunteer videographers can meet MCTV’s major coverage commitments. Board members suggested, given MCTV’s healthy, rainy-day reserve, that he hire videographers as needed.

Future Trends

Bryan reported on the advances in “mixed reality” technology and how this technology allows us to explore and visualize the world in three-dimensional formats. More to come.        

Next Meeting Date

June 13, 2018 at 8:15 a.m.


The meeting adjourned at 9:33.

May 9, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Apr. 11, 2018 meeting
Board Reorganization
VAN Annual Meeting Recap
Memorial Day Parade
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

April 11, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Farhad Khan, Len Rowell (vice chair. Absent: Bryan Alexander, Tim O’Leary. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, Ilsley Library director


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:19.

Approve Minutes
Lacking a quorum of those attending the March 14, 2018 meeting, approval of the minutes was deferred until the May meeting.

Board Reorganization
With only four members present, reorganization was deferred until the May meeting. A new representative from Ilsley Library will be appointed at that board’s April meeting and will then be available for our reorganization.

VAN Annual Meeting, May 4, 2018
Kurt, Tim, George, and possibly Farhad will attend the meeting at headquarters of Greater Northshire Community Television (GNAT) in Sunderland. Board members will also tour Manchester’s state-of-the-art library.

MCTV Annual Meeting Recap
While disappointed with the turnout, about a dozen, the board agreed that the two discussion groups—telling the community’ story and MCTV’s role in promoting digital literacy across the community and age levels—were lively and helpful.

As is often the case, the board’s far-ranging discussions concluded with more discussion is needed, to be continued. A constant challenge is our older demographic. MCTV and the library provide training programs for school-age kids, but as they age they become increasingly self-sufficient in production and distribution. How we remain relevant to them is an open question.

Our older viewers generally lack the digital savvy of youth. How can we help them with training or other programming? The Ilsley-MCTV Digital Media Lab is one initiative. It has mainly been used to convert analog-era material (VHS, cassettes, etc) to digital.

Dana noted that the library is also grappling with the challenge of creating more programs for adults.

Another constant challenge, given our limited resources, is determining what community events to cover. For example, should MCTV, as the unofficial town video historian, have filmed the recent student protest of Florida school killings? Or was other coverage, such as by students and commercial television, sufficient?

Even if programming does not immediately result, the board agreed that MCTV should attempt to document events of historic importance. MCTV’s coverage of the demolition of the old high school/town offices and creation of the new town hall is an example of a-once-in-a-lifetime story where the station took the lead in its video coverage and interviews.

Visibility. MCTV must be constantly aware that we are a household name to some but totally unknown to many. Our Memorial Day float and crowd filming is an important example of MCTV in action. Whenever possible, through banners, sandwich boards, t-shirts, brochures, we should highlight our presence.

In that regard, Kurt will be buying a pop-up tent with the MCTV logo to be used in outdoor filming.

While library renovation is years away, MCTV should seek to have its studio in a very visible location, unlike our current, out-of-the-way third-floor operation.

Other Business
Archives. MCTV has 20-plus years of town history in its archives. Unlike Google, we don’t have the resources to search and make this material available with a click. Applications are being developed that will transcribe tapes and enable precise video access with word search prompts, Kurt said. Until then, the archival rule, given constant changing technology, is never throw out the original or the technology to play it.

Next Meeting Date
May 9, 2018 at 8:15 a.m. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:33. 

Apr. 11, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Mar. 14, 2018 meeting
Board Reorganization
VAN Annual Meeting 5/4/18
MCTV Annual Meeting Recap
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date
Executive Session (if needed)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Meeting Room, Middlebury Town Hall, 4:30-6

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Bryan Alexander, Deborah Felmeth, Tim O’Leary, Len Rowell (vice chair). Observer, Farhad Khan. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Jim Corbett, (production coordinator), and Kathy Wheatley, (programmer).

Business Meeting

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 4:40.

Approve 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes
The annual meeting minutes were approved.

Adopt Budget
 The 2018 operating budget of $161,370 was approved. Comcast’s contribution, $138,310, continues to be MCTV’s principal revenue source. The town contributes $3,000 toward select board coverage and $20,030 to support Kurt’s position as technology coordinator for the library and MCTV.    

Elect One At-Large Board Member
Bryan was elected to continue as an at-large board member (2018-2021.) Farhad Khan will become the selectboard’s representative at the April board meeting. He replaces long-time board member Susan Shashok who has resigned. The Ilsley Library board will name its representative on the MCTV board at its April meeting. The new representative will replace Maria Graham, who resigned, effective the annual meeting.

Other Business
 Len thanked outgoing board members Susan and Maria for their many contributions to MCTV.

The business meeting was adjourned at 4:55.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:30pm
Meeting Room, Middlebury Town Hall

Business Meeting
Call to Order
Approve 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes
Adopt Budget
Elect one At-Large Board Member
Other Business
Roundtable Discussion: The State of Media in Middlebury
A Community Needs Assessment

MAR. 14, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Maria Graham (phone), Tim O’Leary (phone), Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander, Deborah Felmeth. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, Ilsley Library director


Call to Order
         Susan called the meeting to order at 8:22. Due to the snowstorm, Maria and Tim participated by phone.

Approve Minutes
The February 14, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.

2018 Budget Presentation

         The board approved both the short version of the 2018 budget that will be presented at the annual meeting and a longer version. The budget forecasts revenue of $161,370, with the bulk of that, $138,310, Comcast’s contribution.

MCTV has traditionally carried a rainy-day fund balance equal to six months of operating expenses. That balance, projected to be a very healthy $89,511, will be drawn down by some equipment upgrades, Kurt reported. Kurt will also investigate and report on other possible resource and equipment upgrades.

Access Plan/Annual Meeting

Len and Susan led the board through a brainstorming session that built on February’s discussion. This year’s overarching theme, “MCTV and Ilsley’s Role in Telling the Community’s Story in Today’s Digital Age,” will be introduced by Bryan. Len will be the annual meeting moderator in Susan’s absence.

Bryan, wearing his futurist’s hat, will discuss developments in MCTV’s three PEG foci: community storytelling/local voices, government coverage, and education.

Following Bryan’s big-picture overview, attendees will break into three discussion groups. Len will facilitate community storytelling; Kurt government coverage; and Tim education. Kurt and Tim will also prepare a short video highlighting innovative programming to help jumpstart the small group conversations. In essence, what is our role in this age of YouTube and podcasts where everyone can be their own producer and distributor.

To also help jump start the discussion, the groups will be asked to consider the following questions: How can MCTV/Ilsley help you navigate the often-overwhelming digital landscape; what’s your story; how can we help you tell it.

Group leaders will report out highlights of their discussions. These recommendations will be considered for inclusion in MCTV’s Community Access Plan.

Other Business

The board, mindful of the constantly changing cable/Internet landscape, agreed that it should revisit our response to best case-worst case Comcast funding.

Next Meeting Date

April 11, 2018 at 8:15 a.m.


The meeting adjourned at 9:51.

Mar. 14, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Feb. 14, 2018 meeting
2018 Budget Presentation
Access Plan / Annual Meeting
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

Feb. 14, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Tim O’Leary, Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, Ilsley Library director


Call to Order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:12.

Approve Minutes
The January 10, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.

2018 Budget Presentation
Kurt reported that his draft budgets for 2018 and 2019 forecast a healthy financial future with increased revenues and decreased expenses, largely a result of Dick’s retirement. Changes. Cathy is planning to retire, date to be determined. Kurt recommended, and the board agreed, that an assistant programmer should be hired and trained by Cathy. Kurt budgeted $3,120 to cover the overlap. Kurt increased the equipment budget from $20,000 to $25,000. MCTV, with some exceptions such as the new server, has aging, patched together equipment. The first priority should be upgrading and expanding HD capability in the new town hall. The second priority should be upgrading the oft hand-me-down equipment in the studio. In a wide-ranging discussion, the board agreed that it should not micromanage the budget but should approve its parameters and give Kurt the flexibility to operate within those constraints. The board also asked Kurt to clarify the components of several payroll expenses. Kurt will have a final budget for the board’s approval at the March meeting. The draft budget projects 2018 expenses of $138,970 and 2019 expenses of $139,433. Expenses in 2017 were $174,137.  MCTV has traditionally carried a balance that would cover at least six months of operating expenses. The operating and capital fund balances are projected to grow from $74,139 at the end of 2017 to a very healthy $96,534 in 2018 and $124,074 in 2019.

Access Plan/Annual Meeting
 Len led the board through a history of the themes, such as archiving community records, of past annual meetings. These discussions are instrumental in revising MCTV’s community access plan and programs. Len and Susan proposed that focus groups look at four areas: Production, Schools, Memories of Local Life, and the MCTV-Ilsley Relationship. The board will continue its discussion at the March meeting on how to structure these or other groups. The board also agreed that prompts, i.e., specific questions that could lead to changes in our community access plan, are essential. Identifying and inviting knowledgeable community members to participate in these focus groups is also critical. Kurt will review the list of past annual meeting attendees with that in mind. Board members should invite community members as well. The annual meeting will be March 28 at 4:30.

Other Business
Both Susan and Maria will be resigning following the March annual meeting. As noted last month, Susan, the select board representative, is leaving that board and is not seeking reelection. Maria, the Ilsley board representative, noted that the Ilsley board would have three new members this spring. A new representative would be beneficial for both boards.  The board agreed to begin monthly meetings at 8:15 to accommodate the school drop-off responsibilities of Tim and Kurt.

Next Meeting Date
March 14, 2018 at 8:15 a.m.

The meeting adjourned at 9:41.

Feb. 14, 2018
MCTV Studio, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Jan. 10, 2018 meeting
2018 Budget Presentation
Access Plan / Annual Meeting
Next Meeting Date

January 10, 2018
MCTV Studio

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Tim O’Leary, Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander, Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Dana Hart, Ilsley Library director


Call to Order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:13

Approve Minutes
The November 8, 2017 meeting minutes were approved. The board did not meet in December.

Welcome to Dana Hart, New Ilsley Public Library Director
Dana Hart, who began work at Ilsley at the start of the year, attended the meeting and will continue to be the library’s liaison with the board. Dana was most recently the administration manager at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Thomas J. Watson Library. Welcome!

Board Member Replacement: Tim O’Leary
Tim O’Leary has been appointed by the Addison Central School District board to be its representative on the MCTV board. He replaces Jennifer Molineaux who resigned. Tim taught English at Middlebury Union High School for 13 years and is now the district’s technology innovation specialist. He has worked with Kurt on school programs and brings valuable insights on how the school district and MCTV can work together.

Other Board Changes
 Susan, the select board’s representative on the MCTV board, will be not be seeking reelection after seven very busy years on the board. She will remain on the MCTV board through the March annual meeting. Kurt will seek recommendations from town manager Kathleen Ramsay. The board will also come up with board candidates to be discussed at the February meeting. MCTV will miss Susan’s energy, knowledge of town affairs, her good cheer, her Memorial Day float-painting and crowd-waving expertise, and wish her success as she concentrates on her growing business, Caroline’s Dream.

Succession Debriefing
Kurt reviewed the transition goals—administrative, financial, production, outreach, Ilsley collaboration, equipment and integration of new production coordinator Jim Corbett—set up following Dick’s partial retirement in January 2017 and full retirement at the end of June 2017. Because he had worked with Dick for five years, the transition went smoothly, Kurt said.

Treasurer’s Report
In Maria’s absence, Kurt reported that the budget is in “good shape” with healthy fund balances: operating, $56,423; capital, $32,376. Comcast’s quarterly payment was recently received: operating, $26,567; capital, $6,641. The several-hundred-dollar increase is consistent with previous increases. Programmer Kathy Wheatly’s hours have been decreased from 18 hours to 15 hours at her request. The new server takes less time to program, Kurt said.

Comcast Contract/CPG Update
Kurt, a member of the Vermont Access Network board (VAN), reported that VAN will request intervener status rather than amicus status in Comcast’s appeal of “the reasonableness” of the conditions set by the Public Utility Commission (PUC) for renewal of its 11-year Certificate of Public Good, its statewide operating license. The attorney general’s office is representing PUC; intervener status gives VAN a seat at the table and the ability to appeal the decision of the U.S. District Court. Both the attorney general’s office and Comcast must approve VAN’s request.  PUC’s conditions for a certificate, such as improving signal quality, could become precedent for negotiations around the country and are being fiercely resisted by Comcast. The legal process could take six to 18 months, VAN estimates.  Legal costs as an intervener could be $150,000. This cost would be shared proportionally by the 26 community television stations. MCTV’s share would be 1.9% or $2,850. MCTV’s annual budget appropriates $1,400 for legal fees, which would be used for our share from the 2017 budget.

Access Plan/Annual Report
Kurt will begin updating our current community television access plan (2014-2017). The plan addresses three areas: Perceived Community Needs; Measurement of Community Needs; and Meeting Community Needs.  The board uses annual meeting discussions to help us respond to community interests. This year’s meeting will be Wednesday, March 28, at 4:30, in the Ilsley or town hall conference rooms, depending on availability. Len reviewed comments at last year’s annual meeting on what the community gets and values from MCTV. An ongoing question in this YouTube age where everyone can be a producer and distributor is what is MCTV’s role. There will be a full-blown discussion at the February meeting. Bring ideas.

Other Business
Kurt reported the annual student video spoof of a movie classic, in this case Back to the Future, will be shown at the Marquis Theater on January 31 at 7 p.m. MCTV is the lone Vermont station in this regional production that is organized by Northampton (Mass.) Community Television.

Next Meeting
February 14, 2018.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

Jan. 10, 2018
Call to Order
Approve Minutes of Nov. 8, 2017 meeting
Welcome to Dana Hart, New Ilsley Public Library Director
Board Member Replacement: Tim O’Leary
Other Board Changes
Treasurer’s Report
Succession Debriefing
Comcast CPG Update
Access Plan / Annual Report
Other Business
Next Meeting Date


Dec. 13, 2017 Office, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Board Member Replacement: Tim O’Leary
Comcast CPG Update
Succession Debriefing
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV BOARD MEETING 11/8/17 Minutes
Nov. 8, 2017 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham (treasurer), Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Absent: Bryan Alexander. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director).


Call to Order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:08.

Approve Minutes
The September 13, 2017 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
The board approved the October and November budget reports. Given time constraints, the board discussed having highlights at monthly reports and more extensive quarterly reports. Maria and Kurt will discuss further. Kurt reported that with the installation of the new TeleVue server, the next technological upgrade would be mobile equipment to enable live streaming to the Internet and additional cameras and switchers for high-definition recording. This capital budget equipment could cost in the $10,000-$15,000 range.  

Board Member Replacement
With the resignation of at-large member Jennifer Molineaux, the board discussed possible replacements to fill her term which runs until 2018.  Kurt suggested three people who understand our mission and have media and video expertise.  The board directed Kurt to speak with his first choice to determine that person’s interest in being a board member. Ideally, a new board member can be in place by the first of the year.   

 Comcast Contract/CPG Update
In February, Comcast appealed “the reasonableness” of the conditions set by the Public Utility Commission (PUC) for renewal of its 11-year Certificate of Public Good, its statewide operating license. Comcast’s appeal is now before the U.S. District Court with any ruling months, if not longer, away. Until the court rules on the appeal, Comcast has been postponing their individual renewal discussions with AMOs, Kurt said. MCTV’s 7-year contract with Comcast to be the AMO (Access Management Organization) for local programming runs out December 31, 2017. The attorney general’s office is representing the PUC and the Vermont Alliance Network (VAN) is now deciding how to support the state’s defense—as an active intervenor or as a less involved filer of an amicus brief. Such legal representation could be very costly, in the $150,000 range, and would be divided proportionally among the state’s 25 community television stations. Pending the court’s decision, Kurt will discuss with Dick the lessons learned from the last contract renewal. In addition, he will discuss with Greg Epler Wood, VAN’s consultant, the possibility of his assisting MCTV in contract negotiations as he did seven years ago.  The current contract remains in effect until a new contract is signed.

Library Update
 The selection committee has interviewed two finalists for library director and hopes to have a new director in place by the beginning of the year, Kurt reported.

Banking Procedures
Maria and Kurt will revisit the MCTV policy, set years ago, that purchases over $2,000 require two board signatures. Kurt noted that the limit did not reflect the increased cost of computers and video equipment and complicated Internet purchasing.

Recent Activities
Filming of Madaila on the Mountain, the 50th anniversary celebration of United Way of Addison County
Elementary School Female Filmmakers Camp in October
Mary Hogan Readathon
Middle School Tiger TV news program
–Ongoing programs, such as Tiger TV and readathon videos, continue to flourish while the filmmakers camp brought energetic newcomers to filmmaking, Kurt reported.
ACM-NE Conference
–Kurt reported that his first attendance at this regional conference was very valuable as he met local equipment suppliers and discussed common issues in depth with fellow directors and AMO staff.

Succession Debriefing
Due to time constraints, the succession debriefing was held over to the December meeting.

Other Business
Len, Middlebury’s story-telling convener extraordinaire, presented a list of possible programs to encourage story telling in the community. The 17-item list is attached at the end of the meeting notes. What is clear is that there is a wealth of ideas, talent, and programming in the community. The principal hurdle is finding the time and resources that each requires.

Next Meeting
December 13, 2017.

The meeting adjourned at 10:01 a.m.

Nov. 13, 3017
Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Board Member Replacement
Comcast Contract/CPG Update
Library Update
Banking procedures
Recent Activities:
Madaila on the Mountain
Female Filmmakers Camp
ACM-NE Conference
Succession Debriefing
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

Sept. 13, 2017 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander, George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Absent: Maria Graham. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director). Guest: Chris Kirby, acting co-director of Ilsley Library.


Call to Order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:11.

Approve Minutes
The July 12, 2017 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
In Maria’s absence, Kurt reported that the budget was in “good shape.” MCTV has recently received the Comcast quarterly payment of $26,700, roughly $300 more than the previous quarter, and the town’s contribution of $19,480 to pay for Kurt’s other work hat, technology coordinator for the library.

New Server Update
Kurt reported that the new server was installed by TeleVue over a three-day period last week and that the punch list should be completed in a week. The new server transmits far higher quality video but that quality is lost as it is uploaded through Comcast’s aging distribution network.

The new server has many options not previously available, such as the capacity to handle a third channel and to scroll messages, such as the announcement of current and upcoming programs and emergency alerts.

The board allocated approximately $40,000 for the long-needed update. The final cost should be around $30,000, Kurt said.

Comcast Contract/CPG Update
In February, Comcast appealed the “reasonableness” of conditions set by the Public Utility Commission (formerly the Public Service Board) in a January decision for renewal of its 11-year Certificate of Public Good, its operating permit. Among the conditions being challenged are the inclusion of PEG programming in Comcast’s program guide; extension of cable service to rural areas, about 550 miles; and, perhaps most important, HD transmission of programs, the same quality as Comcast programs. In July, the PUC denied the appeal and Comcast has now appealed that decision to the U.S. District Court in Burlington.

Kurt and the board discussed several ways to support VAN’s legal efforts opposing any repeal of the conditions. MCTV may be asked to contribute to VAN’s legal expenses, Kurt reported. VAN is representing the interests of the state’s 25 PEG stations. Such a contribution would pay dividends as the master CPG sets the ground rules for the upcoming renewal of MCTV’s operating contract with Comcast.

The board agreed that Kurt should develop talking points outlining both the importance of community television and why Comcast should improve PEG stations’ aging infrastructure. In addition, the board should seek support from local groups, such as the select board, and from state and federal representatives. Toward that end, Kurt will speak to the Middlebury select board about the importance of opposing Comcast’s appeal.

Library Update

Chris discussed the many challenges, principally financial, that surround the proposed $10-million expansion of the library. The library will hold an informational hearing on the latest plan on September 18.

Many in the community are not aware of the close Ilsley-MCTV program integration and the importance of MCTV being located in the library. Kurt, Maria and Bryan will attend to stress our unique links with the library.

Today’s libraries are also centers of media literacy and MCTV’s programs, such as the public media lab and training programs, are a critical component.

Chris reported that the library had hired a fund-raising consultant, Katherine Graham, to determine the feasibility of raising 60% of the cost privately. Susan noted the select board had not taken a position and that its decision on supporting an expansion/renovation would largely depend on the size of the bond.

In reducing the cost there may be pressure to “shave extras,” such as MCTV’s space in the library, Susan warned.

Female Filmmakers
Many of MCTV’s video camps are attended mainly by boys. To encourage more female participation, Ilsley/MCTV will be offering a two-day filmmakers camp October 19-20 for girls grade 4 and up.

Succession Debriefing
Held over to the October meeting.

Other Business
Susan reported on a very encouraging meeting with Laurie Patton, Middlebury College president, on how the college can share its high-speed broad band with the town. In the past the College has been lukewarm on sharing this resource because of security and financial concerns.

The select board will appoint a group to continue this discussion. Susan said she hoped that both she and Bryan would be appointed.

Len and Bryan have been driving forces in the encouragement of community storytelling groups and programs. Len circulated a page of ideas on how MCTV could further support storytelling. They will be discussed at the October meeting.

Future Trends
In an abbreviated report, Bryan discussed recent developments in altered reality technology and the growing concerns over the influence and near-monopoly clout of tech giants like Google and Amazon.

Next Meeting
October 11, 2017.

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

Sept. 13, 2017 Office, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
New Server Update
Comcast Contract/CPG Update
Library Update
Female Filmmakers
Recent Activities
Succession Debriefing
Other Business
Future Trends
Next Meeting Date


Present: Maria Graham (treasurer), Len Rowell (Vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair), Deborah Felmeth (secretary for a day), Bryan Alexander, Kurt Broderson (executive director) Absent: Jennifer Molineaux, George Bellerose


Call to order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:07

Approve Minutes
The June 14 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was discussed. Kurt mentioned that bank statements come in very close to Board meeting time and it’s difficult to get everything entered. Some expenses are not showing up and Kurt will check with Dick about this. Maria offered to help streamline the treasurer’s report as there is much being given to the Board which may not be necessary each month, perhaps a “snapshot” is more in order. She and Kurt will work together and possibly explore switching to QuickBooks. They will have a report for any changes to be made at the Oct. meeting.

New Server Update
Calendars being as full as they are every day of the year,  the new server will be installed between 8/24/17 and 9/1/17, including training. There are some big and heavy boxes….. mysterious still.

One of the reasons for a delay until August is Kurt’s hip replacement surgery 7/24/17 *!

We wish him well and by the time you read this insh’allah he’ll be jumping around like a happy goat.

Comcast Contract/CPG Update
Our Comcast contract is up for renewal at the end of December  2017. However it may be on hold as long as the CPG is being debated. And Comcast may appeal the decision depending on the outcome. Our contract will continue while the PSB is considering the CPG. We may need to consider contributing greater dues to VAN. Possibly we could hire Greg Eppler Wood as a consultant if we need to negotiate with Comcast. There are other AMO’s in similar situations to ours. Kurt would like to include the consideration of HD channels and a higher quality of signal in the negotiations.

Recent Activities
We’re lucky to see Kurt at 8am today as we’re in the middle of Festival On The Green. And the Festival is great!! ( I can attest to this as I was on film crew yesterday) Kurt reports that the volunteer squad is good, composed of veteran filmers and some young adults who’ve been under his tutelage since they were middle schoolers. The HD looks great, especially online.

Other Business
The proposed library rebuilding was discussed and the question “is MCTV prepared to contribute $$ to the Library Building fund” was raised by Maria, our official Ilsley representative. This is a very long term project, possibly a decade, possibly more? But the question needs to be considered now for MCTV to be prepared, specifically for the finishing of any space designated to be used by MCTV. The discussion then turned to MCTV fundraising. Will it be possible to apportion some amount of the MCTV budget each month to be set aside? Might we consider soliciting specific donations toward MCTV within the Ilsley campaign? Contributing membership in MCTV? to be continued…..

We will review the access plan in September

Susan will meet with Laurie Patton, President of Middlebury College, tomorrow, Broadband is on the agenda. Her approach is to engage in conversation about mutual benefit and to express the desire to work as allies. Good plan. Imagine the wifi cloud.

Future Trends
Bryan spoke briefly about the downward trend of international students coming to study in the US which began in Nov. of ’16. This and the aging demographic contribute to all higher educational institutions seeing a decrease in enrollments.

And in other news we’re hoping IF Bryan moves then MAYBE Bryan will move to Vergennes!

Next Meeting Date
September 13.

The meeting adjourned at 9:22

July 12, 2017 Office, Ilsley Library
Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
New Server Update
Comcast Contract/CPG Update
Recent Activities
Other Business
Next Meeting Date


Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham (treasurer), Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (vice chair), Susan Shashok (chair). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Dick Thodal (assistant director). Absent: Bryan Alexander

Call to Order
Susan called the meeting to order at 8:06

Approve Minutes
The May 10 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Maria’s report was approved. The total fund balance continues at a healthy level, $71,000. The station’s new TelVue server’s cost, $24,688, was paid for out of the capital fund, leaving a capital fund balance of $31,147.

The board also approved the transfer of $20,000 from a money market fund account ($51,107 as of May 31) to a NOW account ($20,736 as of May 31). The NOW account, which is used to pay ongoing expenses, had been drawn down to pay for the new server. The next Comcast quarterly payment, $26,000, will be in August.

Kurt, Len, Susan, and Maria are to sign National Bank of Middlebury forms allowing them to write MCTV checks.

 New Server Update
Kurt reported that the new server will be installed in early July without any disruption of service. The server is not a radical change from our former TeleVue server so its learning curve should not be lengthy, Kurt reported. Should there be transition problems, MCTV can seek help from TeleVue’s tech representatives and producers at other stations using the server. 

Annual Meeting Debrief
 In a wide-ranging discussion, the board noted that this year’s theme did not have the spark of previous meetings. Was the topic, “Consolidation, Community & Collaboration,” too broad? Did it not address a “live wire” common concern, such as the 2016 meeting’s topic, “Archiving Our Community in the 21st Century”?

Kurt, a member of VAN’s executive committee, will discuss with fellow executive directors at an upcoming retreat how they structure their annual meetings to get community feedback.

More specifically, Maria noted the importance of one comment: The need for outreach that encourages young girls to participate in school video and training programs. At the high school, programs, such as Tiger Pride, are dominated by boys. Training programs are ideally a 50-50 mix of boys and girls. Many are, but there may need to be programs addressed to girls, such as through the Girl Scouts or Homeward Bound.

VAN Annual Meeting Report
This year’s meeting, attended by Kurt, Dick, Len and George, had a record attendance, in part, because of a discussion of the renewal of Comcast’s certificate of public good. Certificate conditions set the stage for Comcast’s separate negotiations with individual stations. MCTV’s seven-year contract ends on December 31, 2017 and is not yet a front-burner concern of Comcast, Kurt said.

Kurt will discuss with Greg Epler Wood, VAN’s consultant on Comcast negotiations, our interest in having him assist the board in MCTV negotiations.     

Other Business
MCTV’s Memorial Day Parade float—See Yourself Live on TV—was again one of the highlights in the parade, if not the highlight.

Dick’s retirement reception drew a large and appreciative crowd in the town hall on June 13. Dick looks quite dapper wearing one of his gifts, red suspenders.

Hummus. The board is constantly searching for locally produced shows. Enter Deborah with a suggestion for a cooking show. In this case, her husband would demonstrate the art of Syrian cooking. More to come.

Archives. Dick explained his system where programs are stored in boxes by year and subject. MCTV can respond to community-driven requests for specific programs but does not have the time or resources for a comprehensive digitizing of 20-plus years of programs.

Next Meeting Date
July 12. There will be no August meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:39.

Wednesday, June 14, 8 AM, Ilsley Public Library

Call to Order
Approve Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
New Server Update
Annual Meeting Debrief
VAN Annual Meeting Report
Recent Activities
Other Business
Next Meeting Date


Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Dick Thodal (assistant  director). Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair)

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:06

Approve Minutes
The February 2017 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that the budget continues to be in good shape. MCTV has received a quarterly Comcast payment of $33,000. The payment includes $26,000 for MCTV’s operating expenses and $7,000 for the station’s capital budget.

Board Reorganization 
Len, chair and shepherd of our exuberant meetings for the past several years, would like to concentrate on his storytelling programs. Susan will replace him as chair and Len will become vice chair. Maria will become treasurer. George will remain secretary.

The board recommended that Bryan again be liaison with ACSD, Susan with the selectboard, and Maria with the library. MCTV bylaws state that these organizations select their liaisons. Kurt will discuss MCTV’s recommendations with each organization. No opposition is expected. 

 VAN Annual Meeting
With a crowded agenda, the board deferred discussion of VAN’s annual meeting until the June meeting. Kurt, Dick, Len and George attended. One troubling development is Comcast’s forthcoming appeal of improvements, such as improving signal quality, mandated in the Public Service Board’s ruling on the cable company’s application for renewal of its CPG.  

MCTV will begin negotiations with Comcast later this year to renew its contract to be the local service provider for Middlebury and Weybridge. VAN is known nationwide for its aggressive negotiations and agreements can be cited as precedent in other negotiations, such as ours and others around the country.

New Server Update
 After lengthy study, Kurt and Dick have ordered a new server from TelVue, the station’s longtime supplier of servers. MCTV’s current, very creaky server finally failed and has been replaced by a loaner from TelVue.

 The $25,000 new server, being customized for MCTV’s needs, is “future proof” and should be in service in four to five weeks. MCTV received $2,500 for its old server and will save about $500 with full payment at the time of the order.

 Memorial Day Parade
MCTV will continue its popular “you’re-on-television” float. Dick will talk with Eric about using his truck. Last year’s banners will decorate the truck.

Dick’s Retirement Recognition
 There will be reception from 6-6:30 on June 13 prior to the select board meeting. Maria is in charge of arrangements. Board members should forward to Kurt thoughts on an invitation list, such as past board members, community friends, etc. There will also be a notice in The Addison Independent. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:37.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017 8 AM
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library
Call to order
Approve February Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Board Reorganization
VAN annual meeting report
Review of MCTV annual meeting
New server update
Memorial Day Parade
Dick’s retirement recognition
Future Trends
Other business
Next meeting date


MCTV Annual Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2017
Meeting Room, Middlebury Town Hall

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), Susan Shashok, (treasurer). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Dick Thodal (assistant director).

Business Meeting
Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 4:35. Note because of Snowstorm Stella, the scheduled March 14 annual meeting was cancelled and rescheduled to April 6.

Approve 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes
The 2016 annual meeting minutes were approved.

Adopt Budget/Treasurer’s Report
The 2017 operating budget of $129,358, a slight decrease from $134,325 in 2016, was approved. The decline results from Dick’s retirement at the end of June. The board continues to conservatively estimate Comcast’s annual contribution and is well positioned to spend approximately $40,000 for a new server to replace the current server which is constantly breaking down.

Amend Bylaws
The board approved new bylaws that established that the seven-member board would now consist of four, rather than three, at-large members elected by MCTV membership; one member appointed by the Middlebury select board; one by the Addison Central School District board; and one by Ilsley Library trustees. Because of the recent consolidation of district school boards, only one member, not two, is needed to represent the board.

Elect Two At-Large Board Members
Len and Deborah were reelected to three-year terms.

Other Business

The business meeting was adjourned at 4:52.


MCTV Board Meeting
February 8, 2017
Office, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Absent: Mariah Graham, Jennifer Molineaux. Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Dick Thodal (assistant director). Absent: Jim Corbett, (production coordinator). Guest: Kevin Unrath.


Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:08.

Approve Minutes
The January minutes were approved after correction of minor errors.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan’s report was accepted. Comcast’s 2017 February payment of $26,352.99 represents a 6% increase over the 2016 February payment. The board has been concerned that “cord cutting” by cable users could reduce these payments. However, Comcast has apparently successfully countered the potential loss of subscribers by increasing cable package options and monthly fees.

Annual Meeting

Approve Warning for Bylaw Change
The board approved changes in Article III: Board of Directors that reflect the consolidation of Addison Central School District into one school board. The bylaws will now require that ACSD appoint one, not two, representatives to the seven-member MCTV board. Trustees of Ilsley Library will now appoint one member to the MCTV board, a bylaw change acknowledging the ever-increasing integration of library and MCTV programs. MCTV’s board has had an Ilsley representative for several years; the article change codifies the relationship. The changes will be formally approved at the annual meeting. The board also agreed, given that MCTV has extensive student programming, that it would be helpful to have a non-voting student representative on the board. Kurt will search for such a person. This did not require a bylaw change. The board will revisit and clarify who qualifies to be a MCTV member at a future meeting.

Program and Speakers
As in past annual meetings, the board will solicit the views, concerns, and goals of the community as part of our annual updating of the Community Access Plan. This year the big-picture discussion will center around several questions: What are the organization’s communication infrastructure needs, opportunities, and challenges in the next five years? How can the community and MCTV work collaboratively to reach these goals? Kurt, as a start, will ask the following people if they would be willing to present brief overviews: Timothy O’Leary, technical innovation specialist at ACSD; Kathleen Ramsay, town manager; Erica Garner, chair of the Community Partnership Council; Chris Kirby, Ilsley reference librarian; Robin Scheu, executive director of Addison County Economic Development Corporation and a state legislator; Angelo Lynn, publisher of The Addison Independent; and Bryan Alexander, futurist. Either Kurt or Bryan will facilitate the discussion. The annual meeting is March 14 at 4:30 in the community room of the library.

Transition Goals for 2017
Kurt discussed the transition goals and division of labor for Kurt, Dick, and Jim until Dick’s retirement on June 30. Dick, as resource and mentor, is sharing his experience with core functions with Kurt. Jim is largely “up to speed” on meeting coverage. The board will review transition progress at April and June meetings and will tweak as needed.

Comcast CPG and Contract Update
In a post-mortem on the PSB’s recent approval of Comcast’s Certificate of Public Good, Dick reported that one longstanding VAN goal, listing of VAN stations’ programs in the Comcast’s program guide, was achieved. However, PSB’s response to another longstanding VAN goal, technical parity in signal quality, was positive but lacked specific obligations for Comcast. Kurt reported that he had been discussing a common negotiating template with 10 other community stations whose Comcast contracts also expire this year. Dick advised that MCTV should contact Comcast in June about the renewal of our seven-year contract with them to be the accountable management organization for the area.

Access Plan
The board will review the plan in April after considering comments from the annual meeting.

Recent Activities

Future Trends
Bryan discussed the declining college-age demographic and the troubling, economic implications that threaten the survival of many colleges, especially in the Northeast. In a Reality 101 presentation, Bryan discussed how virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality are radically changing how we access and experience the world. Mixed reality is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. As costs decline and use increases, MCTV may want to support these applications in the public media lab.

Other Business
Kurt reported that he had not yet had time, given the transition, to investigate the grant program of the Council on Library and Information Resources that supports the digitization of at-risk audio and audiovisual material.

Next Meeting Date
April 12, 2017

The meeting adjourned at 9:46.


Call to Order
Introduce New Production Coordinator
Approve December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Three Year Budget Projection
Library Space Planning
Goals for 2017
Annual Meeting
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

Office, Ilsley Library
Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Kurt Broderson (executive director), Dick Thodal (assistant director), Jim Corbett, (production coordinator). Absent: Jennifer Molineaux. Guest: Kevin Unrath.

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:12.

Introduction New Production Coordinator
Kurt introduced Jim Corbett, the station’s new production coordinator. Corbett, who began last week, had been production manager at Barre’s CVTV station. The background of the coordinator, a Pittsford native, made him the clear choice and an ideal fit for the position, Kurt said.

Approve Minutes
The December minutes were approved with the following change: Jim Corbett attended St. Lawrence College not St. Michael’s College.
Treasurer’s Report/Three-Year Budget Projection
 The board approved Susan’s December report. Susan noted two major disbursements: $10,000 from the discontinued health benefits program was distributed to staff on a prorated basis; $10,064 from the maintenance equipment line item was spent on a mobile server, three HD cameras, and an HD monitor. This equipment will simplify and improve coverage of non-station programming, such as Festival on the Green and school events. Dick submitted a projected three-year budget, 2017-2019, based on annual salary increases of 4% and annual increases of Comcast support of 4%. Total expenses are projected as follows: 2017, $149,083; 2018; $138,694; and 2019, $142,925. The decline represents lower payroll expenses following Dick’s retirement in June of 2017. Kurt noted that MCTV was at an exciting point in its history and that the operating and capital balances will be improving, from $92,677 in 2017 to $129,082, a very healthy level. The board expects that the future switch to higher HD transmission will require major capital expenditures.

Library Space Planning Kevin reported that Ilsley’architectural consultants after evaluating the library’s program and space needs have developed three options. One option proposes a larger library at a new site. The other two options involve major alterations to the existing library and additions that would add 6,000 and 8,000 square feet. MCTV’s space, 1,200 square feet, is sufficient but its third-floor location isolates the station from the public and makes integration of library-MCTV programs more difficult. In addition, MCTV’s office with only one entrance does not meet code that requires two exits for a public space. MCTV’s production facility, studio space, and storage should be located more appropriately throughout the new space, Kevin and the board agreed. Kurt will continue to attend the library-architect discussions, which will continue through the spring. While Ilsley has long wanted to expand its space—discussions began two years ago—any construction could be three to five years away, Kevin estimated. Ilsley has recently hired a consultant for advice on a fund-raising campaign to help fund what could be a $4 million or more expansion. The library does not want to seek town support until it has attempted to raise the money privately, Kevin said.

Goals for 2017
For the February meeting, Kurt, Dick, and Jim will prepare a list of their goals for the next six months. The board will review the progress of the leadership transition in June and tweak goals as needed.

Announcement of Transition
Dick, being Dick, does not want a ticker tape parade to honor his 20-plus years of MCTV leadership when he retires in June. (The board will meet stealthily with approval of legal counsel to come up with a plan. Possibly a wood statute of Dick with webcam and chain saw in the new town park.) In the interim, Keith will update the select board at its January 23 meeting on the leadership transition and on MCTV’s long-term plans.

Annual Meeting
The meeting date has been changed from Thursday, March 16 to Tuesday, March 14. The meeting will be warned after the board meeting on February 8. At that meeting, a bylaws amendment changing the board composition from two to one school representative and replacing the second school representative with a library board member will be reviewed for adoption at the annual meeting. The board also discussed possible themes for the annual meeting discussion. In the past, the meeting has been used to help MCTV assess community needs and ask how we can better serve the community and collaborate with other town organizations. Discussion will continue at the February meeting.

Future Trends
Bryan’s presentation was deferred until the future, February.

Other Business
The board agreed that Kurt, Dick, and George should investigate a new grant program from the Council on Library and Information Resources that supports the digitization of at-risk audio and audiovisual material. Dick has long been concerned that historically valuable programs, such as continuous coverage of 20-plus years of select board coverage, needs to be inventoried, archived, and digitized. The pilot program will support projects for as long as a year with grants from $5,000 to $25,000.

Next Meeting Date
February 8, 2017

The meeting adjourned at 9:34.

Wednesday, December 14 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve November 9 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Approve Possible Over Budget Equipment Expense
2017 Budget
Health Reimbursement
Annual Meeting
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
December 14, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Deborah Felmeth. Guest: Kevin Unrath

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:11.

Approve Minutes
The November 9 minutes were approved with the elimination of the salary figure for the new executive director.

Treasurer’s Report
The board accepted Susan’s monthly report. Year-end figures will be available at the January meeting.

Approve Possible Over Budget Equipment Expense
Dick updated the board on his continuing research on how and when to update MCTV’s old, patched-together server system. This system does not meet the requirements for High Definition transmission, the higher-quality resolution that is available in Comcast channels but not yet in MCTV’s channels. Dick and Kurt’s research was precipitated by the annual end-of-the-year discounts offered by Telvue, MCTV’s longtime supplier of server equipment. The discounts offered on the roughly $24,000 cost of the upgrade were initially appealing, but there are many unknowns in purchasing an HD server now, Dick reported. MCTV records in HD but Comcast does not provide HD transmission. As a result, MCTV has to downgrade its HD quality to lower-quality regular transmission. VAN has urged the Public Service Board to require Comcast to provide this higher-quality service as a condition of the renewal of its Certificate of Public Good, its operating license. PSB’s decision is expected later this month. The board approved giving Dick and Kurt the flexibility to move forward and overspend the $20,000 in the equipment budget and to tap the capital fund if needed. Kurt and Dick thought the current workarounds were sufficient until the availability of HD and the impact of the Cloud are clearer.

2017 Budget
The board approved the proposed 2017 budget with minor changes. The proposed 2017 budget of $145,883 is expected to be approximately the same as 2016 expenditures, $142,000 to date. The 2017 budget has many one-time changes as Dick transitions from half-time to retirement at the end of June and a new production coordinator begins early next year. Given these changes, the board asked Dick to prepare a three-year budget forecast. The 2017 budget, reflecting Dick’s conservative budgeting, does not increase Comcast’s 2016 support of $102,000. The support is based on cable subscribers fees; the board has been concerned that “cord cutters” and the move to Internet access will reduce Comcast’s revenues. However, Comcast’s support which normally increases about 4% a year increased unexpectedly by 11%, or $10,000, in 2016. At Kevin’s suggestion, the board increased the $600 travel and $1,500 dues budget to $2,200 and $1,700 respectively. This increase would cover the dues to join the Alliance for Community Media and for Kurt to attend the alliance’s annual meeting next year in Minneapolis. The alliance, the national equivalent of the Vermont Alliance Network, is a very valuable resource, Dick noted.

Health Reimbursement
No discussion. The board eliminated this benefit and replaced it with a one-time salary increase at its November meeting.

The succession committee has selected James Corbett, a recent St. Michael’s College graduate now working at CCTV in Barre, for the new production coordinator position. He is expected to begin the 35-hour, $29,000-a-year position shortly. He was chosen from an initial field of eight candidates. Dick and Kurt will detail their transition plans for the next six months for board review in January. In June, the board will review the transition and tweak administration and future programming as needed.

Annual Meeting
The board set the annual meeting for March 16. With ACSD’s consolidation of school boards, MCTV will need to amend its bylaws to reduce school board membership on the MCTV board from two to one seats. The board will then vote on replacing the school seat with a member of the Ilsley Library Board.
Given changes in the schools and at MCTV, the board agreed that a roundtable review of how the station can collaborate with the select board, school board, and other community organizations would be helpful. One topic of discussion could be the community-wide need for faster Internet connections.
As in the past, Kurt will prepare a short video highlighting MCTV’s 2016 programming.

Future Trends
Carried over to the January meeting.

Other Business
Kevin reported that the architect’s options for the library’s expansion are now nearing completion and would involve significant changes, such as the removal of the current elevator and movement of MCTV to another floor. He urged that the board have representation at the architect’s next presentation, January 3.

Next Meeting Date
January 11, 2017.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve October 12 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Succession Planning and Budget
Health Reimbursement
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
November 9, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library
Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Absent: Deborah Felmeth. Guest: Kevin Unrath

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:19.

Approve Minutes
The October 12 minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that the budget remains in good health and is on track with the 2016 budget projections.

Succession Planning and Budget
In a detailed, 90-minute discussion, Susan led the board through the recommendations of the succession planning group following its October 26 meeting.
1. The board agreed that as of January 1, 2017, staffing hours would be as follows: Kurt, 40 hours a week as the new executive director; Dick, 20 hours a week as the assistant director to assist in the transition until his retirement on July 1, 2017; Kathy, 18 hours a week, an increase of three hours, as programmer; and the new production coordinator position, 35 hours a week. Dick reported that the first six months of the 2017 budget will require a short-term drawdown of the current $42,000 operating fund balance to pay for the additional staff hours during the transition. This drawdown would not affect the financial stability of MCTV, Dick said.
2. The board agreed with the planning group’s recommendation to discontinue the annual $10,000 appropriation to reimburse staff for health care expenses. Equitable distribution of the benefits has been an administrative, case-by-case challenge and no out-of-pocket expenses have been reimbursed this year. The 2016 appropriation will be distributed to staff year on a pro-rated basis as a one-time salary benefit. This distribution will help recognize the competence, dedication, and hard work of the staff, the board agreed.
3. After meeting in executive session, the board agreed on a salary of $49,000 for the executive director in 2017. Len and Susan presented the offer to Kurt for his consideration.
4. The board tweaked the job description of the new production coordinator position and set a November 28 deadline for applications. The position will be advertised in area and state media as well as the VAN and MCTV website. Starting date is January 3.

Health Reimbursement
See above.

Recent Activities/Other Business
Carried over to the December meeting.

Future Trends
Carried over to the December meeting.

Next Meeting Date
December 14, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 10:20.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve September 14 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Succession Planning and Budget
Comcast CPG
Health Reimbursement
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
October 12, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Absent: Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:14.

Approve Minutes
The September 14 minutes were approved with one change. See underlining for change. The board agreed to review whether it should ask the town for its past appropriation of $5,000, an appropriation that was reduced two years ago when the town faced severe budget constraints.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that the budget continued to be in good shape. Next year’s budget will be affected by the leadership succession with Kurt becoming executive director and Dick reducing his commitment to 20 hours. See discussion below.

Comcast CPG
Dick reported that the Public Service Board has completed taking testimony on Comcast’s application to renew its certificate of public good. VAN in its testimony stressed the need for improved signal quality so that public television transmissions had “technical parity” with Comcast’s stronger signal. The Department of Public Service, unfortunately, did not address that need in its testimony. The board is expected to rule by the end of the year.

Succession Planning and Budget
Susan discussed the highlights of the October 5 meeting of the Succession Planning Group. Among the principal changes envisioned in the January 1, 2017 transition to new leadership is the need to create a new 20-hour position to provide flexibility in scheduling and programming. Dick and Kurt will continue to explore transition ramifications: 1. Create a hiring timeline and job description for the new 20-hour position; 2. Create a budget reflecting anticipated changes; 3. Write a descriptive paragraph for the four staff positions; and 4. Include the hourly division of labor in Kurt’s new job description. Susan said a full report should be ready for a vote at November’s board meeting. Given the many changes, Dick said he would prepare a 2017 budget for consideration at the November meeting. Dick recommended and the board agreed that MCTV should not ask for an increase from $3,000 to $5,000 in the town’s contribution to help cover the cost of select board coverage. An increase, given the town’s expected tight budget and the budget’s $20,000 support of Kurt’s position, would not be appropriate.

Health Reimbursement
No activity.

Recent Activities/Other Business
Jennifer and Susan discussed a special edition of Middlebury 5-0 that will address the issue of “Humanizing the Criminal Justice System” in a public forum to be held October 17 at the Middlebury town offices. Panel members in the 90-minute program will include Samuel Hoar, Addison Superior Court judge, Middlebury police chief Thomas Hanley, David Fenster, Addison County State’s Attorney, and John Kidde, Restorative Justice advocate and consultant.

Future Trends
Carried over to the November meeting.

Next Meeting Date
November 9, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 9:13.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve July 13 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Comcast CPG
Succession Planning
Health Reimbursement
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
September 14, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Guest: Kevin Unrath, Ilsley Library.

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:08.

Approve Minutes
The July 14, 2016 meeting minutes were approved with one change. In the succession planning report the following underlined section was deleted. “Broderson accepted and described his upcoming learning curve and a desire to retain the shared Library-MCTV shared IT function, which he’d like to title Production Coordinator.”

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that MCTV had received the town’s annual appropriation, $3,000, and Comcast’s quarterly support, which increased $425 to $25,833. The board agreed that it should ask the town for its past appropriation of $5,000, an appropriation that was reduced two years ago when the town faced severe budget constraints. The board will justify its request in a submission this fall outlining MCTV’s broadened services, such as maintenance of the town activity bulletin board in the new town hall.

Comcast CPG
Dick electronically circulated the Vermont Alliance Network’s 103-page brief to the Public Service Board on Comcast’s request for renewal of its Certificate of Public Good. The current CPG runs out December 31, 2016. The next CPG would grant Comcast, the state’s largest cable system, operating rights through 2028, a near eternity in the rapidly changing digital landscape. In a lengthy discussion of the brief, Dick stressed that VAN is once again asking for “technical parity”—any quality improvements in Comcast’s transmission infrastructure should be made available to PEG stations. The brief argues that “…Comcast is reluctant, at best, or intractable, at worst, to provide AMOs access to these new technologies or even a road map for how to gain access. Comcast has made its strategy to jettison PEG to digital Siberia abundantly clear in this Docket.” Dick noted that the brief stressed that higher-quality signals were critical for PEG’s survival and that PEG programming has widespread community support. The PSB is well aware of the lack of “technical parity,” Dick said. MCTV’s 7-year contract with Comcast to be the local community provider comes up for renewal in 2017. VAN is requesting that any structural upgrades and new conditions, such as requiring Comcast to acknowledge and publicize PEG programming, be universally applicable. In the past Comcast has had a “divide and conquer” strategy where each station had to negotiate improvements de novo.

The importance of inventorying, organizing, and protecting 20-plus years of programming has long been a critical need for MCTV. A brownout in July that briefly threatened access to the archives has reinforced the need to make securing the archive a front burner concern, Dick said. Dick discussed the many redundancies already built into the system and outlined steps to create additional security. He cautioned that no system is 100% reliable.

Succession Planning
After a report from Jennifer and Susan, chair and secretary of the Succession Planning Committee and a 30-minute discussion, the board approved the following statement: It is the goal of the Succession Planning Group to transition the position of Executive Director by January 1, 2017. The group will continue working with staff to create job descriptions and a timeline for hiring the ED and MCTV staff. The committee will meet again on October 5. To help the committee draw up job descriptions, Dick and Kurt will develop a list of their priorities and goals, short and long term. The transition, the board agreed, presents both challenges and opportunities in thinking about what MCTV does well and how it can best meet community needs. While new leadership after 20 years of Dick’s leadership represents a very significant change, the board agree that Dick and Kurt’s close working relationship and their mutual trust should minimize any problems. Jennifer will step down as chair of the committee at the October meeting but will remain a member. She expressed interest in applying for a new staff position that could be created when Dick becomes a part-time employee. The board agreed with her concern that chairing the committee could become a conflict of interest. Len will become chair.

Recent Activities, Health Reimbursement, Future Trends
Due to lengthy discussions of the Comcast CPG, Archiving, and Succession Planning, the above agenda items were held over to October.

Other Business
Deborah will miss the next several meetings. The board wishes her safe travels in Syria.

Next Meeting Date
October 12, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve June 8 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Town Offices Transition
Health Reimbursement
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
MCTV Studio, 3rd floor Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair, acting secretary) Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), Susan Shashok (treasurer).
Staff: Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator), Dick Thodal (executive director).
Absent: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth.

Len Rowell called us to order at 8:05 am.

We discussed, then voted to accept minutes for the June 8th meeting (moved by Jennifer Molineaux, seconded by Susan Shashok, approved unanimously).

The treasurer reported an acceptable financial situation. Major purchases (new camera and mixer) lie ahead. We accepted the report (Bryan Alexander moved, Shashok seconded, approved unanimously).

We discussed the Middlebury town office transition, wherein construction continues.

We also discussed MCTV’s community archiving function, noting the upcoming release of a 1939 time capsule, which MCTV will record, working with the Sheldon Museum on the back burner for now. We considered how the station can best do this, with Rowell urging us to stay on top of archiving, and Alexander and Shashok agreeing archiving should be foregrounded. Alexander then nearly took the meeting completely off course by describing life streaming.

The factfinding group reported on meetings with the town and library, andShashok raised the topic of succession planning. To further discuss this we entered executive session at 8:41 am, returning at 8:57. Shashok moved that we offer Kurt Broderson the position of MCTV director upon Dick Thodal’s retirement and depending on negotiations; Alexander seconded the motion. Broderson accepted, and described his upcoming learning curve and a desire to retain the library-MCTV shared It function, which he’d like to title Production Coordinator. Thodal accepted this plan. We approved the motion unanimously. The fact finding group changed its name to Succession Planning.

Health care reimbursement:
We determined that a potential conflict could exist between our human resources plans and the Affordable Care Act, and that further research is required. We tabled any immediate action. Shashok celebrated Ilsley director Kevin Unrath’s leadership of the recent health care forum.

Recent activities:
The Festival on the Green was still going on, as of this meeting. The summer youth media programs were fully enrolled, and statistically dominated by boys (an 8:1 ratio).

Other business:
The library is exploring architects and financing for a renovation.

Next meeting date:
By acclamation we decided to forego an August meeting, and instead will next meet on September 14th at 8 am, in the usual location.

We adjourned shortly before 10 am.
Submitted respectfully,
Bryan Alexander

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library


Call to Order
Approve May 11 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Town Offices Transition
Health Reimbursement
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
June 8, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Guest; Kevin Unrath, Ilsley Library. Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Maria Graham.

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:12.

Approve Minutes
The May 11, 2016 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that the budget continues to be in good shape. Comcast’s quarterly payment increased about $600 to $25,408, which is in line with expectations. Dick reported that the periodic upgrading of equipment continues with the recent purchase of a new camera, audio equipment, and a tripod. The cost was 4300.

Town Offices Transition.
Dick and Kurt reported that documentation of the transition to the new town office continues. Coverage includes movement of the 88 Main Street building, time-lapse coverage of the construction of the new town offices, the ribbon cutting ceremony, an interview with Glenn Andres on the history of the old high school/town offices, an interview with Howard Kelton and Beth Dow on Middlebury 5-0, interviews with high school alumni by Middlebury College students. Upcoming demolition of the old town offices will be documented with time-lapse coverage. Dick is investigating how to integrate all this new information and past extensive meeting coverage of planning for the new town offices. See Archiving below. Kurt suggested a deadline for this work could be the completion of the community park that will replace the old town office building foot print. The one-acre green space could be ready this fall.

MCTV’s March annual meeting focused on the importance of making Middlebury’s extensive historical records, among the most complete of any town in New England, easily accessible. As a first step, Dick has begun inventorying all MCTV’s coverage of discussions on the need for a town office building, starting with November 2011 selectboard meetings. A system for searching this coverage could serve as a model for other archiving, such as the Crosstown Bridge and the proposed enlargement of the railroad underpass. Archiving the station’s programs is a longstanding goal, but it is both time intensive and requires an institutional memory such as Dick’s. The board agreed that outside experts/volunteers/ research assistants may be needed both to develop a search engine and to do the actual archiving. Dick noted that while there have been no formal meetings since our annual meeting, he continues to informally share and get updates on archival plans and projects with other organizations.

Fact Finding
Susan reported that the Fact Finding Group—Len, Susan, Jennifer, and Dick—met on May 18 to discuss the long- and short-term ramifications of Dick’s desire to work part-time. As part of the fact finding, the group discussed the possibility of Ilsley, given its ever closer program collaboration with MCTV, being the access management organization that would oversee station operations. Len, Susan, and Jennifer will meet with Kathleen Ramsay and Kevin Unrath on June 18. The group will present its findings at the July board meeting. Susan’s report is attached.

Health Reimbursement
MCTV has a longstanding ad hoc approach to helping staff with medical expenses, such as insurance premiums, co-pays, and bills not covered by health insurance. There have been no formal guidelines on how to distribute the annual allocation of $10,000. Susan, who has been leading the effort to clarify this coverage, will meet with Kevin to discuss the library’s extensive guidelines on health care coverage

Recent Activity
Dick and Kurt reported that Joe Schine continues to finetune the transition from the old website to the new, more accessible website and to determine the best search structure. Dick continues to monitor new technology that would improve program transmission quality to HD standards. MCTV is dependent on Comcast upgrading its infrastructure before it can invest in new complementary HD equipment. Community television stations have requested that the Public Service Board require this upgrade in its current renegotiation of Comcast’s certificate of public good. About a third of MCTV’s programs are available in high definition through the web. Programs on cable can only be transmitted in standard definition. Kurt reported he will working next fall with the TV News Club, a group of high school students, to create a bi-weekly, three- to five-minute news show. Kurt also reported that MCTV video camp students will be participating again this summer in a spoof of a classic movie. The project is coordinated by Northampton Community Television.

Future Trends
In Bryan’s absence, the future trends discussion was carried over to July meeting.

Other Business
The board has long looked for ways to increase public knowledge of MCTV programs. Comcast will not include any information about MCTV in its correspondence with cable customers. Given our close association, Kevin said Ilsley would be pleased to include a What’s Happening at MCTV box in its monthly newsletter.

NextMeeting Date
June 8, 2016

The meetingadjourned at 9:35.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library


Call to Order
Approve April 13 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
VAN Annual Meeting Recap
Town Offices Coverage
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
May 11, 2016 Office, Ilsley Library
Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director),
Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Absent: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Deborah Felmeth, Kevin Unrath, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:01.
Approve Minutes
The April 13, 2016 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Susan reported that MCTV has received the library’s share of Kurt’s salary, about $19,000, and that budget continued to be “on track.” Dick noted that
Comcast’s first quarter 2016 payment represented a 4% increase as expected.

Vermont Access Network Annual Meeting Recap
Dick, Kurt and George attended the May 6 business meeting and seminars held at the VCAM studio in Burlington. Dick reported that pre-file testimony in Comcast’s CPG renewal hearings before the Public Service Board is now complete. Over the coming year the discovery and rebuttal phases will follow. Comcast’s 11-year certificate runs out in 2017. Comcast has refused to list community television programs in its cable channel guide in the past. How forthcoming Comcast will be to this and longstanding signal-quality concerns is not clear.MCTV’s 2017 renewal with Comcast will be largely based on this master CPG. Dick noted that VAN is also investigating a civic network that will permitsharing of computer functions. Kurt attended the live streaming session and will be visiting a state-of-the-art station to see how it operates. George attended the social media session and was impressed by VCAM’s extensive use of social media to promote its programs. MCTV has relied on program producers, such as Chris and Jennifer, to do their own social media promotion, such as through announcements on Front Porch Forum. Kurt felt that MCTV, given its limited resources, was using YouTube and Facebook effectively.

Town Office Coverage
Dick’s worst nightmare, a very noisy selectboard meeting room, has come true. BreadLoaf will attempt to quiet the offending fans. Dick once again impressed
the board with his all-encompassing geekiness. In this case, acoustics. Other tweaks to come include placement of meeting cameras and updating of announcements on the lobby monitor. Kurt did the initial programming with the understanding that the town would take over that responsibility. Archival coverage. Kurt has completed an hour-long time-lapse program chronicling the construction of the new town offices. This could be combined with the moving of the 88 Main Street building to Cross Street, the ribbon-cutting opening, and the time-lapse coverage of the upcoming demolition of the old town offices. Other programs include a recent interview with Glenn Andres on the history of the old high school/town office building. A college intern has interviewed high school alumni as has Middlebury 5-0. All these programs will be listed on the MCTV website as they become available. The board will also alert the select board and The Addison Independent of this community resource.

Susan, Len, and Jennifer will be interviewing Dick, Kurt, Kathleen, and Kevin in the coming weeks on the implications of Dick moving to part-time work. They will report on their fact finding at the July meeting.

Meet behind the library at 7:30 for last-minute assembly of Eric’s float truck. Banners will highlight Ilsley and MCTV collaboration.

Recent Activity
Len updated the board on past and future Story Matter interviewees. Kurt reported that MCTV cannot post the Indiana Jones spoof until copyright concerns over use of original score music are resolved. Northampton community television will be creating a similar crowd-source video this summer. MCTV youth video producers will participate again. Kurt is also planning a homegrown video. More later. Jennifer reported that finding female guests for Middlebury 5-0 is difficult and that male guests far outweigh female guests. Board members will alert Jennifer to possible guests and Dick and Kurt will attempt to monitor gender representation/equality in programming when the new archiving system is fully functioning. Joe Schine, website developer, continues to tweak the system, such as a search function that smoothly integrates the old and new archival systems.

Other Business
Susan will lead a discussion at the June meeting on MCTV’s health care reimbursement program. Coverage and timely reimbursement will be discussed.

Future Trends
In Bryan’s absence, the future trends discussion was carried over to June meeting.

Next Meeting Date
June 8, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 9:37.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library


Call to Order
Approve February 10 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers
Annual Meeting Recap
Town Offices Coverage
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting
April 13, 2016
MCTV Studio

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Susan Shashok (treasurer), Len Rowell (chair), Missing: Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux. Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Guest: Kevin Unrath

Call to Order
 Len called the meeting to order at 8:15.

Approve Minutes
The February 10 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget
Susan reported that the 2016 budget, representing a 2.5% increase over the 2015, budget was “A-OK.” On the revenue side, Dick reported that he had conservatively planned on a Comcast budget increase of about 3%. The budget envisions drawing down the $88,000 fund balance by about $16,000. With the drawdown, the fund balance would still slightly exceed the desired six-month operating reserve, Dick said.

Election of Officers
The current officers—Len Rowell, chair; Brian Alexander, vice chair; and George Bellerose, secretary—were unanimously reelected for one-year terms. They will not let their power go to their heads.

Annual Meeting Recap
The board agreed that the roundtable discussion, Archiving Our Community, had been a very valuable first step in thinking about how Middlebury can best preserve its past while looking to needs of the future. To build on the interest of the dozen-plus community organizations, the board proposed the following approach and next steps. MCTV does not want to take “ownership” of the community’s archiving efforts. Rather MCTV should encourage sharing of information on archival efforts and in “keeping everyone in the loop.” Toward that end, the discussion summary in the annual meeting notes and Bryan’s computer notes will be sent to participants with an invitation to comment on next steps. This material will be included in a thank-you-for-attending note written by Kurt.
MCTV will create an archives file on its website that will contain information on our archiving efforts. The site could also contain links to the archiving programs of other organizations. Kevin will send a copy of the tape of the annual meeting to the Vermont Historical Society. MCTV’s ongoing effort to improve access to the station’s 25 years of programming could, given the time constraints of Dick and Kurt, require the hiring of an intern or other help. This process should begin as soon as possible as much of MCTV’s inventorying efforts is filed in Dick’s head. While Dick has a formidable cranial hard drive, he is planning to reduce his MCTV involvement. (See later discussion.)All this activity dovetails with the objective in our access plan to constantly monitor how we are listening and responding to community needs.

Town Offices Coverage
Dick reports that production equipment for the first taping of the select board, April 13, is in place. Some tweaking remains. Kurt has programmed a Community Bulletin board to be shown on a monitor in the lobby. This monitor could also show meeting coverage to overflows when the conference room is full.
The formal opening of the new offices will be April 29. Deborah and Len report that the interview with Glenn Andres is upcoming. Middlebury College students will be interviewing alums who attended the high school before it became town offices. MCTV will film the demolition of the old town offices as it has the construction of the new town offices. Kurt will edit the extensive coverage and create a time-lapse program.

Dick, Mr. MCTV for the past 20 years, would like to cut back on his hours as he nears 70. This change will have many short- and long-term governance, staffing, and relationship ramifications, many of which we may not foresee presently. A three-person committee, Len, Susan, and Jennifer, will begin an information-gathering study—interviewing staff, library, school and town officials—and will report back to the board in July on next steps. In essence, how can and should we adjust and improve out structure. Given our close relationship with Ilsley, Kevin, who has just gone through a library strategic planning process, will be closely involved in the discussion.

Recent Activities
Kurt reported that the recent showing of the Raiders of the Lost Ark spoof at the Marquis Theater was well received. He will be discussing the film at Project Independence. Two summer video camps are planned. A future film, built around a spoof of War of the Worlds, is being considered, Kurt said. Don’t listen to your radios, he advises. MCTV is ok.

Future Trends
Bryan reported that middle and high school students are continuing to embrace and master new technologies, such as 3-D printing. NPR is struggling to find its place and its economic future with many listeners now accessing programs through mobile applications and not through local public radio stations, which financially support national programming. Bryan said his new interview program with prominent technology and education thinkers is available on his website. MCTV will show the program, Future Trends Forum, on Channel 16.

Other Business
Memorial Day. The MCTV float, which provides 30 seconds of televised fame to parade watchers, will return by popular demand. Dick will contact Eric about the availability of his truck. There will be banners but not the extensive paper decorations of the truck as in the past. MCTV will work with the library on its proposed theme of fitness. The VAN annual meeting will be in Burlington on May 6. Those interested in attending should contact Dick.

Next Meeting Date
May 11.

The meeting adjourned at 9.50

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 4:00pm
Ilsley Library Meeting Room

Business Meeting
Call to Order
Approve 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Adopt Budget
Elect two At-Large Board Members
Other Business

Roundtable Discussion: Archives in the 21st Century
A Community Needs Assessment

March 16, 2016

Len Rowell, Chair At-Large 2014-2017
Bryan Alexander , Vice Chair UD#3 2015-2018
George Bellerose, Secretary At-Large 2013-2016
Susan Shashok,Treasurer Selectboard, 2014-2017
Jennifer Molineaux ID#4 2015-2018
Deb Felmeth At-Large 2014-2017
Maria Graham, Ilsley Library At-Large 2013-2016

Dick Thodal, Executive Director
Kathy Wheatley, Programmer
Kurt Broderson, Technology Coordinator

MCTV Annual Meeting 2016 Minutes

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Ilsley Library, Vermont Room

Present: George Bellerose (secretary), Bryan Alexander (vice chair), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham (late), Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), Susan Shashok. Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator).

Business Meeting
Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 4:09.

Approve 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
The 2015 annual meeting minutes were approved.

Budget/Treasurer’s Report
The 2016 budget of $154,325 was approved. This represents about a 2.5% increase over the 2015 budget.

Other Business

The business meeting was adjourned at 4:20.

Roundtable Discussion: Archiving Our Community in the 21st Century. Bryan Alexander: Moderator

As is MCTV’s custom, a very short business meeting was followed by an extended discussion of community needs and interests. This year’s theme was the challenges and opportunities in using new digital platforms to record and archive community events.

Prior to the 75-minute discussion, Kurt Broderson showed a several-minute trailer of a crowd-sourced spoof of “Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark.” Four of the 42 scenes were mainly produced by Middlebury youths, most of whom had attended MCTV summer video camps. The hour-plus video, which was organized by Northampton (Mass.) Community Television, received its area premier at the Marquis Theater following the meeting.

The very lively roundtable discussion began with a survey of how the approximately 20 attendees, representing town government, educational organizations, like Middlebury College and the University of Vermont, community television stations, historical organizations, such as the Sheldon Museum, and individuals, were currently using and/or archiving material. Attendees also addressed how they were searching for best practices and adopting and adapting new digital technologies.

What was clear is that there is no single, meets-all-needs format and platform and that everyone is learning as they go and learning from each other. New resources, such as the Digital Public Library of America, the Wayback Machine, and the National Digital Newspaper Project, are constantly emerging and making information of all kinds easily accessible.

Middlebury has, attendees believed, one of the most, if not the most, complete records of community life in New England. Dick Thodal, in showing a MCTV-produced video of the history and construction of the Cross Street Bridge, stressed the historical value of the town’s trove of old photographs, newspapers, and governmental records.

The challenge, several attendees noted, is given the cost and time in digital archiving what are the ground rules to determine how and what to save. Town officers are now moving to new headquarters and trying to decide what to do with boxes and boxes of basement records, Ann Webster, town clerk, said.

There were, attendees, agreed some rules of thumb in addressing the financial and resource challenges in archiving years and years of records of all kinds.

First, inventory what you have. Decide what is essential, who will need it, and how they would use it. Get second opinions when you’re not sure of records long-term value.

It is difficult to know how technology will change in coming years—from casettes to CDs to DVDs to the Cloud—so be flexible and keep the originals, especially old technologies that have largely vanished. Middlebury College Special Collections, for example, keeps wax cylinders of old folk recordings and their mechanical players.

Given the constant change, community organizations, such as Ilsley Library, the Sheldon Museum, the College, and MCTV, are attempting to create and adopt interoperable standards, Kevin Unrath, library director, said.

In summing up, Bryan Alexander noted that the keys to success would be to continually involve the community in the record-keeping process and to retain the hyperlocal focus of these efforts. Repeating earlier suggestions, Bryan said the goal must be to keep track of the past with an eye on the future.

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2016
Office, Ilsley Library
Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah Felmeth, Maria Graham, Jennifer Molineaux, Len Rowell (chair), and Susan Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson (technology coordinator). Guest: Kevin Unrath, Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:11.
Approve Minutes
The January 13, 2016 meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
 Susan reported that Comcast’s recent quarterly payment represented a 6% increase over a year ago. Despite fears of “cord cutting” as people access programs via the Internet instead of cable, Comcast’s annual payments continue to increase annually at a 4% to 6% rate.

Annual Meeting
The annual meeting was rescheduled to March 16, 2016 in the Ilsley Conference Room from 4:30 to 6. After extensive discussion the board settled on a theme, “Archiving Our Community in the 21st Century,” that will bring together a cross-section of area organizations for a brain-storming session. The board will ask Rebecca Irwin, a former Ilsley Library board member and director of special collections and archives at the College, to keynote and moderate the discussion.
The board will invite the following organizations, Ilsley Library, Vermont Folklife Center, Sheldon Museum, Middlebury College, Addison Independent, as well as representatives from the school system, economic development, town government, police, and the courts. The public will be invited as well.
Dick reported that MCTV could become a test station for introduction of the state-of-the-art, multi-platform PB Core archival system. The Vermont Access Network is considering PB Core as the archiving system for all community television stations.
The board will invite Angelike Contis, executive director of Mt. Mansfield Community Television who is heading VAN’s archiving study committee, to attend.
A subcommittee of Dick, Len, George, and Kevin will meet on February 18 to fine tune plans for the meeting.

The website is up and running and archived programs are now being transferred from the old to the new website. Kurt and Joe Schine continue to tweak the site, based on user comments, for greater accessibility.

Dick is continuing to monitor the long-term financial implications of Comcast’s new Certificate of Public Good now being negotiated with the Public Service Board. The 11-year contract will take effect next year.
Dick also alerted the board that he is considering reducing his hours in the future and that the salary line item and work hours and responsibilities would have to be adjusted.

Future Trends
Bryan briefly described the increasingly present world of The Internet of Things where users can be interconnected to nearly everything, any time, and from any place. This access while convenient raises serious privacy questions that have not yet been resolved.
Bryan is also starting a weekly interview program where he will talk with leading thinkers about the future of technology and education. He will send board members a link.

Other Business
Maria’s five-year Ilsley Library board term is over but she has agreed to informally represent the board until an Ilsley representative is named.
Kurt reported that the children’s media lab’s spoof video of Raiders of the Lost Ark will be shown at the Marquis Theater following the town meeting on February 29. Student producers will discuss the video prior to its showing.
Dick reported that he has a second grandchild. When pressed, he showed the board photographs of the day-old boy. The board unanimously approved of the pictures.

Next Meeting Date
March 16, 2016

The meeting adjourned at 9:35.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve January 13 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Meeting
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

MCTV Board Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2016
Office, Ilsley Library

Present: Bryan Alexander (vice chair), George Bellerose (secretary), Deborah
Felmeth, Maria Graham, Len Rowell (chair), Missing: Jennifer Molineaux. Susan
Shashok (treasurer). Staff: Dick Thodal (executive director), Kurt Broderson
(technology coordinator). Agenda

Call to Order
Len called the meeting to order at 8:15.
Approve Minutes The December 9, 2015 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget
In Susan’s absence, Dick reported that 2015 expenses were $20,000 less than budgeted. This surplus reflects the carry forward of $15,000 of the $20,000 capital expense budget. This amount has been ear marked to upgrade MCTV’s aging transmission infrastructure in the coming year. Five thousand dollars represents the unspent portion of the $10,000 health care benefits line item. The current balance, $87,000, is slightly greater than MCTV’s normal reserve of six months of operating expenses. Annual Meeting The annual meeting was set for March 17, 2016 in the Ilsley Conference Room from 4:30 to 6. The board discussed having a panel discussion with the Vermont Folklife Center and Sheldon Museum on how the three organizations can work individually and cooperatively to record and archive town history in a changing media and digital landscape.

New Town Office
Len updated the board on MCTV and town efforts to document the demise and history of the old town offices and to celebrate the opening of the new town offices. MCTV’s webcam recording of the construction of the new town offices will be edited by Kurt and broadcast. Opening ceremonies of the new town offices and gym will be filmed as will the demolition of the old town offices and gym in the spring. In addition, MCTV will interview Glenn Andres and Pat Armstrong about the history of the old high school/town office building. Kathleen Ramsay has appointed a three-person committee to coordinate opening ceremony activities. Other suggestions include recording of a walk through the existing offices and gym with a local historian; a story circle of individuals with memories of the building that could be moderated by the folklife center; students in the Youth Media Lab interviewing people; having Sheldon Museum display historical photographs of the building and its surroundings; placing an i-Pad in the town offices where visitors could record their reminisces.

Joe Schine, a former MCTV intern and now a web developer, demonstrated the new more accessible MCTV website which will now use the same operating system, Word Press, as the library. The website, which employs click-on graphics and a much more easily searched archive, should be ready for public use in several weeks. Programs will now be available through YouTube, which raises the possibility that material could be downloaded for commercial purposes. Programs and content, such as selectboard meetings, cannot be used for commercial purposes. Policing the use of material on YouTube’s widespread and rapid transmission is difficult.

Access Plan
Dick suggested that the annual review of our community access plan start with a brain-storming session not with an item-by-item review of the currrent plan. No date was set for the review.

Future Trends
Due to the length of the meeting, Bryan’s report was postponed to February.

Other Business
Maria reported that her five-year term on the Ilsley board will end in February and her concomitant
membership on the MCTV board will end following the February meeting. The board believes continued Ilsley representation on the MCTV board is critical given our close working relationship. Maria noted
that the board’s long-term planning committee has considered the possibility of even closer ties with MCTV, such as being its umbrella organization should Comcast funding diminish or disappear. Beyond filling Maria’s position, the board may have to modify the two seats allocated to school representatives if a consolidated school district and board are approved in the spring.

Next Meeting Date
February 10, 2016

Adjournment The meeting adjourned at

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 8am
MCTV Studio Third Floor Ilsley Library

Call to Order
Approve December 9 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Annual Meeting
Town Office Items
Access Plan
Recent Activities
Future Trends
Other Business
Next Meeting Date

Public, Educational, and Governmental Access for Middlebury, Vermont